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The Best Urdu Podcasts for Language Learners


Have you started feeling the heat of trying to learn Urdu through old, hackneyed methods? Don’t let your morale drop so soon! Instead, get ready to start learning the Urdu language through a more entertaining and engaging medium: Urdu podcasts. 

Maybe it’s hard for you to believe that learning a language like Urdu could actually be fun. But listening to podcasts in Urdu is a fantastic way to learn the language, and it frees you from the monotonous classroom atmosphere and hectic homework assignments. 

You can learn Urdu with ease, holding a cup of coffee (or whatever your favorite drink is) and relaxing on the couch with your eyes closed. Depending on your current proficiency level, you could simultaneously learn the Urdu language, become familiar with the culture, and gain extensive knowledge on another topic of your choosing. 

In this article, we will provide you with a list of the ten best Urdu podcasts for language learners. In addition, we’ll talk about why podcasts are such an excellent language learning tool and give you some tips on how to make the most of them. 

You’re sure to find a podcast you love, as we’ve handpicked the top choices in a number of genres!

A Girl in a Pleasant Mood Learning with the Help of

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. Benefits of Using Podcasts to Learn Urdu
  2. The Best Podcasts for Learning Urdu
  3. Tricks to Help You Learn Urdu More Effectively with Podcasts
  4. Conclusion

1. Benefits of Using Podcasts to Learn Urdu

Of course, before you begin listening to Urdu podcasts, you probably want to know what makes them worth your while. What benefits can you expect from supplementing your studies with podcasts? To answer this pertinent question, we have listed below just a few of the advantages that podcasts have over other study tools. 

Easy to Approach and Tackle

Since modern technology has revolutionized the world and transformed it into a global village, learning media such as podcasts have become easily accessible to everyone. Due to their user-friendly interfaces, such channels have become highly popular—even most children can use them without parental guidance! 

Improvement in Listening Skills

It’s no secret that a good listener can only become a good communicator. If you want to become better at communicating with native Urdu speakers, you must develop a good deal of patience and a knack for listening without interruption. When you listen to Urdu podcasts, you’ll gradually develop these skills on a subconscious level.

A Man and a Woman Trying to Communicate

Focus on Correct Pronunciation

Becoming an active listener will also set you on the path toward becoming a better learner. Listening to Urdu podcasts will help you passively learn the correct pronunciation of many words that you might have been mispronouncing this whole time! 

Variety in Vocabulary

Having a good range of Urdu vocabulary will give you a huge advantage in any circumstance. When you’re able to use just the right word (instead of overusing the same ones over and over again), the tables turn for the better. By listening to podcasts on a daily basis, you’ll be able to learn new words and hear how they’re used in real-life contexts. Make sure to pay close attention when a new word crops up—it could make all the difference in building up a solid vocabulary. 

2. The Best Podcasts for Learning Urdu

Are you convinced yet? Then let’s go over our list of the top Urdu podcasts! 

1. BBC Urdu Podcast

Level: Advanced

BBC Urdu is one of the most authentic Urdu podcasts when it comes to the truthfulness of the content as well as the pronunciation used. Listeners will get to hear an almost neutral Urdu accent in each episode, which will make comprehension easier. Since the BBC is a responsible and professional organization, it updates its content regularly. 

2.  Urdu Adab

Level: Advanced

The Urdu Adab podcast is a great resource for more advanced learners who love to read and explore Urdu-language literature. Due to its large listenership, this podcast is updated on a regular basis. 

3.  Urdu Daan

Level: Any

Urdu Daan is an Urdu podcast that presents multiple perspectives on a wide range of subjects, from philosophy and poetry to stardust. It tends to be suitable for learners of all levels, and it’s updated pretty frequently. 


Level: Beginner to Advanced

There’s nothing wrong with a little self-appreciation, right? 

UrduPod101 is the best Urdu learning podcast on the market, featuring unparalleled content and lesson materials. Our podcast is designed for learners at every level, from absolute beginner to advanced. Each lesson is created with the learner’s needs in mind and includes a variety of useful tools for a smoother listening experience: vocabulary lists, PDF lesson notes, and more. Better still, all of our content is made by real Urdu teachers! Create your free lifetime account today to get started. 

5.  Hamari Kainat

Level: Advanced

Here’s a good treat for astronomy geeks. This Urdu-language podcast is replete with fascinating information and discussion regarding astronomy, so you can expand your knowledge of the universe and pick up specialized Urdu vocabulary at the same time! 

6.  Mooroo Podcasts

Level: Any

This amazing Urdu podcast will put you in mind of a traditional talk show due to its interview format. However, it’s unique in that it’s quite casual, only loosely scripted, and full of fun and energy. In each episode, the host invites and interviews a new heart-throb celebrity.  

7.  CPS International

Level: Any

CPS International is an excellent Urdu podcast that discusses the teachings of Islam. If you’re a student of Theology or Comparative Religions, you shouldn’t miss it!

8.  RedCircle – The Lockdown Series (Urdu)

Level: Any

This podcast is pure heaven for story lovers. Whether you’re a storyteller, a story writer, or a story listener, this is the right podcast for you. The platform compiles different stories by writers of different sociocultural backgrounds and ethnicities in order to engage its lockdown-stricken audience during the pandemic. 

9.  Jiski Zuban Urdu Ki Tarah

Level: Any

Looking for a podcast that will significantly expand your vocabulary? You’ve found it! This Urdu podcast delves into the meanings of the words used in Pakistani and Indian songs, unpacking them in simple terms. Even if you’re a new Urdu learner who knows little about music, you’ll find something here that interests you.

10. Urdu Aaj Kal

Level: Any

This is an Urdu poetry podcast that aims to keep the Urdu poetic tradition going. The series invites modern poets to share their work as well as their views on the art of crafting poetry. Since poetry does not confine itself to a particular audience, age group, or time, truly anyone could enjoy this podcast. 

3. Tricks to Help You Learn Urdu More Effectively with Podcasts

Having discovered the best Urdu podcasts for language learning, you should now learn a few tricks and hacks for studying Urdu more efficiently with them. 

Choose the appropriate level.

The key factor here is choosing an Urdu podcast that’s suitable for your current level. In a sense, this gives you the home-field advantage when listening and helps secure your success in learning. Start by identifying your current level, and then find interesting podcasts that aren’t too high above that.

Level 1.1 Vocabulary

Focus on your goals. 

Do you want to learn a lot of new vocabulary? Would you prefer diving into specific grammar points or discovering more about Pakistani culture? Maybe you just want to listen passively to a podcast on a fascinating topic. In addition to choosing a podcast that matches your level, you should choose one that will help you meet your personal learning goals. 

Pick what interests you.

To keep your interest alive, pick podcasts that cover the fields and topics that interest you. This will keep you from suffering through monotonous lessons and help keep you motivated. Interest can do miracles for you and bring great results, as you’ll remain mentally ready to remove any hurdle from your path and reach your destination.

A Boy Learning a Language with the Help of a Podcast

Practice every day.

Who can challenge the authority of the adage “Practice makes perfect”? It remains relevant and practicable to date. Therefore, you should listen to your selected podcast regularly and practice the things that you’ve learned on a daily basis. The art of practice will make you a master Urdu learner and, eventually, an Urdu guru.

Explore multiple resources.

Never settle for a single resource. There are plenty of Urdu podcasts to pick and choose from, so take advantage of the variety! Otherwise, you’ll become bored and unable to retain information effectively. Exploring multiple resources will help provide you with numerous perspectives in different fields of knowledge, especially concerning the native people and their indigenous ways of living. 

Don’t give up.

Last but not least, never give up. Remain motivated at any cost so that you’ll have no option but to move forward. Such resoluteness will drive you towards your goals, and you’ll be able to cross the victory line with flying colors as a result. Keep going and never give up!

A Woman Lying Down in the Grass with Headphones on and a Smile on Her Face

4. Conclusion

In this article, you learned…

  • …how listening to podcasts in Urdu can help you master the language.
  • …which Urdu podcasts are best for learners of the language. 
  • …how you can make the most of podcasts to stay motivated and learn like a pro. 

We did our best to include a wide range of podcasts on our list, so you can find one to enjoy regardless of your age, interests, or current Urdu proficiency level. 

Now, are you ready to distinguish yourself from other Urdu learners? If yes, start your journey straight away by diving into your favorite Urdu podcasts. In case you have any questions or a podcast recommendation we didn’t include, let us know in the comments. We’ll get back to you at the earliest.

If you would like to continue learning Urdu with us, create your free lifetime account on today! We are a rich repository of Urdu language learning resources for students at every level. You’ll enjoy studying Urdu using our variety of video and audio lessons, free vocabulary lists, pronunciation and grammar guides, and so much more. 

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

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How Long Does it Take to Learn Urdu?


Is it possible to give a definite time-frame for learning Urdu? 

Frankly speaking, it’s quite difficult to specify exactly how long it will take someone to learn the language. There are multiple variables that affect one’s second-language acquisition, such as necessity, motivation, level of education, culture, and previous experience with languages.

Keeping this in view, it’s also imperative for an aspiring Urdu learner to decide what level of fluency they hope to attain. For example, picking up basic survival phrases for travel will take far less time than trying to become fluent.

In this article, we’ll answer questions such as, “How long does it take to learn Urdu?” and give you some tips on how to learn Urdu fast!

A Calendar
Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. Key Considerations
  2. Beginner Level
  3. Intermediate Level
  4. Advanced Level
  5. Learning Urdu When You’re Short on Time
  6. Conclusion

Key Considerations

The United States’ Foreign Service Institute (FSI) groups languages into four categories, with Category I languages being those most similar to English and Category IV languages being the least similar. According to this system, Urdu falls under Category III. The FSI approximates that one can gain basic fluency in a Category III language with about 720 hours of intensive study (10 hours per day) and reach full fluency with around 1100 hours (44 weeks) of intensive study. 

Of course, this is only an approximate.

If you plan to study Urdu, you must first take the time to consider the following factors. Doing so will give you a good idea of what your strengths and weaknesses will be as you start out, so you can plan accordingly. Who knows? You may even discover that you’re at an advantage! 

1. Your Background

Have you already studied a second language? Were you raised bilingual? What language(s) do you know besides English? 

Your answers to these questions will play a major role in how long it takes to learn Urdu. 

Urdu learners who already know an Oriental language tend to have a much easier time with their studies than learners who do not. In addition, people who have learned a second language already—no matter what that language is—have a huge advantage over those who only know one language. 

Also, a person with prior exposure to the native Pakistani culture and ways of living is at an advantage. 

2. Your Motivation

Another dominant factor that may affect the pace of your Urdu learning is your implicit or explicit motivation for learning the language. If you have a lucrative end-goal in mind (such as a promotion or acceptance to a university) or are learning so you can better communicate with a loved one, you’ll be willing to put in more effort and will achieve your goals faster.

A Man Climbing a Steep Mountain, Symbolizing a High Level of Motivation

3. Your Learning Methods

Your selected method of learning is another significant factor here. For example, students who learn via the grammar-translation method will require a different amount of overall learning time than students being taught via the direct method

In the same vein, you should determine whether to take an Urdu course at a language institution, at a university, via a tutor, or even online. Each of these methods will result in a different type of language learning experience, and the amount of time it takes you to master Urdu will vary as a result. 

Of course, any learning method you opt for should be supplemented (as much as possible) by direct exposure to the language and immersion in the culture.

Beginner Level

It may take you around 150 to 200 hours to reach the A1 (absolute beginner) level.

At the beginner level, you should be able to understand and apply basic survival phrases and other day-to-day vocabulary. There are a few fundamental concepts of the Urdu language you should focus on mastering at this point. Here are some tips on how to learn Urdu quickly as you approach and attain the beginner level: 

1. Study the basic syntax. 

Try to focus on the rudimentary word order and sentence structure. It’s too early to comprehend all of it right away, but you should still familiarize yourself with the basics. It will become more clear to you as you advance and gain more exposure to the language. 

2. Start dealing with the present. 

The present tense is very important when learning any language. Try to grasp command over the present tense, and practice using it with the first and second person pronouns.

3. Don’t hesitate to conjugate.

While you shouldn’t be overly ambitious here, you should try learning to conjugate some basic Urdu verbs. Practice is the only way to get better, and your mistakes will help you learn even faster! 

4. Flashcards are effective.

Never underestimate the power of the flashcard technique. Try to learn as many nouns, verbs, and adjectives as possible, along with examples of their appropriate usage in the Urdu language.

A Small Girl Using Flashcards for Learning the Names of Different Fruits

Intermediate Level

It may take you approximately 500-600 hours to reach the B1 level of proficiency in the Urdu language.

At the intermediate level, you’ll be able to…

  • …comprehend basic conversations on familiar topics and things that interest you.
  • …interact with native Urdu speakers concerning routine matters. 
  • …explain your ideas, plans, and experiences with others in an appropriate manner. 

Here are a few things you can do to learn Urdu effectively at this point:

1. Experiment with the tenses.

At the beginner level, you became familiar with how to use the present tense. Now that you’re approaching the intermediate level, you should begin experimenting with the other tenses. In doing so, you can formulate more interesting sentences on a number of topics.

A Small Boy Experimenting with Science Equipment and Enjoying Learning

2. Build up your vocabulary and practice your pronunciation.

You should focus on building and expanding your vocabulary so that you can avoid using words that sound very basic or childish. In addition, you should work on mastering your pronunciation of Urdu words. Being able to use more advanced words and pronounce them correctly will surely impress native speakers! 

3. Start learning and using common phrases.

As you build your vocabulary, you should also start learning more common phrases. Pay attention to how native speakers converse with each other, and try applying the most frequently used phrases and sentences to your own speech. At this stage, you can also begin crafting your own unique phrases using your newly acquired vocabulary. This will enhance your sentence formulation skills and keep you interested in your studies.

Advanced Level

You should expect to spend a good 1000-1200 hours reaching the threshold of the advanced (C1) level. 

While many learners are satisfied with reaching the intermediate level, the most devoted students have set their minds to mastering Urdu completely! This is a huge feat and certainly not an easy one, but well worth the effort. At the advanced level, you can…

  • …understand intricate texts and their implicit meanings. 
  • …effectively communicate in both professional and casual contexts. 
  • …present your thoughts and ideas in a clear, unmistakable manner. 

Here are a few tips to speed up your progress: 

1. Confidence does matter.

Having reached the B1 level, you’ve covered a lot of distance. Total mastery and command of the Urdu language are not too far out of reach at this point. Nonetheless, you must remember that the final steps are always hard to take.

But don’t worry. Have confidence in yourself. Keep the joy of getting a befitting reward in your mind to muster up your courage for these heavy steps. There’s only one level (B2) between you and your dream level (C1).

A Working Executive Woman, Posing Confidently

2. Explore classic Urdu books, movies, and music.

While traditional study methods play a key role in mastering Urdu, you should begin exploring some secondary Urdu resources as well. The best way to become proficient in the language is to expose yourself to it outside of the classroom (or textbook, or app). 

Some of the best ways to immerse yourself in the language include: 

  • Watching classic Urdu movies
  • Reading Urdu literature
  • Listening to Urdu music

If you’re not sure where to start, why not see our lists of the Top 10 Urdu TV Shows and Drama Series and YouTube Channels to Enhance Your Skills?

A Man Enjoying a Movie on a Tablet

3. Interact with native Urdu speakers.

If possible, you should plan to either live in Pakistan for a while or visit for a short time. This will work wonders for your Urdu language skills! Your time in Pakistan will give you constant exposure to Urdu in natural contexts, from slang terms to formal everyday language—something you would miss out on in the traditional classroom setting. 

Learning Urdu When You’re Short on Time

As already discussed, how long it takes to learn Urdu is determined by numerous factors. These include your attitude toward learning it, how much time you spend studying each day, and why you’re learning it in the first place. 

We understand that not everyone has enough time in their busy schedules to attend regular classes or devote hours a day to studying. The good news is that you can learn Urdu online or through mobile apps—both methods give you much more flexibility than traditional courses and let you study from anywhere. 

While there’s no substitute for hard work, we believe these methods can help you learn Urdu more effectively even when you’re short on time. Let’s take a closer look. 

1. Online Resources

Despite the proven track record of classroom education, virtual education has revolutionized the way in which people learn and study. This applies to language learning as well, and you can find many online resources to help you learn Urdu to varying degrees of proficiency. is unparalleled in this regard. We have the solutions to all your language learning problems, and we seek to answer all of your questions and dispel all of your doubts. When you subscribe, you get access to a huge resource of online lessons customized to the needs of Urdu learners at all different levels. We make learning Urdu both fun and effective! 

To reinforce what you’ve learned on our website, you can head over to our YouTube channel and watch any number of our fun, educational videos. 

2. Mobile Phone Applications

Google and other app stores are replete with applications claiming to teach the Urdu language effectively. While many of them can be used as excellent secondary resources, we recommend choosing your learning apps with caution. 

In addition to the InnovativeLanguage101 app, we recommend trying out Learn Urdu Kids


In this article, we answered the frequently asked question: How long will it take to learn Urdu? 

We also discussed what factors will determine your learning speed, what skills are expected of you at each Urdu proficiency level, and how to learn Urdu effectively. 

Are you ready to hop on the plane of Urdu learning and enjoy its adventurous pathways? More importantly: Have we answered all of your questions? If not, feel free to reach out to us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible! 

We hope you choose to make a part of your Urdu learning diet. We’re a rich repository of learning resources, ready to help you master all of the necessary Urdu language skills. 

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

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