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A Concise Guide to Animal Names in Urdu


“We have more to learn from animals than animals have to learn from us.” (Anthony Douglas William)

Animals make up a large part of our lives, don’t they? This is especially true for those who have pets at home or raise livestock for a living. 

While we may have a lot to learn from animals, there’s something else that you should learn: animal names in Urdu! As an Urdu learner, you’ll certainly benefit from memorizing these words early on. Animals are an essential component of everyday life and they often come up in conversations, which means that knowing the relevant vocabulary will help you more easily converse with native speakers. 

In this article, we’ll provide you with a list of animals in Urdu as well as several other useful words and expressions. While we couldn’t possibly list the name of every animal, the terms included here will serve as a strong foundation for your Urdu animal vocabulary. 

Let’s get started!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. At Home (Pets)
  2. On the Farm (Farm Animals)
  3. In the Wild / Forest / Safari (Land Animals)
  4. In the Ocean (Aquatic / Marine Animals)
  5. Bugs and Insects
  6. Birds, Reptiles & Amphibians
  7. Animal Body Parts
  8. Animal-Related Idioms and Slang Expressions
  9. Conclusion

1. At Home (Pets)

Our first set of animal names in Urdu are those for pets. These words are especially important to learn, as Pakistanis are true animal lovers. We not only keep housepets for our own enjoyment, but we also domesticate and raise certain animals according to our needs. 

As you go through the following list of pet animals in Urdu, you may find your curiosity growing stronger due to the exotic sounds in their names! 

  • کتّا (kutta) – “dog”
  • بِلّی (billi) – “cat”
  • خرگوش (khargosh) – “rabbit”
  • طوطا (tota) – “parrot”
  • تیتر (teetar) – “partridge”
  • کبوتر (kabooter) – “pigeon”
  • بکری (bakri) – “goat”
  • خچر (khachar) – “mule”

Dogs, Cats, Parrot, and a Couple of Other Pets in a Single Frame

2. On the Farm (Farm Animals)

Animal farming is just as popular in Pakistan as in any other country, and Pakistanis breed and raise a variety of animals at the domestic and commercial levels. Below, you’ll find a list of some common Pakistani farm animals in Urdu:

  • گائے (gaye) – “cow”
  • بھینس (bhains) – “buffalo”
  • گھوڑا (ghora) – “horse”
  • مُرغی (murghi) – “hen”
  • بطخ (battakh) – “duck”
  • شترمرغ (shuter murgh) – “ostrich”
  • بھیڑ (bhair) – “sheep”
  • گدھا (gadha) – “donkey”

A Herd of Cows Grazing in a Meadow

3. In the Wild / Forest / Safari (Land Animals)

Pakistan has a reasonably vast forest range, wherein a variety of wild animal species live in their natural habitat and contribute to the diversity of Pakistan’s wildlife. Let’s see the names of some not-to-miss wild animals in Urdu:

  • شیر (shair) – “lion”
  • چیتا (cheetah) – “leopard”
  • بھیڑیا (bhairia) – “wolf”
  • ہرن (hiran) – “deer”
  • ریچھ (reech) – “bear”
  • ہاتھی (hathi) – “elephant”
  • زرافہ (zarafah) – “giraffe”
  • کینگرو (kangroo) – “kangaroo”
  • بندر (bandar) – “monkey”
  • لومڑی (lomri) – “fox”
  • مارخور (markhor) – “ibex”

Fun fact: The مارخور (markhor), or “ibex,” is the national animal of Pakistan.

An Ibex

4. In the Ocean (Aquatic / Marine Animals)

Although Pakistani people are not large consumers of seafood, our country’s water channels are full of sea animals. And we by no means hate seafood! Fried fish is one of the greatest delicacies in Pakistan, especially during the winter. Here are the names of common sea animals in Urdu: 

  • مچھلی (machli) – “fish”
  • جھینگا (jheenga) – “lobster”
  • کیکڑا (kekra) – “crab”
  • صدفہ (sadfah) – “oyster”
  • آکٹوپس (octopus) – “octopus”
  • شارک (shark) – “shark”
  • وہیل (whale) – “whale”
  • ڈولفن (dolfin) – “dolphin”

Underwater Sea World with Different Types of Fish and Other Aquatic Species

5. Bugs and Insects

Now it’s time to explore a category that, for one reason or another, tends to repel the general population. Yes, we’re going to talk about bugs and insects! While we could never come close to listing all the reasons people dislike these creatures, what we can do is give you the rather exotic names of bugs and insects in Urdu. 

  • مکھی (makkhi) – “fly”
  • مچھر (macchar) – “mosquito”
  • مکڑی (makri) – “spider”
  • شہد کی مکھی (shehad ki makhi) – “bee”
  • چیونٹی (chiyoonti) – “ant”
  • تِتلی (titli) – “butterfly”
  • پروانہ (parwananh) – “moth”
  • لال بیگ (laal baig) – “cockroach”

Animal Kingdom of Honeybees

6. Birds, Reptiles & Amphibians

Birds, reptiles, and amphibians make up a significant portion of any country’s fauna—it could never be complete without these fascinating animals. Pakistan is blessed with a broad range of birds, reptiles, and amphibians, so you’ll greatly benefit from learning their names in Urdu! 

  • کوّا (kawwa) – “crow”
  • باز (baaz) – “hawk”
  • عقاب (uqaab) – “eagle”
  • فاختہ (fakhtah) – “dove”
  • اُلو (ullu) – “owl”
  • بگلا (bagla) – “seagull”
  • چڑیا (chirya) – “sparrow”
  • مور (more) – “peacock”

A Flock of Pigeons

  • چھپکلی (chipkili) – “lizard”
  • مینڈک (maindak) – “frog”
  • مگرمچھ (magarmach) – “crocodile”
  • کچھوا (kachwa) – “turtle”
  • سانپ (sanp) – “snake”

A Crocodile with Its Mouth Open

7. Animal Body Parts

Now that you’re familiar with the names of animals in Urdu, it’s time to learn what we call their body parts. Knowing this set of vocabulary will help you better describe the animals you come across and liven up your animal-related conversations with native Urdu speakers. 

  • دانت (daant) – “teeth”
  • بال (baal) – “hair”
  • دُم (dum) – “tail”
  • ناخن (nakhun) – “nail”
  • پنجہ (panjah) – “paw”
  • کھر (khur) – “hoof”
  • سینگ (seeng) – “horn”
  • کھال (khaal) – “skin”
  • پر (par) – “feather” / “wing”
  • چونچ (chonch) – “beak”
  • سونڈ (soond) – “trunk”
  • نتھنے (nathnay) – “nostrils”

8. Animal-Related Idioms and Slang Expressions

Like most other languages, Urdu has its share of animal-related idioms and slang expressions. Though they’re not used too frequently, knowing them will help you better understand native speakers and enrich your own speech.

گھر کی مُرغی دال برابر (ghar ki murghi daal barabar

Literally: The home-cooked chicken is equal to pulse.

Meaning: This expression refers to a situation where someone prefers something inferior that he does not have over a superior thing he does have. In other words, it speaks of not appreciating what we have.

اب پچھتاوے کیا ہوت جب چڑیاں چُگ گئیں کھیت (ab pachtaye kia hot jab chiryan chug gayain khait

Literally: Now the repentance is of what use when the sparrows have eaten the grains from the field?

Meaning: This expression is equivalent to the English phrase, “It’s no use crying over spilled milk.”

دھوبی کا کتا نہ گھر کا نہ گھاٹ کا (dhobi ka kutta na ghar ka na ghaat ka

Literally: The dog of Washman neither belongs to home nor to the laundry.

Meaning: This phrase means the same thing as the English proverb, “A rolling stone gathers no moss.”

مگرمچھ کے آنسو بہانا (magar mach kay aansoo bahana

Literally: To shed crocodile’s tears

Meaning: This expression refers to a situation where someone pretends to cry, especially when he or she does not feel actual remorse or sadness.

مینڈکی کو زکام ہوا (maindaki ko zukaam hua

Literally: A female frog caught flu

Meaning: This expression is used when someone is talking of something impossible. Since frogs live in water, they can’t catch the flu. We use this phrase to embarrass someone when they’re telling an unbelievable story of something that happened to them.

آ بیل مجھے مار (aa bail mujhay maar

Literally: Come on ox, hit me.

Meaning: This Urdu expression is used when someone is willingly inviting trouble, such as when risking their money, honor, life, or another valuable thing due to stupidity.

کچھوے کی چال چلنا (kachway ki chaal chalna)

Literally: To walk the speed of the tortoise

Meaning: In Pakistan, the tortoise is considered symbolic of a slow pace. This expression refers to something that is happening slowly, such as the development of a project or another type of advancement.

سانپ بھی مر جائے اور لاٹھی بھی نہ ٹوٹے (Sanp bhi mar jaye or laathi bhi na tootay)

Literally: The snake gets killed, but the stick does not break.

Meaning: We use this expression when we want to get rid of a situation without getting hurt.

بڈھی گھوڑی لال لگام (buddhi ghori laal lagaam

Literally: The old mare with the red reigns

Meaning: This expression is used to taunt an aged female who still loves to wear gaudy dresses and tends to use heavy makeup. Keep in mind that, in Pakistani culture, old women are expected to show a great deal of sobriety and simplicity.

ہاتھی کے دانت کھانے کے اور دکھانے کے اور (hathi kay dant khanay kay aur dikhanay kay aur

Literally: Eating and showing ivory

Meaning: The literal translation means that an elephant has one set of “teeth” it shows the world (its tusks, or ivory) and different teeth for eating. The expression is similar in meaning to the English saying, “All that glitters is not gold.” It also refers to an ironic situation in which a huge difference exists between appearance and reality.

9. Conclusion

In this article, you learned…

  • …the names of animals in Urdu.
  • …essential vocabulary words for animal body parts.
  • …several Urdu idioms and expressions related to animals. 

Are there any popular animal names missing from our list? If so, let us know in the comments—we’ll get back to you at the earliest! 

If you would like to continue learning Urdu, create your free lifetime account on today! We are a rich repository of Urdu language learning resources for students at every level. You’ll enjoy studying Urdu using our variety of video and audio lessons, free vocabulary lists, pronunciation and grammar guides, and so much more. 

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

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Learn How to Have Impactful Urdu Phone Conversations


Try finding just one person who has not been affected by the telecommunication industry in some way. 

Nowadays, nearly everyone has a mobile phone. While messages sent over SMS and social media make up a large portion of our communication, phone calls are still a crucial aspect of everyday life. Making appointments, ordering pizza, discussing business with a client…all of these things are traditionally done over the phone. 

As a foreigner in Pakistan, one of the most important things you’ll learn is how to hold an Urdu phone conversation. By learning how to communicate effectively over the phone, you’ll be more likely to achieve your desired results and leave a positive impression on the other party. 

That said, we know how difficult phone calls can be—even in your own language! 

To make things a little easier for you, we’ve compiled a list of the most indispensable Urdu phone call phrases for each part of a typical conversation. We’ll also give you some tips on how to make the most of your phone call and provide you with sample conversations where you can see these phrases in action. 

Let’s get right to it.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. Must-Know Urdu Phone Vocabulary
  2. Dialing or Picking up the Phone
  3. Saying Who You Are
  4. Stating the Reason for Your Call
  5. Asking to Speak to Someone
  6. Asking Someone to Wait
  7. Leaving a Message
  8. Asking for Clarification
  9. Ending the Phone Call
  10. Conclusion

1. Must-Know Urdu Phone Vocabulary

Before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s go over a brief list of essential Urdu phone vocabulary. Becoming familiar with these Urdu phone words and phrases will prove useful as you march ahead.

  • فون (fone) – phone
  • موبائل فون (mobile fone) – mobile phone
  • پیغام (paighaam) – message / text message
  • بیٹری (battery) – battery
  • چارجر (charger) – charger
  • موبائل سکرین (mobile screen) – mobile screen
  • رنگ ٹون (ringtone) – ringtone
  • فون نمبر (fone number) – phone number
  • کال کرنا (call kerna) – to make a phone call
  • واپسی کال کرنا (wapsi call kerna) – to call back
  • نمبر ملانا (number milana) – to dial a number
  • فون اٹھانا (fone uthana) – to pick up the phone
  • فون رکھنا (fone rakhna) – to hang up
  • پیغام چھوڑنا (paigham chorna) – to leave a message

2. Dialing or Picking up the Phone

A smart start will always save you time and effort. In this case, that means beginning your phone call with an appropriate greeting. 


ہیلو (hello) is a common Urdu phone greeting that you can always use to start a conversation, whether you’re the caller or the receiver. 

السلام علیکم 

السلام علیکم (assalam-u-alaikum) is another phrase that can be used by either the caller or the receiver.

وعلیکم السلام 
Peace be upon you as well.

Be mindful about using وعلیکم السلام  (wa-alaikum-us-salam) during your conversation; it should only be used as a response to the previous greeting, السلام علیکم (assalam-u-alaikum).

جی کون؟ 
(Ji kaun?
Who is it?

This is an informal way of picking up the phone, used to inquire about the identity of the caller. 

جی، میں سن رہا/رہی ہوں۔ 
(Ji, mei sun raha/rahi hun.
Yes, I am listening.

You can always include this sentence in your greeting to assure the caller that you’re available to talk and can hear them well. 

Male speakers can use جی میں سن رہا ہوں۔ (Ji, mei sun raha hun) and female speakers can use جی میں سن رہی ہوں۔ (Ji, mei sun rahi hun).

میں آپ کی کیا مدد کر سکتا/سکتی ہوں؟ 
(Mei aap ki kia madad ker sakta/sakti hun?
How may I help you?

This is a formal way to pick up the phone in Urdu, most often used by receptionists and phone operators. 

Male speakers would say میں آپ کی کیا مدد کر سکتا ہوں؟ (Mei aap ki kia madad ker sakta hun?) and female speakers would say میں آپ کی کیا مدد کر سکتی ہوں؟ (Mei aap ki kia madad ker sakti hun?).

    → Visit our blog post How to Say Hello in Urdu to learn even more useful vocabulary and to gain additional cultural insights!

A Team of Customer Service Representatives Helping Callers

3. Saying Who You Are

Once you’ve greeted the other party, it’s expected that you introduce yourself. 

A male speaker can use the following sentence to introduce himself; simply fill the blank space with your name.

میں ــــــــــ بات کر رہا ہوں۔ 
(Mei ____ baat ker raha hun.
It’s _____.

A female can use the same sentence pattern by making the following modifications.

میں ــــــــــ بات کر رہی ہوں۔ 
(Mei ____ baat ker rahi hun.
It’s _____.

This next phrase pattern can be used by both male and female speakers:

میرا نام ـــــــ ہے۔ 
(Mera naam ____ hai.
My name is _____.

4. Stating the Reason for Your Call

Below, you’ll find a few Urdu phone call phrases you can use to let the other party know why you’re calling. This might be the most important part of your conversation, so learn these phrases well! 

میں ایک ملاقات کے لئے وقت مقرر کرنا چاہتا/چاہتی ہوں۔
(Mei aik mulaqat kay liye waqt muqarrar kerna chahta/chahti hun.)
I want to make an appointment.

Male speakers will use چاہتا ہوں (chahta hun), while female speakers will use the form چاہتی ہوں (chahti hun).

A Working Man Writing Something on Paper, Probably Fixing an Appointment

آپ نے تھوڑی دیر پہلے مجھے کال کی تھی
(Aap nay thori der pehlay mujhay call ki thi.)
You called me a little while ago.

مجھے ایک پیغام موصول ہوا اس لئے میں کال کر رہا/رہی ہوں۔
(Muhjay aik paigham mosool hua iss liye mei call ker raha/rahi hun.)
I received a message, so I am calling.

Male speakers will use رہا ہوں (raha hun), while female speakers will use the form رہی ہوں (rahi hun).

5. Asking to Speak to Someone

If you’re calling a business, company, or office, you may first speak to a receptionist or telephone exchange operator. In this case, you can use one of the following sentence patterns to ask the receiver if you can be connected to the right person. Just fill the blank spaces with the name (and job title, if required) of the person you’re seeking. 

میں ــــــ سے بات کرنا چاہتا/چاہتی ہوں۔ 
(Mei ___ say baat kerna chahta/chahti hun.
I want to talk to ___.

Here, male speakers will use چاہتا ہوں (chahta hun) and female speakers will use چاہتی ہوں (chahti hun).

کیا میں ــــــ سے بات کرسکتا/سکتی ہوں۔ 
(Kia mei ___ say baat ker sakta/sakti hun.
Can I talk to ___.

Again, note the appropriate forms for each gender: Male speakers will use سکتا ہوں (sakta hun) and female speakers will use سکتی ہوں (sakti hun).

کیا آپ میری کال ــــــ کو ٹرانسفر کر سکتے ہیں؟ 
(Kia aap meri call ___ ko transfer ker saktay hain?
Could you please transfer my call to ___? 

The sentence above can be used by both male and female speakers. Nevertheless, the speaker must keep in mind the gender of the listener. If the listener is male, the speaker will use سکتے ہیں (saktay hain) at the end of the sentence; if the listener is female, the speaker will use سکتی ہیں (sakti hain).

A Businessman Talking to Someone on a Hands-free Device

6. Asking Someone to Wait

If you happen to be the receiver of the call, you may have to request that the other party wait while you transfer them or gather information. Here are a few phrases you can use to do this: 

کیا آپ تھوڑی دیر کے لئے میرے ساتھ لائن پر رہ سکتے ہیں۔
(Kia aap thori der kay liye meray sath line per reh saktay hain?)
Can you stay on the line with me for a short while?

براہِ مہربانی، تھوڑی دیر انتظار کیجئے۔
(Barah-e-meharbani thori der intezar kijiye.)
Please, wait for a while.

کیا آپ انتظار کرنا پسند کریں گے/گی؟
(Kia aap intezaar kerna pasand karain gay/gi?)
Would you like to wait?

If the other party is male, you’ll use کریں گے (karain gay); if they’re female, you’ll use کریں گی (karain gi).

A Working Woman Multitasking while Talking on the Phone

7. Leaving a Message

In case you’re unable to reach the person you wanted to speak with, you should be able to leave a message for them. Here are a few Urdu phone phrases you can use to do this: 

براہِ مہربانی، ان سے کہئیے گا کہ مجھے کال کریں۔
(Barah-e-meharbani, unn say kehiye ga ka mujhay call karain.)
Please, ask him to call me.

مہربانی فرما کر، ان کو بتائیے گا کہ میں نے ان کے لیے کال کی تھی۔
(Meharbani ferma ker, unn ko batayie ga kay ma nay un kay liye call ki thi.)
Please, tell him that I called.

8. Asking for Clarification

As a foreigner, you’ll experience your fair share of communication difficulties when making or receiving a phone call in Urdu. If you’re unable to understand the other person due to a bad connection, background noise, or a lack of sufficient Urdu comprehension practice, you can ask for clarification or repetition using one of these phrases: 

 معاف کیجئے، کیا آپ اپنی بات دوہرا سکتے/سکتی ہیں؟
(Maaf kijiye, kia aap apni baat dohra saktay/sakti hain?)
Sorry, could you please repeat what you said?

معافی چاہتا/چاہتی ہوں، میں آپ کی آواز نہیں سن پا رہا/رہی۔
(Maafi chahta/chahti hun, mei aap ki aawaz nahin sun pa raha/rahi.)
Sorry, I can’t hear you.

9. Ending the Phone Call

A proper farewell is just as important as a proper greeting. Let’s look at some phrases you can use to end a call in Urdu: 

کیا میں آپ کی مزید کچھ مدد کر سکتا/سکتی ہوں؟
(Kia mei aap ki mazeed kuch madad ker sakta/sakti hun?)
Can I help you with anything else?

If you’re male, you will say سکتا ہوں (sakta hun); if you’re female, you will say سکتی ہوں (sakti hun).

آپ کی مدد کا شکریہ۔
(Aap ki madad ka shukria.)
Thank you for your help.

خدا حافظ
(Khuda hafiz.)

A Cheerful Female Secretary Talking on the Phone and being Thankful

10. Conclusion

In this article, you’ve learned how to talk on the phone in Pakistan using some of the most frequently used Urdu phone call words and phrases. You should now be more confident about making or receiving a phone call in Urdu, but let us know in the comments if you have any questions or want to learn additional phone phrases. 

If you feel like you need to study this topic further, create your free lifetime account on and explore our vast lesson library! For example:

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Very Happy Urdu Learning!

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Begin to Win: A List of Basic Urdu Words for Beginners


Did you know that the Urdu language contains over 264,000 words?

As a beginner in Urdu, you might find that number intimidating. But don’t fret! Even native Urdu speakers know and use only a fraction of these words. 

The most important thing at this stage of your learning journey is that you pick up the essentials. If you’re not sure where to start, this list of basic Urdu words for beginners is a solid option. We’ve hand-picked the words here to reflect what you’re most likely to hear and find use for while in Pakistan. 

Whether you’re studying, working, or just exploring this beautiful country, memorizing these words will help you find acceptability among native speakers. You’ll also gain more confidence in your language ability as you begin using these words on a daily basis and learn how to form your own sentences. 

Let’s get started, shall we?

A Few People Are Starting to Run from the Starting Point
Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. Pronouns
  2. Numbers
  3. Nouns
  4. Verbs
  5. Adjectives
  6. Conjunctions
  7. Others
  8. Conclusion

1. Pronouns

It’s a good idea to memorize the pronouns early on. This will allow you to talk about yourself, others, objects, places, and more—even if you’re struggling to remember a name or a specific word. 

Personal Pronouns

Let’s have a look at the must-know personal pronouns in Urdu. To get deeper insight on the topic, don’t forget to visit our article about Urdu pronouns on

  • میں (mei) – I
  • ہم (hum) – we
  • آپ (aap) – you [formal]
  • تم (tum) – you [informal]
  • وہ (woh) – he / she
  • ہم (hum) – we
  • وہ (woh) – they

Impersonal Pronoun

In the Urdu language, we have one impersonal pronoun: یہ (yeh). This word is used to refer to an unclear subject.

  • یہ (yeh) – it

Interrogative Pronouns

These pronouns are used to ask questions, so learning them early on will definitely prove useful. 

  • کون (kon) – who
  • کہاں (kahan) – where
  • کب (kab) – when
  • کیا (kia) – what
  • کیوں (kyun) – why
  • کون سا (kaun sa) – which

A Sketch of a Human Head Filled with Question Marks

Indefinite Pronouns

We use indefinite pronouns to refer to unspecified people, objects, places, etc. Here are the most frequently used ones in Urdu: 

  • کوئی (koi) – somebody
  • کوئی نہیں (koi nahin) – nobody
  • ہر کوئی (har koi) – everybody
  • کوئی بھی (koi bhi) – anyone / anybody
  • کچھ چیز (kuch cheez) – something
  • کچھ نہیں (kuch nahin) – nothing
  • هر چیز (har cheez) – everything

2. Numbers

There are numerous real-life situations where numbers do matter. This is why Urdu beginners should make sure to memorize the basic numbers as soon as possible. To give you a headstart, here are the numbers 0-10 in Urdu: 

  • صفر (sifar) – zero
  • ایک (aik) – one
  • دو (dou) – two
  • تین (teen) – three
  • چار (chaar) – four
  • پانچ (paanch) – five
  • چھ (chey) – six
  • سات (saath) – seven
  • آٹھ (aat) – eight
  • نو (nau) – nine
  • دس (dus) – ten

Colorful Numbers from 1 to 5

3. Nouns

Before heading to our list, keep in mind that every noun in Urdu has a grammatical gender assigned to it. When you’re ready, you can learn more about this and pick up additional nouns in our dedicated article on For now, though, let’s just look at the most useful Urdu nouns for beginners. 


  • ایک گھنٹہ (aik ghanta) – one hour
  • ایک منٹ (aik minute) – one minute
  • ایک دن (aik din) – one day
  • ایک سال (aik saal) – one year
  • ایک مہینہ (aik mahina) – one month
  • ایک سیکنڈ (aik second) – one second
  • ایک ہفتہ (aik hafta) – one week
  • ایک صدی (aik sadi) – one century
  • صبح (subah) – morning
  • دوپہر (dopahar) – noon
  • سہ پہر (sepehar) – afternoon
  • شام (shaam) – evening
  • رات (raat) – night

It will also be useful to know the days of the week in Urdu:

  • پیر (peer) – Monday
  • منگل (mangal) – Tuesday
  • بدھ (budh) – Wednesday
  • جمعرات (jumeraat) – Thursday
  • جمعہ (jummah) – Friday
  • ہفتہ (haftah) – Saturday
  • اتوار (itwar) – Sunday


  • والد (walid) – father
  • والدہ (walidah) – mother
  • باپ (baap) – father
  • ماں (maa) – mother
  • مرد (mard) – man
  • عورت (aurat) – woman
  • شوہر (shoher) – husband
  • بیوی (bivi) – wife
  • خاندان (khandan) – family
  • بہن (behan) – sister
  • بھائی (bhai) – brother
  • بیٹی (beti) – daughter
  • بیٹا (beta) – son
  • دوست (dost) – friend


  • دنیا (dunya) – world
  • ملک (mulk) – country
  • جگہ (jagah) – place
  • دکان (dukan) – shop
  • شہر (shehar) – city
  • گاؤں (gaon) – village
  • جنگل (jungle) – jungle
  • پہاڑ (pahar) – mountain
  • سمندر (samundar) – sea


  • طالبِ علم (talib-e-ilm) – student
  • سکول (school) – school
  • استاد (ustaad) – teacher
  • کتاب (kitab) – book
  • بستہ (bastah) – bag
  • قلم (qalam) – pen
  • پڑھائی (parhai) – study
  • تعلیم (taleem) – education
  • سیاہی (siyahi) – ink
  • دوات (dawaat) – inkpot
  • کاغذ (kaghaz) – paper

A Few School Supplies Arranged on a Table

Body Parts

  • جسم (jism) – body
  • سر (sir) – head
  • بال (baal) – hair
  • کان (kaan) – ear
  • پیشانی (paishani) – forehead
  • آنکھیں (aankhain) – eyes
  • ہونٹ (hont) – lips
  • ٹھوڑی (torhi) – chin
  • گردن (gardan) – neck
  • سینہ (seena) – chest
  • بازو (bazoo) – arm
  • ہاتھ (haath) – hands
  • انگلیاں (unglian) – fingers
  • ناک (naak) – nose
  • ٹانگیں (taangain) – legs
  • پاؤں (paon) – foot
  • گال (gaal) – cheek
  • کلائی (kalai) – wrist
  • ہتھیلی (hatheli) – palm
  • ناخن (nakhun) – nail
  • ہڈی (haddi) – bone
  • کندها (kandha) – shoulder
  • کہنی (kohni) – elbow
  • پیٹ (pait) – belly
  • دل (dil) – heart
  • جگر (jigar) – liver
  • زبان (zuban) – tongue
  • گلا (gala) – throat
  • ران (raan) – thigh
  • گھٹنا (ghutna) – knee
  • پنڈلی (paindli) – shin
  • ٹخنہ (takhnah) – ankle

A Picture of a Waist and Abdomen

Food & Dining

  • پھل (phal) – fruits
  • سبزیاں (sabzian) – vegetables
  • میز (maiz) – table
  • کھانا (khana) – food
  • پانی (paani) – water
  • چائے (chai) – tea
  • گلاس (glass) – glass

Food Items Arranged on a Table

4. Verbs

Verbs are another essential category of words in Urdu for beginners. These words describe actions or states of being, which are a key component of every sentence. 

Below, you’ll find a list of some frequently used Urdu verbs. But if you’d like to learn even more, make sure to check out our comprehensive articles on Urdu verbs and verb conjugation

  • کرنا (karna) – to do
  • کھانا (khana) – to eat
  • سونا (sona) – to sleep
  • جاگنا (jagna) – to wake up
  • بولنا (bolna) – to speak
  • محبت کرنا (mohabbat karna) – to love
  • پسند کرنا (pasand karna) – to like
  • نفرت کرنا (nafrat karna) – to hate
  • دینا (dena) – to give
  • لینا (lena) – to take
  • سننا (sun-na) – to hear
  • دیکھنا (daikhna) – to see
  • دوڑنا (dorna) – to run
  • رونا (rona) – to cry
  • لڑنا (larna) – to fight
  • گانا (gana) – to sing
  • کھیلنا (khailna) – to play
  • پڑھنا (parhna) – to read
  • کھڑا ہونا (khara hona) – to stand
  • بیٹھنا (baithna) – to sit
  • سوار ہونا (sawar hona) – to ride
  • بند کرنا (band karna) – to close / to switch off
  • کھولنا (kholna) – to open
  • چلانا (chalana) – to turn on
  • جیتنا (jeetna) – to win
  • ہارنا (harna) – to lose
  • لکھنا (likhna) – to write
  • پکانا (pakana) – to cook
  • دھونا (dhona) – to wash
  • دینا (dena) – to give
  • لینا (lena) – to take
  • انتظار کرنا (intezar karna) – to wait
  • کودنا (koodna) – to jump
  • بات کرنا (baat karna) – to talk
  • چومنا (choomna) – to kiss
  • گلے ملنا (galay milna) – to hug
  • نہانا (nahana) – to bathe
  • خریدنا (khareedna) – to buy
  • بیچنا (bechna) – to sell
  • سونگھنا (soonghna) – to smell
  • تالی بجانا (taali bajana) – to clap
  • بننا (bun-na) – to knit
  • سینا (seena) – to sew
  • دھکیلنا (dhakelna) – to push
  • کھینچنا (khenchna) – to pull
  • چڑھنا (charhna) – to climb
  • کھودنا (khodna) – to dig
  • جھکنا (jhukna) – to bow
  • غوطہ لگانا (ghota lagana) – to dive

5. Adjectives

Now let’s go over a list of some highly useful Urdu adjectives for the beginner’s level. You’ll find them quite helpful in describing the world around you and better expressing yourself. Nonetheless, if you feel ready to learn even more adjectives, we recommend you visit this lesson on Urdu adjectives at

  • نیا (naya) – new
  • پرانا (purana) – old
  • اچھا (acha) – good
  • برا (bura) – bad
  • مشکل (mushkil) – difficult
  • آسان (aasan) – easy
  • لمبا (lamba) – long
  • چھوٹا (chota) – small
  • میٹھا (meetha) – sweet
  • کڑوا (kerwa) – bitter
  • درست (darust) – correct
  • ٹھیک (theek) – right
  • غلط (ghalat) – wrong
  • موٹا (mota) – fat
  • پتلا (patla) – thin
  • تیز (taiz) – fast
  • سُست (sust) – lazy
  • گرم (garam) – hot
  • ٹھنڈا (thanda) – cold
  • پہلا (pehla) – first
  • آخری (aakhri) – last
  • خوبصورت (khoobsurat) – beautiful
  • بدصورت (badsurat) – ugly
  • خوش (khush) – happy
  • ناراض (naraz) – angry
  • سفید (sufaid) – white
  • کالا (kala) – black

6. Conjunctions

Since conjunctions are an integral part of Urdu grammar, we just had to include some of them here:

  • اور (aur) – and
  • یا (ya) – or
  • کیونکہ (kyunke) – because
  • لیکن (lekin) – but
  • اگر (agar) – if
  • تو (tou) – so
  • اسی لئے (issi liye) – therefore

7. Others

Here are some Urdu auxiliary verbs that you should learn, regardless of your current proficiency level. Beginners and advanced learners alike must know and remember them, as they can make your speech or writing sound much more fluent and organized. 

  • سکنا (sakna) – can
  • چاہئے (chahiye) – should
  • ضرور چاہئے (zaroor chahiye) – must
  • گا / گی / گے (ga / gi / gay) – will / shall
  • پڑنا (perna) – have to, etc.

8. Conclusion

This article has familiarized you with the most useful Urdu beginner words, from pronouns to auxiliaries. These words will prove useful in day-to-day life during your time in Pakistan, and they’ll serve as a solid base upon which to build your Urdu language skills. 

If you found this list a bit overwhelming, it’s nothing to become discouraged about! Acquiring a language takes time, and UrduPod101 will be here to help every step of the way.

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns about the words covered in this article (or if you think we’re missing any important ones). We’ll be glad to help you out! 

If you’re serious about your studies, make sure to frequently visit We provide the most convenient way to learn Urdu online, offering a variety of quality materials: vocabulary lists, an Urdu dictionary, audio and video lessons, grammar and pronunciation tips, and much more. We recommend checking out our series of Urdu lessons for beginners to get your foot in the door. 

Create your free lifetime account to get started. 

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

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The Top 10 Must-Know Urdu Filler Words


So, you’ve built up a solid vocabulary base. You’ve almost perfected your pronunciation. You’ve even gained a strong command of Urdu grammar… But you still struggle to understand the words and phrases used by native Urdu speakers in conversations. 

Any experienced language learner can tell you that spoken language is far different from what you learn in the classroom or textbook. A great example of this is filler words

If you’re ready to start having better conversations in Urdu, it’s time to give the devil its due by focusing your attention on Urdu filler words. At this stage, you must set aside the intricate linguistic rules and regulations you’ve learned so far. Start contemplating the real-life situations that you’ve had (or may come across) while interacting with native Urdu speakers in Pakistan.

While linguistic experts may scoff at the use of fillers in conversation and write them off as cliché, one cannot refute their effectiveness and necessity in everyday Urdu. Learning them will not only give you a leg up in conversations, but also give you more insight into Pakistani culture.

In this article, you’ll learn the basics about fillers in the Urdu language and examine some of the most widely used Urdu conversation filler words.

A Confused and Frustrated Man Who Seems to be Under Stress Due to Not Understanding Something
Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. What are filler words and why do we use them?
  2. The Top 10 Urdu Filler Words
  3. Pros and Cons of Filler Words
  4. Conclusion

1. What are filler words and why do we use them?

Let’s start with a brief introduction to Urdu filler words and their utility in spoken Urdu. 

A filler is a word, phrase, or sound that is used when speaking, even though it adds no real meaning to what’s being said. For example, you may hear some Urdu speakers use phrases like جیسے کہ (Jaise ke) or اچھا (Acha) in their conversations; these phrases are not used to add linguistic meaning, but rather to serve a separate function. 

Common uses of filler words in Urdu

Urdu filler words perform the same basic functions as those in English or other languages. Here are just a few roles that filler words play in our conversations:

They help us sound natural.

Using the occasional Urdu filler word in the right context can help your speech sound more fluid and natural. Doing so will indicate to others that you’ve attained native-like competence in the Urdu language through hard work. 

They signal to others that we have more to say. 

A well-placed filler word in Urdu can signal to the other party that you’re not finished speaking yet, even if you’ve paused for a moment. This can help you buy time and keep the podium while you think of how to phrase your next point.

A Young Businesswoman Pointing Towards an Alarm Clock, Signifying the Importance of Time

They can help us emphasize a point or argument. 

Since filler words help you borrow some time during a speech or conversation, they can also provide you with a fair opportunity to emphasize your argument. This is because you’ll have ample time to underscore your stance and make an impact.

2. The Top 10 Urdu Filler Words

Now that you know more about Urdu filler words and how they’re used, it’s quite appropriate to move forward and introduce our list of the top fillers in Urdu.

#1 اچھا (Acha) 

  • English: “Well”

اچھا (acha) is the most widely used Urdu filler word in Pakistan. Depending on the context, you may hear native Urdu speakers using it in the middle or at the beginning of a sentence.

اچھا، آپ کا نام کیا ہے؟
Acha, aap ka naam kya hai?
“Well, what is your name?”

آپ آ گئے، اچھا، کیا آپ آج رات قیام کریں گے؟
Aap aa gaye, acha, kya aap aaj raat qayam karein gay?
“You arrived; well, will you stay tonight?”

#2 کیا (Kya) 

  • Literally: “What”
  • English Equivalent: “Really”

کیا (kya) is another Urdu filler that you’ll hear frequently during your stay in Pakistan. It can be translated as “what” in English, though its meaning depends upon the context in which it’s used. Most of the time, it is nearly equivalent to the English word “really.” 

Keep in mind that the meaning of filler words in Urdu sometimes depends on the intonation used by the speaker, as is the case here. 

کیا؟ آپ جھوٹ تو نہیں بول رہے؟
Kya? aap jhoot toh nahi bol rahe?
“Really? Aren’t you telling a lie?”

#3 نہ کریں (Na karain) 

  • Literally: “Don’t do it”
  • English Equivalent: “Don’t say it”

If someone says something unbelievable, use this filler word to take your time and think about how to phrase your response.

نہ کریں، میں یقین نہیں کر پا رہا۔
Na karain, mei yaqeen nahi kar pa raha.
“Don’t say it, I cannot believe it.”

A Man in a Suit Holding an Umbrella while It Rains Money – A Simply Unbelievable Situation

#4 جیسے کہ (Jaise ke)

  • English: “Like”

One of the most popular filler words in the Urdu language, this one is often used by native speakers to delay their response or to validate a point through an example.

مجھے کچھ باتیں ناپسند ہیں جیسے کہ۔۔۔
Mujhe kuch baatain napasand hain jaise ke…
“I dislike a few things, like…”

#5 ارے (Aray)

  • Literally: “Hey”
  • English Equivalent: “Wow”

The exact meaning of this Urdu filler word is conveyed largely through the tone of the speaker. For example:

کیا کہا؟ ارے! آپ کمال کے انسان ہیں۔
Kya kaha? Arey! aap kamal ke insaan hain.
“What did you say? Wow! You are a wonderful person.”

A Businesswoman Giving a Thumbs-up to Someone, Suggesting that the Person Is Wonderful and Great

#6 ہم م م (Hmmm)

  • English: “Hmmm”

Using this filler in Urdu is a great way to buy time while you think about your next move and sentence. The other person will give you time and space to complete your point before taking their turn to speak. 

میں سوچ رہا ہوں، ہم م م۔۔۔
Mei soch raha hun, hmmm…
“I am thinking, hmmm…”

#7 ٹھیک (Theek)

  • English: “Right”

This Urdu word gives an affirmative meaning, but when used as a filler, it’s usually followed by a differing opinion.

میں آپ کی بات سمجھتا ہوں۔ ٹھیک ہے، لیکن میری رائے کچھ اور ہے۔
Mei aap ki baat samajhta hun, theek hai, lekin meri raye kuch aur hai.
“I understand you, right, but I differ in my opinion.”

A Couple After an Argument

#8 تو (Tou)

  • Literally: “Then”
  • English Equivalent: “Well”

تو (tou) is another oft-used Urdu filler word. Here’s an example of how you can use it in your conversations:

تو۔۔۔ کیا یہ آپ کا آخری فیصلہ ہے؟
Tou…kya ye aap ka aakhri faisla hai?
“So…is it your final decision?”

#9 آہ (Ah)

  • English: “Oh”

آہ (ah) is particularly beneficial when you intend to say something sorrowful after it. This filler word sets the tone and tempo for your melancholy discussion. 

آہ۔۔۔ ایسا نہیں ہونا چاہئے تھا۔
Ah…aisa nahin hona chahiye tha.
“Ah…it should not have happened.”

#10 آپ کو تو پتہ ہے (Aap ko tou patah hai)

  • English: “You know”

This filler is a jack of all trades. You’ll hear Pakistani people use it extensively during their conversations. It can normally be used in any context to fill the space between two comprehensible phrases or clauses.

میں وہاں گیا، آپ کو تو پتہ ہے، جانا پڑتا ہے۔
Mei wahan gaya, aap ko tou pata hai, jana parhta hai.
“I went there, you know, one has to go.”

3. Pros and Cons of Filler Words

Now, let’s have a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of using Urdu filler words.

PRO: Fillers can serve as an informal substitution for a word or phrase.

It’s easy to bore listeners with overly formal or lengthy sentences. Using fillers can help you break up the lengthier parts of your speech and help you come across as more open or friendly. 

PRO: Using them can help native speakers more easily accept you. 

Since filler words are used in real-life scenarios, using them well can set you apart from other learners and make you sound more natural. For this reason, natives will lend a keener ear to you and more readily accept you into their circle.

A Cartoon Holding an Okay Sign in Its Hands, Suggesting Approval and Acceptability

CON: They can make a conversation dull or leave you unheard/misunderstood.

Since you’re acquiring a second language, you must be careful to use filler words wisely. Overusing them may sound monotonous and people may not bother to hear or comprehend what you’re saying, which can cause a more pronounced communication barrier.

4. Conclusion

In this article, you’ve learned about Urdu filler words and how to use them. We’ve also introduced you to the most common fillers in Urdu and discussed the pros and cons of using them yourself. 

Do you feel prepared to pick and use the occasional Urdu filler word in your daily conversations to surprise native speakers? Or did we miss anything? If you still have questions on the topic, don’t hesitate to contact us at We’ll get back to you at the earliest.

Furthermore, we recommend visiting frequently. We are a rich repository of Urdu language learning resources, with materials and lessons on grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, useful phrases, etc. It’s our goal to help you hone your Urdu language skills in every category.

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu

How to Say “I Love You,” in Urdu


Many love stories end long before they even start due to linguistic and cultural barriers. In fact, a linguistic error can sometimes be more fatal than no communication at all! 

If a native Urdu speaker has won your affections, there’s no better way to strengthen your bond than by learning how to express your love in Urdu. The Urdu language is full of romance and romanticism, but all the sweet nothings in the world won’t mean a thing if you use them at the wrong time or in the wrong context. 

In addition, you should always take into account the cultural differences between Western culture and Pakistani culture. For example, in Pakistani society, you can’t just go out on random romantic conquests. Before making an advance toward the object of your affection, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the dating norms of Pakistan. 

In this article from, we’ll help you out on both fronts. You’ll learn the most common love phrases in Urdu, pick up some sweet terms of endearment, and read a few inspiring quotes about love in Urdu that you can use to further win his or her heart. We’ll also provide you with the masculine and feminine variations of each love phrase where applicable, so you can know you’re always saying just the right thing.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. Confess Your Affection: Pick-up Lines and More
  2. Fall in Deeper: “I Love You,” and More
  3. Take it One Step Further: “Will You Marry Me?” and More
  4. Endearment Terms
  5. Must-Know Love Quotes
  6. Conclusion

1. Confess Your Affection: Pick-up Lines and More

After being hit by Cupid’s arrow, the ordeal of a lover starts. It’s time for you to show your mettle and take the initiative in revealing your love and affection for the beloved. In this section, you’ll find some helpful sentences you can use to impress the man or woman of your dreams and express your love in the Urdu language. 

If you don’t mind, I want to tell you something special. 

If you’re a man:
اگر آپ برا نہ منائیں تو میں آپ کو کچھ خاص بتانا چاہتا ہوں۔
Agar aap bura na manayain tu mei aap ko kuch khaas batana chahta hun.

If you’re a woman:
اگر آپ برا نہ منائیں تو میں آپ کو کچھ خاص بتانا چاہتی ہوں۔
Agar aap bura na manayain tu mei aap ko kuch khaas batana chahti hun.

Can I talk about something personal to you?

If you’re a man:
کیا میں آپ سے کچھ ذاتی بات کر سکتا ہوں؟
Kya mei aap se kuch zati baat kar sakta hun?

If you’re a woman:
کیا میں آپ سے کچھ ذاتی بات کر سکتی ہوں؟
Kya mei aap se kuch zati baat kar sakti hun?

I have to say something important to you. 

مجھے آپ سے کچھ ضروری کہنا ہے!
Mujhe aap se kuch zaroori kehna hai.
I have to say something important to you.

A Boy Whispering Something Secretly into the Ears of a Girl; Their Facial Expressions Reveal the Loving Mood of the Couple

Would you like to have a cup of tea with me? 

If you’re a man: 
کیا آپ میرے ساتھ چائے پیئیں گی؟
Kya aap mere saath chai piain gi?

If you’re a woman: 
کیا آپ میرے ساتھ چائے پیئیں گے؟
Kya aap mere saath chai piain gay?

I need a bit of your time. 

مجھے آپ کا تھوڑا سا وقت چاہئے۔
Mujhe aap ka thoda sa waqt chahiye.

Are you engaged?

کیا آپ کی منگنی ہو چکی ہے؟
Kya aap ki mangni ho chuki hai?

I like you.

If you’re a man:
آپ مجھے اچھی لگتی ہیں۔
Aap mujhe achi lagti hain.

If you’re a woman: 
آپ مجھے اچھے لگتے ہیں۔
Aap mujhe achay lagtay hain.

I have started thinking more about you. 

If you’re a man:
میں آپ کے بارے میں زیادہ سوچنے لگا ہوں۔
Mei aap ke baray mein ziada sochne laga hun.

If you’re a woman:
میں آپ کے بارے میں زیادہ سوچنے لگی ہوں۔
Mei aap ke baray mein ziada sochne lagi hun.

2. Fall in Deeper: “I Love You,” and More

If you’ve confessed your love and didn’t get a hint to stop, here comes the crucial moment. Summon your courage and go a step further. Open your heart to your beloved and don’t hesitate to say that you’re in love.

Before we dive in, please note that there are a few different words for “love” in Urdu: 

  • پیار (pyar)
  • عشق (ishq)
  • محبت (mohabbat)
  • الفت (ulfat

Now, here are some great ways to say “I love you,” in Urdu and ultimately win their heart…

I love you.

If you’re a man:
میں آپ سے محبت کرتا ہوں۔
Mei aap se mohabbat kerta hun.

If you’re a woman: 
میں آپ سے محبت کرتی ہوں۔
Mei aap se mohabbat karti hun.

I love you, too. 

You can add the Urdu word بھی to respond to this statement positively. 

If you’re a man:
میں بھی آپ سے محبت کرتا ہوں۔
Mei bhi aap se mohabbat kerta hun.

If you’re a woman: 
میں بھی آپ سے محبت کرتی ہوں۔
Mei bhi aap se mohabbat kerti hun.

A Man Expressing His Love for a Woman and Presenting Her with a Gift

I am in love with you. 

مجھے تم سے محبت ہو گئی ہے۔
Mujhe tum se mohabbat ho gayi hai.

 It is hard to live without you. 

میرا آپ کے بغیر جینا مشکل ہے۔
Mera aap ke baghair jeena mushkil hai.

I have fallen in love with you.

If you’re a man:
میں آپ کے عشق میں ڈوب چکا ہوں۔
Mei aap ke ishq mein doob chuka hun.

If you’re a woman:
میں آپ کے عشق میں ڈوب چکی ہوں۔
Mei aap ke ishq mein doob chuki hun.

3. Take it One Step Further: “Will You Marry Me?” and More

As discussed earlier, Pakistani society is not a liberal one. As such, marriage proposals take precedence over love affairs. Usually, marriage proposals are sent through the parents or elders of one family to the other family; however, proposals given through any means are preferred over no marriage proposal at all. 

Below are some ways of proposing to your beloved in the Urdu language.

Would you like to spend the rest of your life with me? 

If you’re a man:
کیا آپ باقی کی زندگی میرے ساتھ گزارنا پسند کریں گی؟
Kya aap baqi ki zindagi mere saath guzaarna pasand karain gi?

If you’re a woman:
کیا آپ باقی کی زندگی میرے ساتھ گزارنا پسند کریں گے؟
Kya aap baqi ki zindagi mere saath guzaarna pasand karain gay?

Will you marry me?

If you’re a man:
مجھ سے شادی کرو گی؟
Mujh se shaadi karo gi?

If you’re a woman:
مجھ سے شادی کرو گے؟
Mujh se shaadi karo gay?

A Man Presenting a Wedding Ring to a Woman

Would you be my children’s mother / father? 

If you’re a man asking a woman: 
کیا تم میرے بچوں کی ماں بنو گی؟
Kya tum mere bachon ki maan bano gi?

If you’re a woman asking a man: 
کیا تم میرے بچوں کے باپ بنو گے؟
Kya tum mere bachon ke baap bano gay?

4. Endearment Terms

Below you’ll find a brief list of widely used terms of endearment in Urdu. Choose one or two of your favorites, and begin using them in conversations with your significant other. 

میرے ہمدم
Mere humdum
My beloved


To be used for males:

میرے محبوب
Mere mehboob
My beloved

To be used for females:

میری محبوبہ<
Meri mehbobah
My beloved

میری جان
Meri jaan
My life

میری زندگی
Meri zindagi
My life

5. Must-Know Love Quotes

Want to really dazzle your other half? Here are a few love quotes in Urdu with their English translations. Each of these quotes is widely popular in Pakistani society, and using them with your loved one is sure to leave a lasting impression. 

عشق وہ آتش ہے غالب جو لگائے نہ لگے جو بجھائے نہ بجھے۔
Ishq woh aatish hai Ghalib jo lagaye na lage jo bujhaye na bhujhey.
The fire of love can neither be ignited nor extinguished deliberately.

عشق اور مشک چھپتے نہیں۔
Ishq aur mushk chupte nahin.
Love and fragrance cannot be hidden.

Someone Hiding a Bouquet of Roses behind Their Back

اک آگ کا دریا ہے اور ڈوب کر جانا ہے
Yeh ishq nahin aasaan bas itna samajh lijiye
Ik aag ka derya hai aur doob ker jaana hai
It is not easy to love; it is equivalent to crossing the river of fire.

یہ عشق کا جادو ہے سر چڑھ کر بولے گا۔
Yeh ishq ka jadu hai sar charh kar bolay ga.
Love’s magic speaks at high notes.

محبت اور جنگ میں سب جائز ہے۔
Mohabbat aur jung mein sab jaiz hai.
Everything is fair in love and war.

عشق بچوں کا کھیل نہیں ہے۔
Ishq bachon ka khel nahi hai.
Love is not child’s play.

A Woman Rejecting a Man with a Hand Gesture

6. Conclusion

In this article, you learned a variety of romantic words and phrases in the Urdu language to use at every stage of your romantic relationship. We hope that you can use this information to make a lasting impression on the object of your affection, and that you’re on your way to a committed and loving relationship. 

Did we miss anything? Do you think that some aspects have been left unexplored in this article? Let us know in the comments section, and we’ll get back to you with the answers to your questions. 

Knowing Urdu love phrases is a great place to start if you’re hoping to begin or strengthen your relationship with a native speaker. But there’s still a lot more to learn! 

At, you can study the Urdu language and explore Pakistani culture with our numerous learning resources and lessons. Here are a few pages to get you started:

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

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Urdu Negation: Master the Art of Saying No in Urdu


Paulo Coehlo said it well: When you say Yesto others, make sure you are not saying Noto yourself.

Wherever you are in the world, knowing how to say ‘no’ tactfully is an invaluable skill. It’s crucial to have the linguistic tools necessary to assert your identity and keep in balance with others. 

In Pakistan, it’s customary to be mindful and courteous while giving a negative statement or response to someone. Due to these cultural nuances, today we’ll teach you not only how to form negative sentences in Urdu but also how to apply them to various real-life situations. In addition, we’ll introduce you to several negative expressions in the Urdu language that you can start practicing right away.

A Businessman Saying No with a Gesture of His Hand
Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. How to Negate a Statement
  2. Giving a Negative Response to a Question
  3. Other Negating Words and Phrases
  4. Double Negatives
  5. Conclusion

1. How to Negate a Statement

The basic words of negation in Urdu are: نہ (nah) – no and نہیں  (nahin) – “no” / “not. In this section, you’ll learn how to use these words in different sentences to impart the proper meaning to your interlocutors.

Generally speaking, the most common way to make a sentence negative in Urdu is: 

Noun + نہیں (nahin) + Conjugated Verb

This is a simple formula that requires no additional changes to the sentence nor any further negation words.

Urdu Negation in Simple Present Tense

وہ سکول جاتا ہے۔
Woh school jata hai.
He goes to school.

وہ سکول نہیں جاتا ہے۔
Woh school nahin jata hai.
He does not go to school.

In the negative sentence, you can see that the Urdu word نہیں (nahin) is placed after the noun سکول (school) and before the conjugated form of the Urdu verb جاتا (jata).

Urdu Negation in Simple Past Tense

وہ لاہور گئی۔
Woh Lahore gayi.
She went to Lahore.

وہ لاہور نہیں گئی۔
Woh Lahore nahin gayi.
She did not go to Lahore.

In the negative Urdu sentence above, you can see that the word نہیں (nahin) is added after the noun لاہور (Lahore) and before the conjugated verb گئی (gai).

Urdu Negation in Future Simple Tense

ہم رات کا کھانا کھائیں گے۔
Hum raat ka khana khayain gay.
We will have dinner.

ہم رات کا کھانا نہیں کھائیں گے۔
Hum raat ka khana nahin khayain gay.
We will not have dinner.

Again, you can see that the word نہیں (nahin) is added after the noun رات کا کھانا (raat ka khana), meaning “dinner,” and before the conjugated verb کھائیں (khayain).

A Hand Saying No to Alcohol

2. Giving a Negative Response to a Question

Having learned the fundamentals of negation in the Urdu language, let’s now look at how to respond to questions by negating them in Urdu. In this context, you can take one of two approaches: 

1) You can be courteous enough to refuse politely.

2) You can give an upfront “No” to avoid any such invitations in the future.

Giving a Polite Negative Response in Urdu

If you find yourself caught in a formal situation where you want to say no to an invitation, it’s always recommended that you refuse it politely. Otherwise, the other person may take offense. 

Let’s see how to do this…


کیا آپ میرے ساتھ رات کا کھانا کھائیں گے؟
Kia aap mere sath raat ka khana khayain gay?
Will you have dinner with me?


معذرت خواہ ہوں، میں ذاتی مصروفیت کی وجہ سے ایسا کرنے سے قاصر ہوں۔
Maazrat khwah hun, mei zati masroofiyat ki wajah se aisa kernay se qasir hun.
Sorry, I am unable to do so due to personal commitments.

In this scenario, someone asks you to have dinner with him in Urdu and you wish to decline politely. Here, the most formal and recommended way of declining is to add the Urdu phrase, معذرت خواہ ہوں (maazrat khwah hun) to the beginning of the sentence. This phrase is equivalent to the English word “sorry” and can be used by both male and female speakers without any changes.

The next sentence—میں ذاتی مصروفیات کی وجہ سے ایسا کرنے سے قاصر ہوں۔ (Mein zati masroofiyat ki wajah se aisa kernay se qasir hun.)—will allow you to decline an invitation without offending the other person.

Giving a Flat Negative Response in Urdu

Now, it’s time to learn how to assert yourself while refusing an unwelcome invitation and preventing future invitations.


کیا آپ میرے ساتھ رات کا کھانا کھائیں گے؟
Kia aap meray sath raat ka khana khayain gay?
Will you have dinner with me?


نہیں، آپ اپنے کام سے کام رکھیں۔
Nahin, aap apne kaam se kaam rakhain.
No, mind your own business.

A Young Girl Refusing to the Dance Proposal in a Bar

In this sentence, you can see that the word نہیں، (nahin) serves as a sort of blunt refusal that does not have any preceding courtesy word or phrase. The remaining part of the sentence—آپ اپنے کام سے کام رکھیں (Aap apne kaam se kaam rakhain.)—is an indication that you’re not interested in any such future invitations.

3. Other Negating Words and Phrases

Besides نہ (nah) and نہیں (nahin), there are a few other expressions that can be used for negation in Urdu. Here are just a few more negation words in Urdu you should know: 

نہ یہ نہ وہ (nah ye nah woh) – neither…nor

This phrase is equivalent to “neither…nor” in English. Here’s an example for you:

مجھے نہ یہ پسند ہے نہ وہ۔
Mujhay nah ye pasand hai nah who.
I like neither this nor that.

A Signboard Symbolizing Refusal and Negation

 (kabhi nahin) – never

میں تمھیں کبھی نہیں بھولوں گا۔
Mei tumhain kabhi nahin bhoolon ga.
I will never forget you.

کچھ نہیں (kuch nahin) – nothing

This is a versatile phrase that can be used to form a variety of negative sentences in Urdu. It’s used to negate a thing. Here’s just one example: 

میں نے صبح سے کچھ نہیں کھایا۔
Mei ne subah se kuch nahin khaya.
I have eaten nothing since morning.

A Youngster Is Holding a Fork and Knife in His Hands, and Seems to Have Eaten Nothing for a While

 (koi nahin) – nobody

This phrase of Urdu negation refers to people. Here’s an example:  

یہاں کوئی نہیں آیا۔
Yahan koi nahin aaya.
Nobody came here.

کہیں نہیں (kahin nahin) – nowhere

The word کہیں نہیں (kahin nahin) is used for the negation of a place:

وہ کہیں نہیں گیا۔
Woh kahin nahin gaya.
He went nowhere.

4. Double Negatives                        

While conversing with native Urdu speakers, you’ll notice that they often use double negatives in their conversations. To understand how double negatives are used in Urdu, you must first learn how to use the word نا (na) as a prefix to negate adjectives and verbs. For example:

  • خوش (khush) – “happy” ➜ ناخوش (nakhush) – “unhappy”

When these negative adjectives and verbs are used in tandem with the word نہیں (nahin), the latter word cancels out the negative adjective or verb to make it positive. See the use of the word ناخوش (nakhush) / نہیں (nahin) in the following sentence to better understand this concept: 

وہ مجھ سے ناخوش نہیں ہے۔
Woh mujh se nakhush nahin hai.
He is not unhappy with me.

Ultimately, the sentence is used to negate the already reported negative adjective ناخوش (nakhush). In other words, it indicates that the speaker is on good terms with the person being spoken about. 

Here’s another example: 

مجھے سمجھانا ناممکن نہیں ہے۔
Mujhay samjhana namumkin nahin hai.
It is not impossible to make me understand.

This sentence cancels out the negative adjective ناممکن (namumkin). In other words, it is possible to explain. 

وہ کرکٹ ناپسند نہیں کرتا ہے۔
Woh cricket napasand nahin karta hai.
He does not dislike cricket.

In this sentence, the verb پسند کرنا (pasand kerna), meaning “to like,” is made negative by adding the نا (na) prefix. After the addition of the prefix, its infinitive form becomes ناپسند کرنا (napasand karna), meaning “to dislike.” The word نہیں (nahin) is used with the conjugated form of the negative verb ناپسند کرنا (napasand karna) to further negate it.

In other words: He does like cricket. 

5. Conclusion

In this article, you’ve learned the essentials of Urdu negation. You can now…

  • …negate sentences in Urdu.
  • …give negative responses to questions.
  • …apply a variety of negative Urdu words and phrases to sentences.
  • …begin practicing double negation in Urdu.
  • …negate verbs and adjectives using the prefix نا (na).

Do you still have any questions? Let us know in the comments, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible! 

In the meantime, make sure to continue exploring We are a rich repository of useful resources that will hone your integrated Urdu language skills. With a free lifetime account, you’ll have access to an Urdu dictionary, grammar and pronunciation guides, vocabulary lists, lessons on useful phrases and expressions, and more. 

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Why learn Urdu? Let’s explore some reasons to start today.


Should I learn Urdu? 

While this may appear to be a simple yes-or-no question, its answer is embedded within myriads of internal discourses. There are several reasons that one may wish to learn Urdu, and still other reasons that one may shy away from the task.

Because people differ in their proclivities, it’s also common for one to be drawn to Urdu for a very different set of reasons than another person is. A backpacker, for instance, will learn Urdu for a different reason than that of a culture critic. Likewise, an anthropologist will give a different reason for learning the language than a businessman would.

In this article, we’ll discuss why you should learn Urdu as well as the numerous benefits doing so can bring to your life.

An Asian Boy Using Headphones to Listen and Learn; He Is Enjoying the Activity
Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. The Country and the Language
  2. Benefits of Learning Urdu
  3. Personal and Professional Aspects
  4. How Difficult is it to Learn Urdu?
  5. Conclusion

1. The Country and the Language

Pakistan has the largest number of Urdu speakers in the world. Considering the country’s wealth of natural beauty and its share of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, it’s not surprising that it’s become a new tourist hotspot in recent years. 

Our first few reasons for why you should learn Urdu have to do with certain facts and figures about this increasingly popular country and its culture. 

1. Learning Urdu will help you experience the exotic Urdu culture, literature, and music.

The culture of Pakistan attracts foreigners due to its exotic nature. 

Pakistani people have inherited some of the oldest civilizations on Earth, including Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa; they are also heirs to the famous Indus civilization. Nowadays, Pakistan is home to a variety of cultures and languages—including Punjabi, Pashto, Balochi, Saraiki, and Urdu—which presents a unique diversity that tempts foreigners to come here in exploration of these cultures. Those interested in this distinctive conglomerate of culture and language have a very good reason to learn Urdu! 

Also, the Urdu language is self-sufficient in terms of its literature and music. It has a rich poetic tradition that dates back to the seventeenth century, with meritorious poets like Ghalib and Meer having written phenomenal works in this language. In addition, there are a number of writers who have together composed the pinnacle of Urdu literature in the form of short stories and novels. These writers include, to name only a few:  

  • Saadat Hasan Manto
  • Prem Chand
  • Abdullah Hussain
  • Mumtaz Mufti
  • Quratul ain Haider

Works by these authors are absolutely worth reading! One of the foremost reasons to learn the Urdu language is so that you can enjoy these great feats of writing in their original language.

A Collection of Classic Literary Books

Similarly, Urdu musicians have preserved the legacy of Indian classical music and carried it forward in its original form. They have also made some highly appreciated innovations to it, while still keeping the element of the Urdu language alive. Learning Urdu will allow you to cherish the legacy of Indian classical music as it’s played and enjoyed today.

A Female Rehearsing Classical Music on Tanpura, an Eastern Musical Instrument

2. Urdu has a rich linguistic and political history.

Another compelling reason to learn the Urdu language is to explore its rich background. In fact, even the British colonizers of the nineteenth century learned Urdu and translated a wide range of Urdu writings into English for this reason. Also consider that most primary resources on topics surrounding the historic turmoils and political upheavals of the region are written in the Urdu language. Therefore, ardent lovers of history and linguistics should consider learning Urdu in order to gain access to these invaluable resources.   

3. The number of Urdu speakers is rapidly increasing.

Ethnologue reports the total number of Urdu speakers (including those who speak it as a second language) to be 170 million. It also reports that the Urdu language is the 11th most widely spoken language across the globe. These facts demonstrate the rapid growth of the Urdu language, giving you one more reason to consider studying it yourself. 

2. Benefits of Learning Urdu 

Having discussed some of the cultural and historical reasons for learning the language, let’s look at a list of more-specific benefits you can expect from learning Urdu. 

4. Urdu has increasing geo-strategic significance.

The Urdu language has entered a new era of international acceptance and popularity with the creation of the CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) in the region. In addition, this language becomes truly relevant in the backdrop of the Afghan war as well as the future role of Gwadar Port. Other than these factors, the nuclear status of Pakistan also makes it geo-strategically unavoidable. These regional developments have further bolstered the growth of the Urdu language and motivated a great number of foreigners to learn and speak Urdu.

A Map Highlighting the Geographical Location of Pakistan

5. It will open up refreshing Oriental vistas.

Since the establishment of the Fort William College in Calcutta in 1800 by Lord Wellesley, the unique cultural imagery put forth by the Urdu language has become accessible to Europeans and other foreigners. The language’s unconventional writing script, unfamiliar vowel and consonant sounds, and culturally estranged stories and their characters are just a few examples of new Oriental vistas foreigners can now enjoy.

6. You’ll be able to build rapport with the natives.

Another fair reason to learn Urdu? Being adept in the Urdu language will place you at a vantage point when it comes to building rapport with native speakers. This advantage might just be the first step toward achieving your goals in Pakistan.

3. Personal and Professional Aspects

Imagine yourself as an entrepreneur or employee in Pakistan. Without the ability to communicate in Urdu, you would always feel handicapped and this personal incapacity would impede your success in Pakistani society. Therefore, Urdu can be an instrument to polish your personal and professional skills. Here are a few advantages of learning Urdu in this regard:

7. Pakistan has a developing marketplace.

Keeping the emerging geo-strategic significance of Pakistan in mind, you can anticipate a surge in the country’s developing marketplace. Many unattended business opportunities and avenues speak of gaps in the market that need to be bridged. If you want to avail yourself of any such opportunity here, you should learn Urdu to maximize the chances of your success.

8. The nation also has a growing tourism industry. 

As mentioned earlier, the tourism industry is on the rise in Pakistan. This will be of particular interest to you if you like to follow tourism trends or are looking for business opportunities in this sector. In either case, you’ll need to be well-versed in the Urdu language to succeed in the field of tourism.

A Beautiful View of a Tourist Spot in Pakistan

9. Knowing Urdu will help you make a difference in Pakistan.

Above all, it’s not easy to assert your identity in a culture unknown to you. In order to make a difference in Pakistan, you must differ from the rest. Mastering Urdu can help you become familiar with the surrounding culture, give you a means to communicate with native speakers, and help you stand out from the crowd. 

4. How Difficult is it to Learn Urdu?

Many aspiring Urdu learners get cold feet when they hear others talk about how hard it is to learn the language. But is it really that difficult? 

10. The language is difficult for Western learners to master, but…

…modern technology is making it easier than ever to learn the language anyway. 

A major factor to consider here is that Westerners with no prior exposure to Oriental languages will find learning Urdu to be a Herculean task, while someone who already speaks an Oriental language will have a much easier time. The reasons behind this are the unique Urdu writing script and the unavailability of certain Urdu sounds in the European languages; these facts may perplex Westerners looking to learn the language.

A Wind Compass Pointing East and West

The good news? The technological revolution has made language learning easier by bringing a wealth of languages right to your fingertips. Learning Urdu has never been easier or more convenient, considering the number of apps and language learning sites offering courses and materials on this language.

If you’re wondering where to learn Urdu online for the best experience, consider As one of the top Urdu learning sites, we have several resources and lesson pathways to help make your language learning journey easier and more joyful. Our YouTube channel is another technological innovation that will make your studies less stressful and more engaging!

The Interface of a YouTube Channel

5. Conclusion

In this article, we answered the question, “Why learn Urdu?” and listed several benefits that come with knowing this distinctly beautiful language. 

Have you identified your reason to learn Urdu? If you want to dig deeper into the topic or have any questions you’d like answered, feel free to let us know! We’ll get back to you at the earliest. 

To make the most of your studies, we recommend you explore and create your free lifetime account today. We provide lessons and learning materials on every aspect of the Urdu language and culture, for learners at every level. Themed vocabulary lists, audio and video lessons, and pronunciation guides are only a small sample of what you can expect when learning with us.

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

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Learn Verb Tenses in Urdu


Do you aim at passing through the labyrinth of Urdu tenses without becoming lost in it? Like you, many Urdu learners are hesitant to enter the intricate maze of Urdu-language tenses and their numerous conjugations for the present, past, and future.

That said, you may be relieved to hear that dealing with mundane matters in the Urdu language does not require you to learn the verb tenses in Urdu to mastery. If you’re a smart learner with some linguistic common sense, you’ll find ways to formulate Urdu sentences for everyday usage—even if you only have a rudimentary knowledge of tenses. 

In this article from UrduPod101, we’ll guide you through the vast world of Urdu verbs and tenses. You’ll learn how to form everything from the simple present to the future conditional, and the examples we provide along the way will help you understand how each tense is used. 

Are you ready for the challenge?

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. An Overview of Urdu Verb Conjugation
  2. Present Tenses in Urdu
  3. Past Tenses in Urdu
  4. Future Tenses in Urdu
  5. Conclusion

1. An Overview of Urdu Verb Conjugation

Urdu verbs conjugate according to the person, mood, tense, voice, and gender. For now, though, don’t worry too much about the details. In this section, we’ll cover only the most important aspects.

A- Tense

As an Urdu learner, you should be glad to know that learning just three basic Urdu tenses can empower you to deal with any real-life situation in an Urdu-speaking society

1. زمانۂ ماضی (zamana-e-maazi) – past tense
2. زمانۂ حال (zamana-e-haal) – present tense
3. زمانۂ مستقبل (zamana-e-mustaqbil) – future tense

If you can master using the present simple, past simple, and future simple effectively, you’ll be well-equipped to manage any situation or occasion that may arise while in Pakistan.

B- Mood 

“Mood” refers to the speaker’s attitude toward the action described by the verb. This is a key factor in the conjugation of Urdu verbs, but we won’t go into too much detail here. For now, just keep in mind that there are four grammatical moods in Urdu:

  • I – Indicative
  • II – Subjunctive
  • III – Conditional
  • IV – Imperative
A Corporate Boss in an Unpleasant Mood

C- Simple vs. Complex Tenses

In Urdu, tenses can be further categorized as “simple” or “complex.” 

A simple tense is one that does not make use of auxiliary verbs; a complex tense is one that does. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to easily distinguish one from the other. 

D- Gender

In the Urdu language, every noun has a gender. While this can certainly make it a challenge to use nouns properly, it also affects the conjugation of Urdu verbs!

The Symbols of Male and Female Genders Drawn on a Blackboard

2. Present Tenses in Urdu

Because present tenses are the most commonly used in daily Urdu conversations, it’s appropriate for us to study them first. The Urdu present tense is used to describe actions that happen frequently, ongoing affairs, and what may happen in the future. 

For your convenience and understanding, we’ll use a single Urdu sentence and verb throughout this article to demonstrate how a verb conjugates for each tense. We’ll use the Urdu verb کھیلنا (khelna), meaning “to play.”

Also keep in mind that each conjugation will be for the first person singular. 

·  فعل حال مطلق (fael haal mutliq) Present Indefinite Tense


    میں کرکٹ کھیلتا ہوں۔
    Mein cricket khelta hun.
    I play cricket.


    میں کرکٹ کھیلتی ہوں۔
    Mein cricket khelti hun.
    I play cricket.

A Cricketer Driving the Ball on the Leg-side

·         فعل حال جاری (fael haal jari) Present Continuous Tense


    میں کرکٹ کھیل رہا ہوں۔
    Mein cricket khel raha hun.
    I am playing cricket.


    میں کرکٹ کھیل رہی ہوں۔
    Mein cricket khel rahi hun.
    I am playing cricket.

·          فعل حال مکمل (fael haal mukammal) Present Perfect Tense


    میں کرکٹ کھیل چکا ہوں۔
    Mein cricket khel chuka hun.
    I have played cricket.


    میں کرکٹ کھیل چکی ہوں۔
    Mein cricket khel chuki hun.
    I have played cricket.

·          فعل حال مکمل جاری (fael haal mukammal jari) Present Perfect Continuous Tense


    میں صبح سے کرکٹ کھیل رہا ہوں۔
    Mein subah se cricket khel raha hun.
    I have been playing cricket since morning.


    میں صبح سے کرکٹ کھیل رہی ہوں۔
    Mein subah se cricket khel rahi hun.
    I have been playing cricket since morning.

Present Conditional


    اگرمیں وقت پر آؤں تو کرکٹ کھیل سکتا ہوں۔
    Agar mein waqt par aao tu cricket khel sakta hun.
    If I come on time, I can play cricket.


    اگرمیں وقت پر آؤں تو کرکٹ کھیل سکتی ہوں۔
    Agar mein waqt par aao tu cricket khel sakti hun.
    If I come on time, I can play cricket.

Present Imperative

Here, you can simply use the same sentence for both genders.

    کرکٹ کھیلو۔
    Cricket khelo.
    Play cricket.

3. Past Tenses in Urdu

You can’t expect to master any language without giving due consideration to the past tense forms of its verbs. In this part of the article, you’ll learn a few constructions that are widely used in formulating the Urdu past tense.

 فعل ماضی مطلق (fael maazi mutliq) – Past Indefinite Tense


    میں کرکٹ کھیلا۔
    Mein cricket khela.
    I played cricket.


    میں کرکٹ کھیلی۔
    Mein cricket kheli.
    I played cricket.

 فعل ماضی جاری (fael maazi jari) – Past Continuous Tense


    میں کرکٹ کھیل رہا تھا۔
    Mein cricket khel raha tha.
    I was playing cricket.


    میں کرکٹ کھیل رہی تھی۔
    Mein cricket khel rahi thi.
    I was playing cricket.

فعل ماضی مکمل (fael maazi mukammal) – Past Perfect Tense


    میں کرکٹ کھیل چکا تھا۔
    Mein cricket khel chuka tha.
    I had played cricket.


    میں کرکٹ کھیل چکی تھی۔
    Mein cricket khel chuki thi.
    I had played cricket.

 فعل ماضی مکمل جاری (fael maazi mukammal jari) – Past Perfect Continuous Tense


    میں صبح سے کرکٹ کھیل رہا تھا۔
    Mein subah se cricket khel raha tha.
    I had been playing cricket since morning.


    میں صبح سے کرکٹ کھیل رہی تھی۔
    Mein subah se cricket khel rahi thi.
    I had been playing cricket since morning.

Past Conditional 


    اگر میں وقت پر آتا تو کرکٹ کھیل سکتا۔
    Agar mein waqt par aata tu cricket khel sakta.
    If I had come on time, I could have played cricket.


    اگر میں وقت پر آتی تو کرکٹ کھیل سکتی۔
    Agar mein waqt par aati tu cricket khel sakti.
    If I had come on time, I could have played cricket.

4. Future Tenses in Urdu

Learning to speak or write about the future in Urdu is an essential skill that any Urdu learner will need to master eventually. To give you an idea of what to expect from the Urdu future tenses, we’ve compiled some example sentences for you.

 فعل مستقبل مطلق (fael mustaqbil mutliq) – Future Indefinite Tense


    میں کرکٹ کھیلوں گا۔
    Mein cricket khelun ga.
    I will play cricket.


    میں کرکٹ کھیلوں گی۔
    Mei cricket khelun gi.
    I will play cricket.

A Highway Ending at the Horizon, Symbolizing a Hopeful Future

 فعل مستقبل جاری (fael mustaqbil jari) – Future Continuous Tense


    میں کرکٹ کھیل رہا ہوں گا۔
    Mein cricket khel raha hun ga.
    I will be playing cricket.


    میں کرکٹ کھیل رہی ہوں گی۔
    Mein cricket khel rahi hun gi.
    I will be playing cricket.

 فعل مستقبل مکمل (fael mustaqbil mukammal) – Future Perfect Tense


    میں کرکٹ کھیل چکا ہوں گا۔
    Mei cricket khail chuka hun ga.
    I will have played cricket.


    میں کرکٹ کھیل چکی ہوں گی۔
    Mei cricket khail chuki hun gi.
    I will have played cricket.

 فعل مستقبل مکمل جاری (fael mustaqbil mukammal jari) – Future Perfect Continuous Tense


    میں صبح سے کرکٹ کھیل رہا ہوں گا۔
    Mein subah se cricket khel raha hun ga.
    I will have been playing cricket since morning.


    میں صبح سے کرکٹ کھیل رہی ہوں گی۔
    Mein subah se cricket khel rahi hun gi.
    I will have been playing cricket since morning.

Future Conditional 


    اگر میں وقت پر آؤں گا تو کرکٹ کھیل لوں گا۔
    Agar mein waqt par aaon ga tu cricket khel lun ga.
    If I come on time, I’ll play cricket.


    اگر میں وقت پر آؤں گی تو کرکٹ کھیل لوں گی۔
    Agar mein waqt par aaon gi tou cricket khail lun gi.
    If I come on time, I’ll play cricket.

A Young Business Professional Looking at His Wristwatch and Preparing to Leave for a Destination to Reach it on Time

5. Conclusion

In this article, you learned about both simple and complex tenses in Urdu. You should now have a better idea of how to conjugate Urdu verbs for each tense and gender. With some practice and real-world experience, you’ll be able to handle nearly any conversation topic using what you’ve learned today! 

Do you already feel confident in your Urdu conjugation skills? Or do you still have a question or concern about something we covered? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us in the comments; we’ll get back to you at the earliest! 

If you enjoyed this article, make sure to create your free lifetime account on today to explore the easiest and most effective ways to learn the Urdu language. You’ll benefit from a wide range of online Urdu resources, including simple guides to Urdu pronunciation and grammar, vocabulary lists, and more. 

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

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How Long Does it Take to Learn Urdu?


Is it possible to give a definite time-frame for learning Urdu? 

Frankly speaking, it’s quite difficult to specify exactly how long it will take someone to learn the language. There are multiple variables that affect one’s second-language acquisition, such as necessity, motivation, level of education, culture, and previous experience with languages.

Keeping this in view, it’s also imperative for an aspiring Urdu learner to decide what level of fluency they hope to attain. For example, picking up basic survival phrases for travel will take far less time than trying to become fluent.

In this article, we’ll answer questions such as, “How long does it take to learn Urdu?” and give you some tips on how to learn Urdu fast!

A Calendar
Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. Key Considerations
  2. Beginner Level
  3. Intermediate Level
  4. Advanced Level
  5. Learning Urdu When You’re Short on Time
  6. Conclusion

Key Considerations

The United States’ Foreign Service Institute (FSI) groups languages into four categories, with Category I languages being those most similar to English and Category IV languages being the least similar. According to this system, Urdu falls under Category III. The FSI approximates that one can gain basic fluency in a Category III language with about 720 hours of intensive study (10 hours per day) and reach full fluency with around 1100 hours (44 weeks) of intensive study. 

Of course, this is only an approximate.

If you plan to study Urdu, you must first take the time to consider the following factors. Doing so will give you a good idea of what your strengths and weaknesses will be as you start out, so you can plan accordingly. Who knows? You may even discover that you’re at an advantage! 

1. Your Background

Have you already studied a second language? Were you raised bilingual? What language(s) do you know besides English? 

Your answers to these questions will play a major role in how long it takes to learn Urdu. 

Urdu learners who already know an Oriental language tend to have a much easier time with their studies than learners who do not. In addition, people who have learned a second language already—no matter what that language is—have a huge advantage over those who only know one language. 

Also, a person with prior exposure to the native Pakistani culture and ways of living is at an advantage. 

2. Your Motivation

Another dominant factor that may affect the pace of your Urdu learning is your implicit or explicit motivation for learning the language. If you have a lucrative end-goal in mind (such as a promotion or acceptance to a university) or are learning so you can better communicate with a loved one, you’ll be willing to put in more effort and will achieve your goals faster.

A Man Climbing a Steep Mountain, Symbolizing a High Level of Motivation

3. Your Learning Methods

Your selected method of learning is another significant factor here. For example, students who learn via the grammar-translation method will require a different amount of overall learning time than students being taught via the direct method

In the same vein, you should determine whether to take an Urdu course at a language institution, at a university, via a tutor, or even online. Each of these methods will result in a different type of language learning experience, and the amount of time it takes you to master Urdu will vary as a result. 

Of course, any learning method you opt for should be supplemented (as much as possible) by direct exposure to the language and immersion in the culture.

Beginner Level

It may take you around 150 to 200 hours to reach the A1 (absolute beginner) level.

At the beginner level, you should be able to understand and apply basic survival phrases and other day-to-day vocabulary. There are a few fundamental concepts of the Urdu language you should focus on mastering at this point. Here are some tips on how to learn Urdu quickly as you approach and attain the beginner level: 

1. Study the basic syntax. 

Try to focus on the rudimentary word order and sentence structure. It’s too early to comprehend all of it right away, but you should still familiarize yourself with the basics. It will become more clear to you as you advance and gain more exposure to the language. 

2. Start dealing with the present. 

The present tense is very important when learning any language. Try to grasp command over the present tense, and practice using it with the first and second person pronouns.

3. Don’t hesitate to conjugate.

While you shouldn’t be overly ambitious here, you should try learning to conjugate some basic Urdu verbs. Practice is the only way to get better, and your mistakes will help you learn even faster! 

4. Flashcards are effective.

Never underestimate the power of the flashcard technique. Try to learn as many nouns, verbs, and adjectives as possible, along with examples of their appropriate usage in the Urdu language.

A Small Girl Using Flashcards for Learning the Names of Different Fruits

Intermediate Level

It may take you approximately 500-600 hours to reach the B1 level of proficiency in the Urdu language.

At the intermediate level, you’ll be able to…

  • …comprehend basic conversations on familiar topics and things that interest you.
  • …interact with native Urdu speakers concerning routine matters. 
  • …explain your ideas, plans, and experiences with others in an appropriate manner. 

Here are a few things you can do to learn Urdu effectively at this point:

1. Experiment with the tenses.

At the beginner level, you became familiar with how to use the present tense. Now that you’re approaching the intermediate level, you should begin experimenting with the other tenses. In doing so, you can formulate more interesting sentences on a number of topics.

A Small Boy Experimenting with Science Equipment and Enjoying Learning

2. Build up your vocabulary and practice your pronunciation.

You should focus on building and expanding your vocabulary so that you can avoid using words that sound very basic or childish. In addition, you should work on mastering your pronunciation of Urdu words. Being able to use more advanced words and pronounce them correctly will surely impress native speakers! 

3. Start learning and using common phrases.

As you build your vocabulary, you should also start learning more common phrases. Pay attention to how native speakers converse with each other, and try applying the most frequently used phrases and sentences to your own speech. At this stage, you can also begin crafting your own unique phrases using your newly acquired vocabulary. This will enhance your sentence formulation skills and keep you interested in your studies.

Advanced Level

You should expect to spend a good 1000-1200 hours reaching the threshold of the advanced (C1) level. 

While many learners are satisfied with reaching the intermediate level, the most devoted students have set their minds to mastering Urdu completely! This is a huge feat and certainly not an easy one, but well worth the effort. At the advanced level, you can…

  • …understand intricate texts and their implicit meanings. 
  • …effectively communicate in both professional and casual contexts. 
  • …present your thoughts and ideas in a clear, unmistakable manner. 

Here are a few tips to speed up your progress: 

1. Confidence does matter.

Having reached the B1 level, you’ve covered a lot of distance. Total mastery and command of the Urdu language are not too far out of reach at this point. Nonetheless, you must remember that the final steps are always hard to take.

But don’t worry. Have confidence in yourself. Keep the joy of getting a befitting reward in your mind to muster up your courage for these heavy steps. There’s only one level (B2) between you and your dream level (C1).

A Working Executive Woman, Posing Confidently

2. Explore classic Urdu books, movies, and music.

While traditional study methods play a key role in mastering Urdu, you should begin exploring some secondary Urdu resources as well. The best way to become proficient in the language is to expose yourself to it outside of the classroom (or textbook, or app). 

Some of the best ways to immerse yourself in the language include: 

  • Watching classic Urdu movies
  • Reading Urdu literature
  • Listening to Urdu music

If you’re not sure where to start, why not see our lists of the Top 10 Urdu TV Shows and Drama Series and YouTube Channels to Enhance Your Skills?

A Man Enjoying a Movie on a Tablet

3. Interact with native Urdu speakers.

If possible, you should plan to either live in Pakistan for a while or visit for a short time. This will work wonders for your Urdu language skills! Your time in Pakistan will give you constant exposure to Urdu in natural contexts, from slang terms to formal everyday language—something you would miss out on in the traditional classroom setting. 

Learning Urdu When You’re Short on Time

As already discussed, how long it takes to learn Urdu is determined by numerous factors. These include your attitude toward learning it, how much time you spend studying each day, and why you’re learning it in the first place. 

We understand that not everyone has enough time in their busy schedules to attend regular classes or devote hours a day to studying. The good news is that you can learn Urdu online or through mobile apps—both methods give you much more flexibility than traditional courses and let you study from anywhere. 

While there’s no substitute for hard work, we believe these methods can help you learn Urdu more effectively even when you’re short on time. Let’s take a closer look. 

1. Online Resources

Despite the proven track record of classroom education, virtual education has revolutionized the way in which people learn and study. This applies to language learning as well, and you can find many online resources to help you learn Urdu to varying degrees of proficiency. is unparalleled in this regard. We have the solutions to all your language learning problems, and we seek to answer all of your questions and dispel all of your doubts. When you subscribe, you get access to a huge resource of online lessons customized to the needs of Urdu learners at all different levels. We make learning Urdu both fun and effective! 

To reinforce what you’ve learned on our website, you can head over to our YouTube channel and watch any number of our fun, educational videos. 

2. Mobile Phone Applications

Google and other app stores are replete with applications claiming to teach the Urdu language effectively. While many of them can be used as excellent secondary resources, we recommend choosing your learning apps with caution. 

In addition to the InnovativeLanguage101 app, we recommend trying out Learn Urdu Kids


In this article, we answered the frequently asked question: How long will it take to learn Urdu? 

We also discussed what factors will determine your learning speed, what skills are expected of you at each Urdu proficiency level, and how to learn Urdu effectively. 

Are you ready to hop on the plane of Urdu learning and enjoy its adventurous pathways? More importantly: Have we answered all of your questions? If not, feel free to reach out to us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible! 

We hope you choose to make a part of your Urdu learning diet. We’re a rich repository of learning resources, ready to help you master all of the necessary Urdu language skills. 

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

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Urdu Proverbs: Sound Wise Among Urdu Speakers


Have you ever found yourself struggling to get a point across, only to have the perfect proverb come to mind and save the day? You really can’t deny the utility of proverbs in everyday communication! 

The Urdu language is resplendent with traditional sayings and proverbs that reflect the collective consciousness and group identity of its speakers. These Urdu proverbs may come from a variety of sources, from popular folk wisdom to words of the learned elite, but they all share a common cultural understanding and value for the community. 

In this article, we’ll introduce you to several of the most common Urdu proverbs and their meanings in English. Studying these proverbs will not only stretch your vocabulary and grammar muscles, but also get you better acquainted with Pakistani culture and enlighten you on a personal level. Shall we begin?

A Man Contemplating while Keeping His Index Finger on His Right Temple

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. Proverbs About Success
  2. Proverbs About Life
  3. Proverbs About Time
  4. Proverbs About Love
  5. Proverbs About Family and Friends
  6. Proverbs About Health
  7. Conclusion

1. Proverbs About Success

Let’s start our Urdu proverbs list with a few frequently used proverbs on success. These can serve as words of congratulations or as advice on how to succeed in life. 


محنت کامیابی کی کنجی ہے۔
‘mehnat kamyabi ki kunji hai.’
Hard work is the key to success.

This proverb is popular in both Urdu- and English-speaking cultures. It can be used to motivate someone to work hard in order to achieve his/her goals, or as a compliment to acknowledge someone’s hard work. 


ہمتِ مرداں مددِ خدا۔
‘himmat e marda madad e khuda.’
God helps those who help themselves.

This Urdu proverb means that when men muster up their courage, the God Almighty helps them. While it literally translates to, “Courage of men, help of God,” it’s very close in meaning to the English saying, “God helps those who help themselves.” Like the previous phrase, it can be used to motivate or compliment someone. 


کام بِن دام نہیں۔
‘kaam bin daam nahi.’
No pain, no gain.

This proverb means that if you do not work, you will not get money. It’s the near equivalent of the given English proverb. It can be used to warn a worker who isn’t performing well, or to motivate someone to work even harder to earn more money.


مشق انسان کو کامل بنا دیتی ہے.
‘mashq insaan ko kamil bana deti hai.’
Practice makes a man perfect.

This Urdu proverb is the true translation of its English counterpart. It’s used to encourage someone who wants to master a skill or to congratulate someone who has already mastered a skill after practicing very hard.


جہاں چاہ وہاں راہ۔
‘jahan chah wahan raah.’
Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Here’s another Urdu proverb that’s the exact translation of its English counterpart. It means that if someone is interested in any particular job, he’ll find an apt way to do it successfully. 


انت بھلا تو سب بھلا۔
‘anth bhala toh sab bhala.’
All’s well that ends well.

This proverb has the same meaning as the English version. In Urdu, it’s used to congratulate someone who has completed a task well despite facing multiple hurdles. It can also be roughly translated as, “The ends justify the means.”

A Man Standing at the Peak of a Mountain and Celebrating Success

2. Proverbs About Life

Now, let’s spend some time poring over the most common Urdu proverbs about life. These sayings touch on the harsh and sweet realities of our existence, and they’re sure to give you valuable insight into Pakistani culture. 


زندگی پھولوں کی سیج نہیں۔
‘zindagi phoolon ki sej nahi.’
Life is not a bed of roses.

This Urdu proverb is the true translation of its English counterpart. It’s typically used to console someone who has undergone a bitter life experience, though it can also be used to warn young people not to waste their time without purpose and to instead prepare for the hard times. 


زندگی زندہ دلی کا نام ہے۔
‘zindagi zinda dili ka naam hai.’
Life is the name of liveliness.

This is a poetic verse by Sheikh Imam Baksh Nasikh, but has gained acceptance as a proverb in Pakistani society. It’s used to cheer up sad souls and to uplift their spirits to enjoy life fully.


تجربہ سب سے بڑا استاد ہے۔
‘tajurba sab say barha ustad hai.’
Experience is the greatest teacher.

If you know someone who is going through a trying situation or a new experience, you can use this proverb to shed some light on how significant it is.

An Old Man Who Seems to Have Undergone Several Experiences and Learned a Lot


دودھ کا جلا چھاچھ بھی پھونک پھونک کر پیتا ہے۔
‘doodh ka jala chach bhi phoonk phoonk kar peeta hai.’
A burnt child dreads the fire.

The Urdu version of this proverb is very similar to the Turkish proverb that goes: “If you burn your mouth on hot milk, you blow before you eat yogurt.” It evokes the same imagery as its English counterpart does.  

3. Proverbs About Time

No society could make any significant progress without giving due importance to time. With this in mind, let’s see how people in Pakistan value this priceless commodity…


وقت کسی کا انتظار نہیں کرتا۔
‘waqt kisi ka intezar nahi karta.’
Time and tide wait for none.

In Urdu-speaking societies, this proverb is often used to address the fanciful youth who waste their precious time doing unimportant activities. Feel free to use this phrase on occasion if you come across any such person!

An Hourglass in Which Sand Is Coming Down Fast, Signifying the Unstoppable Nature of Time


وقت پر ایک ٹانکا نو کا کام کر دیتا ہے۔
‘waqt par ek tanka no ka kaam kar deta hai.’
A stitch in time saves nine.

The Urdu proverb is the literal translation of the English one. It refers to the mending of any stitched article, where getting it fixed early on using only one stitch will save you needing to use nine stitches later on. It means that if one acts in a timely manner, it can save that person from many impending ordeals. 


وقت سب سے بڑا مرہم ہے۔
‘waqt sab say barha marham hai.’
Time is a big healer.

Like its English equivalent, this proverb is used to soothe one’s grief and sorrow. It guarantees that all wounds will heal with time.


وقت وقت کا راگ اچھا ہوتا ہے۔
‘waqt waqt ka raag acha hota hai.’
An appropriate action at the right time and right place is appreciated.

This proverb literally translates to, “The melody is good from time to time.” It refers to raags, a unique component of Eastern Classical music. In a raag, a specific melodic framework is used and then built upon through improvisation in order to influence the emotions of the audience in a fresh, distinctive way. 

The proverb encourages us to take the right step at the right time, and to talk pertinently. For example, if an old person was talking and acting like he was still young, someone may tell him this proverb as a way of saying, “Act your own age.”


وقت پڑنے پر گدھے کو باپ بناتے ہیں۔
‘waqt parhnay per gadhe ko baap banatay hain.’
In the hour of need, fools are praised and respected.

This Urdu proverb can be translated as, “to make a donkey your father in the hour of need.” Both this translation and its English counterpart describe the bitter reality that, when in need, people give even fools undue attention. 


دیر آید درست آید۔
‘der ayad durust aayad.’
Better late than never.

In Urdu-speaking societies, this proverb might be used when a person understands something very late. Saying this to someone would simultaneously point out their mistake and show them that it’s not a big deal. 


آج کا کام کل پر مت چھوڑو۔
‘aaj ka kaam kal par mat chorho.’
Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

The Urdu and English versions of this proverb are synonymous with each other. This proverb is used to help someone understand the value of doing a given task on time.

4. Proverbs About Love

Love is a universal phenomenon, and people from all walks of life and in every culture have something to say about it. Though there are myriads of Urdu proverbs about love, we’ll only cover the most common ones here.


محبت اندھی ہوتی ہے۔
‘Mohabbat andhi hoti hai.’
Love is blind.

This Urdu proverb refers to the blind nature of love. It means that when a person is in love, he/she is unable to evaluate their feelings or the situation rationally. This proverb is often used to point out the irrationality of lovers.


محبت اور جنگ میں ہر چیز جائز ہوتی ہے۔
‘Mohabbat aur jang mei har cheez jayaz hoti hai.’
Everything is fair in love and war.

The English and Urdu versions of this proverb are identical in meaning. One can use this proverb to comment on (or to justify) the wrongdoings of lovers and warriors. 


دل کو دل سے راہ ہوتی ہے۔
‘dil ko dil se raah hoti hai.’
Love begets love.

This Urdu proverb is the near equivalent of the given English proverb. It means that a loving heart attracts another loving heart. It’s used to express that a person who feels love for another will have their love reciprocated.

A Group of Young People Making the Heart Sign with Their Hands, Exhibiting the Significance of Love


دل کو ہو قرار تو سب کو سوجھیں تیوہار۔
‘dil ko ho qarar to sab ko soojhain teohaar.’
A cheerful heart aims at festivities.

We use this proverb when we see someone who is happy and unworried engaging in merrymaking. 

5. Proverbs About Family and Friends

Family and friends are part and parcel of any humane society. Therefore, you’ll find an abundance of proverbs related to friends and family in the Urdu language.


دوست وہ جو مصیبت میں کام آئے۔
‘dost woh jo moseebat mei kaam aaye.’
A friend in need is a friend indeed.

This Urdu proverb means the same thing as its English equivalent, and it helps us to differentiate between true friends and false friends.


اپنا اپنا غیر غیر۔
‘apna apna ghair ghair.’
Blood is thicker than water.

This one refers to the fact that blood relations differ from all other relations. It expresses that our family should always come before the other people in our lives. 


دوست ہوتا نہیں ہر ہاتھ ملانے والا۔
‘dost hota nahi har hath milane wala.’
Every visitor is not a friend.

This is a poetic verse by the famous Urdu poet Ahmad Faraz. Nowadays, it has gained currency as an Urdu proverb, and we use it to draw a line of demarcation between true friends and seasonal birds.

A Person Offering His Hand for a Handshake, with the Other Person not Reciprocating


دوست کا دشمن دشمن، دشمن کا دشمن دوست
‘dost ka dushman dushman, dushman ka dushman dost’
The enemy of a friend is an enemy; the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

This famous quote has gained status as a proverb in Pakistan. It justifies the act of befriending the enemy of an enemy and developing animosity for the enemy of a friend. 


یار زندہ صحبت باقی۔
‘yaar zinda sohbat baqi.’
Reunion is subordinate to survival.

We use this phrase when parting ways with friends and loved ones. It also contains an embedded prayer for the survival of the other party and for future reunions with him/her. 


ماں کی دعا جنت کی ہوا۔
‘maa ki dua Jannat ki hawa.’
A mother’s prayer brings heavenly air.

This Urdu proverb is used to elevate the rank of the mother in society. It also has a religious connotation as it’s inspired by an Islamic Hadith meaning that Heaven lies under the feet of the mother.


دوستوں کو قریب لیکن دشمنوں کو قریب تر رکھو۔
‘dosto ko qareeb lekin dushmano ko qareeb tar rakho.’
Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

We use this proverb to advise others to keep a close eye on their enemies. Because an enemy is likely to try and harm you, it’s important to be vigilant about watching them. 

6. Proverbs About Health

All the pleasures of life become meaningless if you’re unhealthy. Take a look at the proverbs below to see how much importance Pakistani culture places on health.


تندرستی ہزار نعمت ہے
Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.
Health is wealth.

This proverb is the near equivalent of its English counterpart, and it means that health is equal to a thousand blessings. It’s often used to encourage someone to be thankful for their health.


تن سکھی تو من سکھی
‘tan sukhi toh mann sukhi’
Healthy body, healthy mind.

This one states that only a healthy body guarantees a healthy mind. It’s often used to emphasize the significance of a healthy lifestyle, especially when speaking to workaholics or those who don’t take good care of themselves. 


پرہیز علاج سے بہتر ہے۔
‘perhaiz ilaj se behtar hai.’
Prevention is better than cure.

This proverb underscores that it’s better to prevent a problem than to fix it after it happens. We most often use it to convince someone to take preventive measures so they can avoid the anticipated medical complications.

A Huge Stock of Drugs Symbolizing the Cure with Antibiotics

7. Conclusion

In this article, you learned a number of commonly used Urdu proverbs with their meanings in English. By memorizing these proverbs and learning how to use them, you can begin to take on your new identity as a very literate Urdu speaker and impress those around you. 

Which proverbs did you most resonate with, and why? We recommend starting with those, because they’ll be easier for you to remember! 

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Very happy Urdu learning! 

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