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How Long Does it Take to Learn Urdu?


Is it possible to give a definite time-frame for learning Urdu? 

Frankly speaking, it’s quite difficult to specify exactly how long it will take someone to learn the language. There are multiple variables that affect one’s second-language acquisition, such as necessity, motivation, level of education, culture, and previous experience with languages.

Keeping this in view, it’s also imperative for an aspiring Urdu learner to decide what level of fluency they hope to attain. For example, picking up basic survival phrases for travel will take far less time than trying to become fluent.

In this article, we’ll answer questions such as, “How long does it take to learn Urdu?” and give you some tips on how to learn Urdu fast!

A Calendar
Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. Key Considerations
  2. Beginner Level
  3. Intermediate Level
  4. Advanced Level
  5. Learning Urdu When You’re Short on Time
  6. Conclusion

Key Considerations

The United States’ Foreign Service Institute (FSI) groups languages into four categories, with Category I languages being those most similar to English and Category IV languages being the least similar. According to this system, Urdu falls under Category III. The FSI approximates that one can gain basic fluency in a Category III language with about 720 hours of intensive study (10 hours per day) and reach full fluency with around 1100 hours (44 weeks) of intensive study. 

Of course, this is only an approximate.

If you plan to study Urdu, you must first take the time to consider the following factors. Doing so will give you a good idea of what your strengths and weaknesses will be as you start out, so you can plan accordingly. Who knows? You may even discover that you’re at an advantage! 

1. Your Background

Have you already studied a second language? Were you raised bilingual? What language(s) do you know besides English? 

Your answers to these questions will play a major role in how long it takes to learn Urdu. 

Urdu learners who already know an Oriental language tend to have a much easier time with their studies than learners who do not. In addition, people who have learned a second language already—no matter what that language is—have a huge advantage over those who only know one language. 

Also, a person with prior exposure to the native Pakistani culture and ways of living is at an advantage. 

2. Your Motivation

Another dominant factor that may affect the pace of your Urdu learning is your implicit or explicit motivation for learning the language. If you have a lucrative end-goal in mind (such as a promotion or acceptance to a university) or are learning so you can better communicate with a loved one, you’ll be willing to put in more effort and will achieve your goals faster.

A Man Climbing a Steep Mountain, Symbolizing a High Level of Motivation

3. Your Learning Methods

Your selected method of learning is another significant factor here. For example, students who learn via the grammar-translation method will require a different amount of overall learning time than students being taught via the direct method

In the same vein, you should determine whether to take an Urdu course at a language institution, at a university, via a tutor, or even online. Each of these methods will result in a different type of language learning experience, and the amount of time it takes you to master Urdu will vary as a result. 

Of course, any learning method you opt for should be supplemented (as much as possible) by direct exposure to the language and immersion in the culture.

Beginner Level

It may take you around 150 to 200 hours to reach the A1 (absolute beginner) level.

At the beginner level, you should be able to understand and apply basic survival phrases and other day-to-day vocabulary. There are a few fundamental concepts of the Urdu language you should focus on mastering at this point. Here are some tips on how to learn Urdu quickly as you approach and attain the beginner level: 

1. Study the basic syntax. 

Try to focus on the rudimentary word order and sentence structure. It’s too early to comprehend all of it right away, but you should still familiarize yourself with the basics. It will become more clear to you as you advance and gain more exposure to the language. 

2. Start dealing with the present. 

The present tense is very important when learning any language. Try to grasp command over the present tense, and practice using it with the first and second person pronouns.

3. Don’t hesitate to conjugate.

While you shouldn’t be overly ambitious here, you should try learning to conjugate some basic Urdu verbs. Practice is the only way to get better, and your mistakes will help you learn even faster! 

4. Flashcards are effective.

Never underestimate the power of the flashcard technique. Try to learn as many nouns, verbs, and adjectives as possible, along with examples of their appropriate usage in the Urdu language.

A Small Girl Using Flashcards for Learning the Names of Different Fruits

Intermediate Level

It may take you approximately 500-600 hours to reach the B1 level of proficiency in the Urdu language.

At the intermediate level, you’ll be able to…

  • …comprehend basic conversations on familiar topics and things that interest you.
  • …interact with native Urdu speakers concerning routine matters. 
  • …explain your ideas, plans, and experiences with others in an appropriate manner. 

Here are a few things you can do to learn Urdu effectively at this point:

1. Experiment with the tenses.

At the beginner level, you became familiar with how to use the present tense. Now that you’re approaching the intermediate level, you should begin experimenting with the other tenses. In doing so, you can formulate more interesting sentences on a number of topics.

A Small Boy Experimenting with Science Equipment and Enjoying Learning

2. Build up your vocabulary and practice your pronunciation.

You should focus on building and expanding your vocabulary so that you can avoid using words that sound very basic or childish. In addition, you should work on mastering your pronunciation of Urdu words. Being able to use more advanced words and pronounce them correctly will surely impress native speakers! 

3. Start learning and using common phrases.

As you build your vocabulary, you should also start learning more common phrases. Pay attention to how native speakers converse with each other, and try applying the most frequently used phrases and sentences to your own speech. At this stage, you can also begin crafting your own unique phrases using your newly acquired vocabulary. This will enhance your sentence formulation skills and keep you interested in your studies.

Advanced Level

You should expect to spend a good 1000-1200 hours reaching the threshold of the advanced (C1) level. 

While many learners are satisfied with reaching the intermediate level, the most devoted students have set their minds to mastering Urdu completely! This is a huge feat and certainly not an easy one, but well worth the effort. At the advanced level, you can…

  • …understand intricate texts and their implicit meanings. 
  • …effectively communicate in both professional and casual contexts. 
  • …present your thoughts and ideas in a clear, unmistakable manner. 

Here are a few tips to speed up your progress: 

1. Confidence does matter.

Having reached the B1 level, you’ve covered a lot of distance. Total mastery and command of the Urdu language are not too far out of reach at this point. Nonetheless, you must remember that the final steps are always hard to take.

But don’t worry. Have confidence in yourself. Keep the joy of getting a befitting reward in your mind to muster up your courage for these heavy steps. There’s only one level (B2) between you and your dream level (C1).

A Working Executive Woman, Posing Confidently

2. Explore classic Urdu books, movies, and music.

While traditional study methods play a key role in mastering Urdu, you should begin exploring some secondary Urdu resources as well. The best way to become proficient in the language is to expose yourself to it outside of the classroom (or textbook, or app). 

Some of the best ways to immerse yourself in the language include: 

  • Watching classic Urdu movies
  • Reading Urdu literature
  • Listening to Urdu music

If you’re not sure where to start, why not see our lists of the Top 10 Urdu TV Shows and Drama Series and YouTube Channels to Enhance Your Skills?

A Man Enjoying a Movie on a Tablet

3. Interact with native Urdu speakers.

If possible, you should plan to either live in Pakistan for a while or visit for a short time. This will work wonders for your Urdu language skills! Your time in Pakistan will give you constant exposure to Urdu in natural contexts, from slang terms to formal everyday language—something you would miss out on in the traditional classroom setting. 

Learning Urdu When You’re Short on Time

As already discussed, how long it takes to learn Urdu is determined by numerous factors. These include your attitude toward learning it, how much time you spend studying each day, and why you’re learning it in the first place. 

We understand that not everyone has enough time in their busy schedules to attend regular classes or devote hours a day to studying. The good news is that you can learn Urdu online or through mobile apps—both methods give you much more flexibility than traditional courses and let you study from anywhere. 

While there’s no substitute for hard work, we believe these methods can help you learn Urdu more effectively even when you’re short on time. Let’s take a closer look. 

1. Online Resources

Despite the proven track record of classroom education, virtual education has revolutionized the way in which people learn and study. This applies to language learning as well, and you can find many online resources to help you learn Urdu to varying degrees of proficiency. is unparalleled in this regard. We have the solutions to all your language learning problems, and we seek to answer all of your questions and dispel all of your doubts. When you subscribe, you get access to a huge resource of online lessons customized to the needs of Urdu learners at all different levels. We make learning Urdu both fun and effective! 

To reinforce what you’ve learned on our website, you can head over to our YouTube channel and watch any number of our fun, educational videos. 

2. Mobile Phone Applications

Google and other app stores are replete with applications claiming to teach the Urdu language effectively. While many of them can be used as excellent secondary resources, we recommend choosing your learning apps with caution. 

In addition to the InnovativeLanguage101 app, we recommend trying out Learn Urdu Kids


In this article, we answered the frequently asked question: How long will it take to learn Urdu? 

We also discussed what factors will determine your learning speed, what skills are expected of you at each Urdu proficiency level, and how to learn Urdu effectively. 

Are you ready to hop on the plane of Urdu learning and enjoy its adventurous pathways? More importantly: Have we answered all of your questions? If not, feel free to reach out to us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible! 

We hope you choose to make a part of your Urdu learning diet. We’re a rich repository of learning resources, ready to help you master all of the necessary Urdu language skills. 

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu

Embark on a Corporate Voyage with Urdu Business Phrases


You may have come across this well-known saying: “Communication works for those who work at it.”

Well, let us add a word—business—to the beginning of that saying. 

If you plan on doing business in an unfamiliar land, you must prepare yourself accordingly in order to enjoy tangible results. Failing to prepare yourself, on the other hand, can be detrimental to your business venture! 

With this in view, if you intend to set up a business in Pakistan or plan to visit the territory for the sake of a business commitment, you must learn some commonly used Urdu business phrases. Even a basic understanding of the business language of Pakistan can make your time there more productive.

In this article, will introduce you to some inevitable Urdu phrases for business that you can start practicing today.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Business Words and Phrases in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. Choosing the Right Pronoun – آپ vs. تم
  2. Greetings and Goodbyes
  3. Nailing a Job Interview in Urdu
  4. Interacting with Coworkers
  5. Handling Business Phone Calls and Emails
  6. Going on a Business Trip
  7. Conclusion

1. Choosing the Right Pronoun – آپ vs. تم 

Before we go into detail about Urdu business phrases, there’s an important topic we need to cover. 

In the Urdu language, there are two words for the pronoun “you”: آپ (aap) and تم (tum). Now, the responsibility of choosing the right one rests on your shoulder. 

Which one you use depends on your level of intimacy with the other person. To address your interlocutor formally, you will use آپ (aap); once you become closer to and more familiar with that person, you can always use تم (tum).

2. Greetings and Goodbyes

Let’s start simple and learn the basic words and phrases you can use to greet and bid farewell in the Pakistani business sector. Whether you’re leaving after a business meeting or starting a conversation with a coworker, these three phrases will be invaluable to you.

السلامُ علیکم
“Peace be upon you.”

This first phrase is the best way to start a business conversation, wherever you are in Pakistan. It can also serve as an acceptable way to close a meeting or conversation; however, we’ll give you another, more common closing phrase at the end of this section.

آپ سے مِل کر خوشی ہوئی۔
aap say mil kar khushi hui.
“It is a pleasure to meet you.”

After you’ve greeted someone with السلامُ علیکم (assalam-o-alaikum), you can add this sentence as a token of courtesy. Doing so will ensure that the meeting takes place in a friendly business atmosphere.

خدا حافظ
khuda hafiz
“May God be your protector.”

This phrase can always be used as an appropriate ending to your conversation. It’s almost as popular in Pakistani society as “goodbye” is in the West.

Business Professionals Shaking Hands to Confirm the ‘Nice to Meet you’ in a Business Environment

3. Nailing a Job Interview in Urdu

Job Interview

One of the first things one must consider before doing business in Pakistan is how to land a job. 

The job interview is one of the most important steps in attaining work, acting as the gateway to the next level of your career. But here’s the catch: You need to leave a good impression on your interviewer. 

To do this, you must prepare. We recommend learning as many relevant business phrases as you can before the interview date. Being able to conduct at least part of the interview in Urdu will show your interviewer that you’re serious about wanting the job, and that you’re a willing learner.

Below are some common questions and answers during a job interview. They may seem difficult to navigate at first, but with enough practice, they’ll bring you miraculous results.

A- Education

Most employers are curious about candidates’ level of education, and may ask questions about where you went to school and what you studied. Following are some questions you can expect to hear, and possible answers to them. 


آپ کی تعلیمی قابلیت کیا ہے؟
aap ki taleemi qabliyat kia hai?
“What is your qualification?”

کیا آپ مجھے اپنی تعلیم کے بارے میں بتائیں گے؟
kia aap mujhay apni taleem kay baray mein bataein gay?
“Will you tell me about your qualifications?”

آپ نے کون کون سی ڈگریاں حاصل کر رکھی ہیں؟
aap nay kon kon si digrian hasil kar rakhi hain?
“Which degrees have you achieved?”


میرے پاس کامرس کی ڈگری ہے۔
meray pass commerce ki degree hai.
“I have a degree in Commerce.”

میں نے بزنس ایدمینسٹریشن پڑھی ہے۔
mei nay business administration parhi hai.
“I have studied business administration.”

B- Professional Experience

In some professions, employers care even more about your professional experience than your education. Be prepared to discuss this aspect of your career with the interviewer.


آپ کا پیشہ وارانہ تجربہ کیا ہے؟
aap ka peshawarana tajarba kia hai?
“What is your professional experience?”

کیا آپ مجھے اپنی گذشتہ ملازمتوں کے متعلق بتا سکتے ہیں؟
kia aap mujhe apni guzishta malazmaton kay mutaliq bata saktay hain?
“Can you tell me about your previous jobs?”


میں نے نیشنل بینک میں چھ سال کام کیا ہے۔
mei nay national bank mei chay saal kam kia hai.
“I have worked at the National Bank for six years.”

میں مائیکرو سوفٹ کمپنی میں پانچ سال سے کام کر رہا/رہی ہوں۔
mei Microsoft company mein panch saal say kam kar raha/rahi hun.
“I have been working for Microsoft for five years.”

Remember that if you’re answering these questions as a male, use رہا ہوں (raha hun); if you’re answering as a female, use رہی ہوں (rahi hun).

C- The Languages You Speak

Especially when you’re interviewing for a job in a foreign country, the interviewer will likely want to know which languages you speak. 


آپ کتنی زبانیں بول سکتے ہیں؟
aap kitni zubane bol saktay hain?
“How many languages can you speak?”

آپ کو کتنی زبانوں پر عبور حاصل ہے؟
aap ko kitni zubano per aboor hasil hai?
“How many languages are you adept at?”


میں انگریزی اور اردو فراوانی سے بول سکتا/سکتی ہوں۔
mei angrezi aur urdu farawani say bol sakta/sakti hun.
“I can speak English and Urdu fluently.”

In this case, if you’re answering as a male, use سکتا ہوں (sakta hun); if you’re answering as a female, use سکتی ہوں (sakti hun).

مجھے جاپانی اور اردو پر عبور حاصل ہے۔
mujhe japani aur urdu par aboor hasil hai.
“I am adept at Japanese and Urdu.”

D- How to Ask an Interviewer to Repeat a Question

If you couldn’t hear or were unable to understand a question your interviewer asked, you could use the following expressions to have them repeat what they said.

معاف کیجیے گا، میں آپ کی بات سن نہیں پایا۔
muaf kijiye ga, mei aap ki baat sun nahi paya.
“I am sorry, I could not hear you.”

کیا آپ اپنا سوال دوہرا سکتے ہیں؟
kia aap apna sawal dohra saktay hain?
“I beg your pardon?”

معذرت کے ساتھ، میں آپ کی بات سمجھ نہیں پایا۔
maazrat kay sath, mei aap ki baat samajh nahi paya.
“With a due apology, I could not understand you.”

4. Interacting with Coworkers

Business Phrases

Interaction with coworkers is a significant aspect of doing good business, and in Pakistan, communicating with confidence will place you at a vantage point. Below are a few expressions for interacting with your coworkers in the Urdu language.

A- How to Ask for Help

Here are some phrases you can use to ask your colleagues for help with something:

کیا آپ میری مدد کر سکتے ہیں؟
kia aap meri madad kar saktay hain?
“Can you help me?”

کیا آپ اس کی وضاحت کریں گے؟
kia aap iis ki wazahat karain gay?
“Will you explain it?”

میں اس دستاویز کو سمجھ نہیں پایا۔
mei is dastawaiz ko samajh nahi paya.
“I could not comprehend this document.”

کیا آپ اس سسٹم کو چلانا جانتے ہیں؟
kia aap is system ko chalana jantay hain.
“Do you know how to run this system?”

A Business Professional Helping a Subordinate in an Office

B- How to Thank or Congratulate Your Coworkers

When your partner does a great job on a project or a colleague gives you a hand with something, it’s always polite to congratulate or thank them. 

آپ کی مدد کا شکریہ۔
aap ki madad ka shukriya.
“Thank you for your help.”

میں آپ کا احسان مند ہوں۔
mei aap ka ahsan mand hun.
“I am thankful to you.”

بہت خوب۔
bohat khoob.
“Well done.”

Business Professionals Thanking Each Other in an Official Meeting

C- How to Apologize

In the business world, there are some situations that require an honest apology. If you find yourself in such a situation, use the following Urdu phrases to apologize without compromising your dignity.

    → Don’t forget that you can find more apology phrases in our lesson Apologies in Urdu.

میں معذرت چاہتا ہوں۔
mei mazrat chahta hun.
“I apologize.”

میں معافی چاہتا ہوں۔
mei mafi chahta hun.
“I am sorry.”

معاف کیجئے گا، میں آپ کی مدد نہیں کر پایا۔
maaf kijiye ga, mei aap ki madad nahi kar paya.
“I am sorry, I could not help you.”

An Office Worker Taking Responsibility by Giving an Explanation and Apologizing

D- How to Give Your Opinions or Suggestions

There are certainly benefits in being able to communicate your opinions and suggestions in a business meeting. In addition to making your voice heard, doing so may pave new paths for your professional development and growth. Below is some useful Urdu for business meetings.

یہ کام انسانی وسائل کے شعبے کا ہے۔
yeh kam insani wasayal kay shobay ka hai.
“This job belongs to the human resources department.”

ہم اسے کسی تیسرے فریق سے کروا سکتے ہیں۔
hum isay kisi teesray fareeq say karwa saktay hain.
“We can get it done by a third party.”

یہ سودا ہمارے ادارے کو نقصان پہنچا سکتا ہے۔
yeh soda hamaray idaray ko nuqsan pohancha sakta hai.
“This deal may cause a loss to our organization.”

E- How to Express Your Concern

In business meetings, it’s crucial that you can express your concerns or reservations. Doing so can add another plume in your career and open new avenues of success for you.

اس کام کے لئے مقررہ وقت بہت کم ہے۔
iss kam kay liye muqar-ra waqt bohat kam hai.
“The time specified for this task is too short.”

ہمارے پاس اتنا بجٹ نہیں ہے۔
hamaray pas itna budget nahi hai.
“We do not have this much budget.”

یہ کام اتنے وقت میں نہیں کیا جا سکتا۔
yeh kaam itnay waqt mei nahi kia ja sakta.
“This job can’t be completed in the given time.”

مجھے اس کام میں مہارت حاصل نہیں ہے۔
mujhe iss kam mei maharat hasil nahi hai.
“I am not skillful in this job.”

اس کام کے لئے بہت زیادہ وسائل درکار ہیں۔
iss kam kay liye bohat zayada wasail darkar hain.
“This job requires too many resources.”

5. Handling Business Phone Calls and Emails

Depending on where you work, business communication in the Urdu language may be part and parcel of your position. In case you need to make business phone calls or manage emails, the following phrases will be useful for you.

A- Business Phone Calls

کیا میں مینیجر صاحب سے بات کر سکتا/سکتی ہوں؟
kia mei manager sahib say baat kar sakta/sakti hun?
“Can I speak to the manager?”

کیا سجاد صاحب سے میری بات ہو سکتی ہے؟
kia Sajjad sahib say meri baat ho sakti hai?
“Can I talk to Mr. Sajjad?”

میں حسین صاحب سے بات کرنے کی کوشش کر رہا ہوں۔
mei Hussain sahib say baat karnay ki koshish kar raha hun.
“I am trying to reach Mr. Hussain.”

کیا آپ رجسٹرار صاحب سے میری بات کروا سکتے ہیں؟
kia aap registrar sahib say meri baat karwa saktay hain?
“Can you connect me to the Registrar?”

How to Reply

میرے ساتھ رہئے گا۔
meray saath rahiye ga.
“Stay with me.”

میں ابھی آپ کی بات کروا دیتا/دیتی ہوں۔
mei abhi aap ki baat karwa deta/deti hun.
“I will connect you right now.”

مہربانی فرما کر مجھے پیغام دے دیں، میں ان تک پہنچا دوں گا/گی۔
meharbani farma kar mujhe pegham de dain, mei un tak pohancha dun ga / gi.
“Please leave the message, I’ll convey it to him.”

کیا آپ تھوڑی دیر بعد کال کر سکتے ہیں؟
kia aap thori der baad call kar saktay hain?
“Can you call back in a short while?”

A Female Employee Answering a Call in Her Workplace

B- Emails and Letters

It’s no secret that the era of letter writing has passed and been superseded by electronic mail, particularly in the business sector. Of course, there are still certain situations that call for a traditional business letter, though you’ll find yourself using email far more often as an employee in Pakistan. 

Whether you’re writing an official email or a business letter, always remember to include the following components.

Personal Information (Name, Address, Contact Number, Email) of Sender and Receiver

When you’re sending the initial email, first type your own information. This includes:

  • Your name
  • Your business address
  • A valid contact number
  • Your email address

Next, include the details of the receiver. Besides the aforementioned information, try to include that person’s job title.

A Man Reading a Business Letter/Official Correspondence in an Office

Below are some Urdu words that are often used in business correspondence:



رابطہ نمبر
rabta number
“Contact number”

ای میل



Don’t forget to include an apt subject for your letter or email to let the receiver know its nature.



Let’s have a look at a couple of widely used Urdu salutations:




Close your letter or email by using words that express your respect or affection.

آپ کا مخلص
aap ka mukhlis
“Yours sincerely”

آپ کا خیر خواہ
aap ka khair khwah
“Your well-wisher”

6. Going on a Business Trip

Many employees of successful business enterprises must travel frequently to meet with clients. If you’re traveling to Pakistan, we recommend that you memorize a few practical Urdu sentences to avoid any inconveniences.

A- How to Book a Hotel and Purchase Tickets

To book a room in a hotel or get a ticket reserved, take advantage of the following expressions.

کیا مجھے آپ کے ہوٹل میں دو دن کے لئے ایک کمرہ مل سکتا ہے؟
kia mujhe aap kay hotel mei do din kay liye aik kamrah mil sakta hai?
“Can I have a room for two days at your hotel?”

کیا مجھے لاہور سے کراچی کی دو ٹکٹیں مل سکتی ہیں؟
kia mujhe Lahore say Karachi ki do ticketain mil sakti hain?
“Can I have two tickets from Lahore to Karachi?”

B- How to Thank a Partner or Client

Showing politeness and gratitude toward your business partner and other associates can take your business relationship to the next level. Here are some phrases you can use to thank them.

میں آپ کی میزبانی کا گرویدہ ہو گیا ہوں۔
mei aap ki mezbani ka garwidah ho gaya hun.
“I have been completely enamored with your hospitality.”

آپ کی میزبانی کا بہت شکریہ۔
aap ki mezbani ka bohat shukriya.
“Thank you for your hospitality.”

میں آپ کی میزبانی کبھی بھی نہ بھلا سکوں گا۔
mei aap ki mezbani kabhi bhi na bhula saku ga.
“I will never be able to forget your hospitality.”

7. Conclusion

In this article, introduced you to the basic Urdu business phrases you need to do business in Pakistan, and other useful vocabulary.

Now, are you prepared to surprise your Pakistani business partners? If yes, best of luck! On the other hand, if you have any queries or questions, do write to us; we’ll respond at the earliest.

If you’re serious about mastering Urdu, but haven’t found a good fit for you, keep exploring We are a great repository of Urdu language learning materials and provide an outside-the-classroom feeling. We guarantee you’ll feel the difference.

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Business Words and Phrases in Urdu

Learn Urdu: YouTube Channels to Enhance Your Skills


Nobody can deny the significance of YouTube in today’s era of digitalization. 

But did you know that this video-streaming platform can also have a significant impact on your language learning? By supplementing your normal studies with a healthy dose of videos, you can improve your Urdu on YouTube while having fun.

That said, watching Urdu YouTube videos may or may not be the best learning approach for you. Every learner is different, and how effective this strategy is for you depends on a couple of factors:

  • How many hours you spend on YouTube. Don’t watch just to kill time; be systematic and attentive for the best results.
  • The quality of the channels you’re watching. Not all Urdu language YouTube channels are equal in terms of the value they offer learners. It’s important to look for the ones that will benefit you the most as both a learner and a viewer. 

In this article, we’ll introduce you to the ten best Urdu YouTube channels to learn Urdu. These are channels that will surely help you practice and validate all of the Urdu language skills that you’ve attained so far while learning with

Not only will these YouTube channels entertain you through top-quality Urdu content, but they’ll also provide you with an opportunity to explore some new avenues of the Pakistani culture, nation, society, politics, literature, and so on. We’ve also made sure to include channels in a variety of categories, so that you’ll definitely find something that piques your interest. 

Here we go.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. UrduPod101 YouTube Channel
  2. BBC Urdu Radio
  3. Urdu Fairy Tales
  4. Urdu Kids
  5. GupShup With Aftab Iqbal
  6. Naush Kitchen Routine Channel
  7. Infomatic
  8. Urdu Diary
  9. Knowledge Factory
  10. Urdu 1 Official
  11. Urdu Time
  12. Conclusion

1. UrduPod101 YouTube Channel 

The UrduPod101 YouTube channel is the best available option on YouTube for those learning the language. It surpasses all the other channels, replete with top-notch learning content to improve your language skills in every area. It provides comprehensive guides on Urdu grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening comprehension, and more.

Once you’ve obtained some basic knowledge from our channel, you’ll be more confident to embark on a journey to other, complementary resources. To get you started in the right direction, we’ve hand-picked ten Urdu YouTube channels in a variety of categories, from politics to drama to gastronomy. Here they are:

2. BBC Urdu Radio

Category: News and Politics

Level: Intermediate and Advanced

The BBC Urdu Radio YouTube channel is one of the most reliable news sources in the Urdu language. As an Urdu learner, you’ll find it to be a valuable hub of authentic Urdu news, comprehensive analyses, and listening comprehension practice. This channel is famous for its anchors’ and presenters’ accurate pronunciation, as well as for its high journalistic standards. New videos are uploaded almost every day, so you won’t run out of interesting things to watch.

We highly recommend this Urdu YouTube channel for anyone looking to polish their Urdu language skills, but especially for those who like to keep up to date on news and politics. 

(BBC Urdu Radio News Update on March 14, 2020)

3. Urdu Fairy Tales

Category: Film and Animation

Level: Beginner and Intermediate

Recent pedagogical developments very rightly emphasize the importance of storytelling in the cognitive and linguistic development of children. In fact, these benefits can also be carried over to adults who are trying to learn a second language.

On YouTube, Urdu Fairy Tales is a rich resource of fairy and folk tales that will help you—or your child—learn the nuances of Urdu without the nuisance of thick textbooks or long study hours. 

The channel boasts a wide collection of fairy tales, folk tales, and anecdotes, presented in the Urdu language. Its content is both interesting and morally educating. You’ll find a refined blend of Urdu slang and literary diction, especially designed for children of all age groups.

    → Do you enjoy a good story? Check out our vocabulary list for Talking About Books, and start learning how to discuss your favorite ones with your Urdu-speaking friends!

4.  Urdu Kids

Category: Education

Level: Beginner

On this particular Urdu YouTube channel, you may enjoy a great collection of Urdu content specifically prepared and presented for kids. Its content list includes popular Urdu children’s poems, rhymes, and cartoon series in Urdu. Each video consists of basic concepts for children, using simple language.

This channel is great for children and adults alike who want to start learning Urdu in a simplified manner, outside of the traditional classroom setting. 

(The Narration of the Story of Hare and Tortoise)

5. GupShup With Aftab Iqbal

Category: Information / Entertainment

Level: Everyone

GWAI (Gupshup With Aftab Iqbal) is the official channel of Pakistani trendsetter and anchorperson Aftab Iqbal. Aftab is famous not only for his role as an anchorperson, but because of his innovative move of bringing theatre actors and theatrical devices onto the television screen. 

This channel offers viewers exclusive glimpses into the lives of him and his comic team. While you may watch him on certain TV channels in his capacity as an anchorperson, this channel will unfold some never-seen-before aspects of his personal and professional life. 

He covers a diverse range of topics on his YouTube channel, from current affairs and history to sports. He also includes a full-fledged section on the pronunciation and use of different words in the Urdu language. This combination of elements will bring you loads of entertainment and information!

(A Scene of Mini-Theatre being staged by the team of Aftab Iqbal)

6.  Naush Kitchen Routine Channel

Category: Food / Recipe / Cuisine

Level: Intermediate

Nausheen Shahzad—a Pakistani vlogger and YouTuber—runs this food and recipe channel, with a huge followership. She caters to the tastes of her followers by narrating the recipes of Desi cuisine (and other cuisines) in the Urdu language. She also shares tips and tricks on how to simplify intricate recipes.

By watching her channel, you’ll not only become acquainted with some of the culturally popular Pakistani foods, but you’ll also learn the names of different spices and kitchen items. For this reason, we definitely consider it one of the best Urdu YouTube channels to supplement your studies (especially if you happen to be a foodie or chef at heart!). 

(A Special Video prepared with Regards to the Arrival of the Holy Month of Ramadan 2020)

7.  Infomatic

Category: Documentary / People & Blog

Level: Intermediate / Advanced

This YouTube channel is a big repository of documentaries on multiple topics that have to do with Pakistan. It aims at disclosing untold stories to its viewers, and does so with a distinctive narrative style. Tune in to hear in-depth explanations concerning Islam, politics, Pakistan, showbiz, international affairs, and more.

Its distinctive way of Urdu narration will allow you to more easily learn and analyze some unique Urdu words, phrases, and sentences. Additionally, you’ll be empowered to develop your acumen for how to incorporate such Urdu expressions into your own conversations.

(The Waving Flag of Pakistan being Shown in a Video on Infomatic)

8.  Urdu Diary

Category: History / Education

Level: Intermediate / Advanced

The Urdu Diary YouTube channel claims to be the biggest Pakistani history channel in Urdu. It presents true incidents with authenticated references, throws light on the strange facts about ancient civilizations, and unveils the underlying realities of fictional narratives. Furthermore, this channel is a vast resource of life-changing Islamic anecdotes, as well as the facts and figures about wars (both old and new).

Through following this channel, you’ll come to know several strange and unbelievable facts in the Urdu language. In particular, the stories about kings and generals will present you with some new and exciting Urdu vocabulary.

(A Glimpse from the Video of the Trailer of the YouTube channel Urdu Diary)

9.  Knowledge Factory

Category: Education

Level: Advanced

With over 1.5 million YouTube subscribers, this channel stands among the leading Pakistani YouTube channels. Knowledge Factory gives a kaleidoscopic view of general history, Islamic history, science and technology, and features documentaries on different domains of knowledge. A unique facet of this channel is that it’s interactive; it welcomes questions from viewers, and answers them right there on the channel.

As a student of the Urdu language and Pakistani culture, you’ll find this channel quite helpful. Not only will you pick up some useful vocabulary and hone your language skills, but you’ll also collect insightful information on Islam’s history and status in modern times. Visiting this channel frequently ensures that you’ll gain a great understanding of Islam and the contemporary Muslim world in easy-to-understand Urdu.

    → You might find it helpful to study up on your Religion vocabulary before watching.

(An image from the Video of Knowledge Factory about the History of Pakistani and Turk Flags)

10.  Urdu 1 Official

Category: Entertainment

Level: Intermediate / Advanced

Urdu 1 Official is a Dubai-based YouTube channel that panders to the aesthetic pleasure of Urdu speakers all over the world, providing prime quality content to its viewers and raising the standards of Urdu entertainment. It’s also among the pioneers of dubbing entertainment content into Urdu, and has thus widely contributed to the revival of the Pakistani Urdu drama.

Since it promises to bring dubbed drama serials from other cultures along with those from Pakistan, it has revolutionized Urdu entertainment on YouTube by adding new flavors to the existing indigeneity. 

(An Image from the Official Trailer of Urdu 1)

11.  Urdu Time

Category: Education

Level: Everyone

Urdu Time pleases its viewers with Urdu content from different walks of life. It presents famous Urdu quotes, popular Urdu poetry, general knowledge videos, moral stories, current affairs, riddles, and much more.

This channel deserves to be on our list of the best Urdu YouTube channels for its beautiful compilations of poetry from some very seasoned Urdu poets, and its collections of tricky and interesting Urdu riddles. 

Exposure to such an Urdu YouTube channel will undoubtedly benefit you with a stronger grip on the Urdu language. Who knows? You may even be able to impress your Urdu-speaking friends with a few lines of succulent poetry…

(An Image from the Video of the Urdu Time Channel Containing Jaun Elia’s Urdu Poetry)

12. Conclusion

In this article, we’ve guided you on the best Urdu YouTube channels for practicing everything you’ve learned on

Each channel we listed is a great source of supplementary learning material based on a specific category. This means that if you’re looking to learn Urdu related to a certain topic, you can easily find the best YouTube channel to help you meet those goals. That said, the UrduPod101 YouTube channel is the ultimate source for learning about the Urdu language and culture, so we recommend using us as a starting point.

Which of these YouTube channels are you most excited to watch, and why? Let us know in the comments, and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, concerns, or suggestions. We look forward to hearing from you! 

Until next time, we hope you’ll continue to explore for a fruitful and interesting learning experience.

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu

How Hard is it to Learn the Urdu Language?


Some people say that Urdu is easy to learn, while others claim that Urdu is difficult. 

Who are these people, and why should you believe them? Is it hard to learn Urdu, or easy? 

Ask yourself these fundamental questions, and you may discover that the answers aren’t so straightforward. 

At this stage, say goodbye to assumptions and taking others at their word. Instead, figure out the answers to these questions yourself as you begin your Urdu language-learning journey. It’s very likely that you’ll find some aspects of the language quite difficult and others much easier—this is normal when you start learning a language. 

Due to its completely different writing script, Urdu tends to be a struggle for native English-speakers and Europeans, especially when they first start learning. Conversely, Arabic and Persian natives will find Urdu much easier to master. This is because the Urdu language contains a handful of words from these two languages, as well as Punjabi, Pashto, Turkish, Sindhi, Sanskrit, etc. This particularity of the Urdu language provides speakers of these other languages with a fairly easy Urdu-learning experience. 

That said, is Urdu worth learning? And if so, why?

Urdu is a rapidly growing language. The total number of Urdu-speakers across the globe exceeds 170 million, and Urdu is also the official language of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The constitution of India also recognizes it as one of the country’s twenty-two official languages. So if you plan on visiting these countries, doing business there, or even relocating, you should absolutely learn Urdu! 

In this article, we’ll guide you through the easy and hard tracks of the Urdu language. We anticipate that after reading this article, you’ll be better placed to accept the truth that Urdu is the language of civilized and courteous people, and anyone can master it with enough practice and dedication.

A Smart Student Studying with Closed Eyes and a Smile on His Face

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Learning Urdu Table of Contents
  1. What is the Hardest—and Easiest—Part of Learning Urdu?
  2. I Want to Learn Urdu. Where Should I Start?
  3. Advice for New Learners
  4. Why is Great for Learning Urdu?
  5. Conclusion

1. What is the Hardest—and Easiest—Part of Learning Urdu?

You can’t learn any language until you overcome its challenges. In this section, we’ll unfold some of the hardest and easiest parts of Urdu language-learning for you.

A- Why Urdu is Easy

When you set out to learn Urdu, you’re going to hear a lot of false myths and misconceptions concerning the language’s difficulty. Well, we’re here to let you know that Urdu isn’t that hard. At least, not all of it. Following is a list of things about Urdu that make it surprisingly easy for foreigners to learn.

1.  لشکری زبان

Although historians of the Urdu language are divided on its origin and its label as a لشکری زبان (lashkri zuban) camp language, it’s clear that Urdu uses an abundance of words from other languages. Some critics say that Urdu possesses this rich abundance of words because the language came into being as a shared language for soldiers of different ethnicities in a common war camp. Irrespective of this belief’s authenticity, it emphasizes the fact that non-natives were able to pick up the language easily due to shared vocabulary.

2+2=4 on a Chalkboard

2. Similarities with other languages

If you’re familiar with Oriental languages—such as Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto, Balochi, or Turkish—you’ll start to see similarities with Urdu right away. The majority of Oriental languages have common writing scripts or sounds, usually with a little bit of variation. Most of the alphabets present in one Oriental language can be identified in the others too, with a few exceptions. 

That said, it’s true that there are a couple of unique alphabets and sounds in Urdu which are missing in the other Oriental languages altogether. Also note that Urdu has the capacity to assimilate new words from other languages. For example, Urdu has borrowed a number of English words and molded them for use in Urdu-speaking countries: 

  • فریج (fridge) — fridge
  • ٹیلیویژن (television) — television
  • ڈاکٹر (doctor) — doctor
  • انجینیئر (engineer) — engineer

B- Why Urdu is Hard

Below are some of the most common difficulties faced by Urdu learners. As you go through these, remember that being aware of an Urdu difficulty is the best way to prepare for it and succeed! 

1. The uniqueness of the Urdu script خطِ نستعلیق

The Urdu language is complete with its own script, which is an amalgam of the Arabic and Persian scripts. Urdu uses thirty-eight letters in total, and has its own اعراب (airaab) vowel marks that are not included in those thirty-eight letters.

The Urdu writing system is called خطِ نستعلیق (khat-e-Nastaliq). Since the two writing scripts نسخ (naskh) and تعلیق (talique) were combined to make another script, it was initially named Naskh-Talique. With the passage of time, it received fame as Nastalique. The script is written from right to left and follows the top right to bottom left order. This particular characteristic makes it difficult for many non-natives to understand and master it.

A Golden Egg Placed among the White Eggs - Unique from the Others

2. Different grammatical syntax – فاعل،مفعول،فعل

Aside from the script itself, why is Urdu so hard to read for non-natives? Well, this is likely because the sentence structure of Urdu is different from that of most other languages. It does not follow the usual SVO (Subject + Verb + Object) pattern, and instead uses the SOV (Subject + Object + Verb) arrangement.

Here’s an example:

میں یونیورسٹی جاتا ہوں۔

mei university jata hu.

S      O     V

“I go to University.”

If you want to learn more about Urdu sentence structure and word order, has you covered.

3.  Complicated conjugations

Like its syntax, the فعل کی گردان کرنا (fail ki gardaan kerna), or “conjugation of verbs,” in Urdu can be a bit tricky. However, once you’ve learned the basic rules, you’ll be able to conjugate with ease. 

Urdu verbs conjugate depending on their person, mood, voice, gender, and tense. Remember that these concepts are a little hard to comprehend, but they’re certainly not impossible to learn. 

To make this task a bit easier for you, has this handy article on Urdu verb conjugation. Read through it a couple of times and start conjugating Urdu verbs right away.

4.  Never undermine the role of gender

Now, here comes another point you have to remember as an Urdu-learner: everything, movable or immovable, has a gender. This may create some trouble for learners just starting out. 

To overcome this challenge of the Urdu language, you must memorize each new noun you learn along with its gender. This will reduce the chances of making a mistake, and you’ll also be in a position to identify and rectify the mistakes you do make. Have a look at the following sentences:

میری قمیض تنگ ہے۔
meri qameez tang hai.
“My shirt is tight.”

میرا جوتا کھلا ہے۔
mera joota khula hai.
“My shoe is loose.”

You can see in these sentences that قمیض (qameez), or “shirt,” is feminine while جوتا (joota), or “shoe,” is masculine.

Signs of Male and Female Gender Drawn on a Blackboard

5. Beware of false friends

With ten vowels and thirty-eight consonants, the Urdu language is self-sufficient in terms of sound representation. As it has a rich assortment of sounds, however, there’s a greater chance of mispronouncing something. The situation becomes even more stressful when you throw in false friends:

دوا (dawa) — “medicine”                        and                           دعا (dua) — “prayer”

سستی (sasti) — “cheap”                           and                           سُستی (susti) — “laziness”

عرض (arz) — “request”                          and                           ارض (arz) — “land”

Identical Twin Sisters with Hands Up in the Air

6. Pronunciation difficulties

Now, let’s look at some sounds that non-natives (especially English-speakers) find rather exotic. 

The most difficult of these sounds is ڑ (rr), the fifteenth letter in the Urdu language. It’s unique in that it never comes at the beginning of a word. 

غ (ghain) is the twenty-fifth letter, and its sound is not found in English. The letter is preceded by another sound not found in English: ع (ain). 

Since many Urdu sounds are new to English-speakers, it’s imperative that they become familiar with them early on in the learning process. Luckily for you, has a blog post dedicated to Urdu Pronunciation. Check it out! 

2. I Want to Learn Urdu. Where Should I Start?

Deciding to learn Urdu is a huge leap, so we recommend starting small. For example, studying Urdu vocabulary lists, learning the most common sentence patterns, and getting started with basic everyday phrases will help you ease into the learning process. Becoming familiar with the basic parts of speech in Urdu will also prove beneficial moving forward. 

Here are some highly useful articles to start your Urdu-learning journey.

3. Advice for New Learners

The best advice we can give is to keep it simple. Try to learn phrases in small chunks and practice using them often. Small bricks of knowledge can be used to craft a building with the right tools and enough time. 

Here’s an example of what we mean:

میں جاتا ہوں
mei jata hu.
“I go.”

Now add an object to the phrase to make a complete sentence.

میں گھر جاتا ہوں۔
mei ghar jata hu.
“I go home.”

And you can always add an adverb.

میں آہستہ آہستہ گھر جاتا ہوں۔
mei ahista ahista ghar jata hu.
“I go home slowly.”

By learning phrases this way, you’ll be able to easily alter and add to them to meet your communication needs. Indeed, it’s a small step but a giant leap. 

Practice Makes a Man Perfect

You can never expect to become masterful at anything if you don’t put in the time and practice. Practicing on a daily basis will not only improve your skills, but it will also increase your self-confidence. In particular, we recommend practicing your Urdu with native Urdu-speakers if possible, as this will expedite your language skills.  

Soccer Players Practicing with the Ball on the Ground

4. Why is Great for Learning Urdu?

Even the most ambitious man needs the proper means to reach his goals. In this case, a determined Urdu-learner requires top-notch learning materials and teachers. By signing up for, you’ll gain access to tons of fun lessons and learning tools that will make learning Urdu so much easier than traditional learning methods. Let’s take a look at our best features:

A- A Hub for Learning Integrated Language Skills focuses on all aspects of the language so you’ll never be left out in the cold! Each of our lessons contains material to help you improve your Urdu listening, writing, reading, and speaking skills at the same time. This feature makes us a unique hub of Urdu language-learning and distinguishes us from other online resources.

B- An Affordable but High-Quality Learning Resource

In this era of consumerism, it’s a rarity to find a free lunch anywhere. But understands the need for valuable resources at reasonable prices, and we won’t disappoint—in fact, we have tons of free learning tools just waiting for you! You can even download some of these to use offline. Creating an account will also allow you to communicate with our team about any issues or questions! 

Pakistani Food i.e. Spicy Chapli Kabab with Salad and Sauce, a Good Healthy Lunch

C- Tailored Learning Approach to Meet Your Individual Needs

Once you’ve gotten the Urdu basics down, you’ll probably want to move forward to more advanced lessons. This is easy! All you need to do is subscribe to our MyTeacher service to start getting live interactive coaching from experienced Urdu teachers. Your Urdu teacher can help you find and complete suitable exercises, help you correct your pronunciation, and offer customized assignments through audio or text messages. This will help you set and achieve personalized goals without a hitch. 

5. Conclusion

So, is Urdu hard to learn? We’ll let you answer that question yourself once you’ve begun your studies! 

Do you have any further questions about how to learn Urdu in an easy way? Are you ready to apply the tips and techniques discussed here to learn Urdu free and easily? If you have any questions about what we covered today, let us know in the comments section; we’ll be glad to help you out! 

Keep exploring, a rich repository of Urdu language-learning. Take full advantage of our free Urdu-learning resources and start your journey toward Urdu mastery.

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

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The Most Common Urdu Mistakes a Learner Makes


“The price of inaction is far greater than the cost of making a mistake.” — Meister Eckhart

As a learner of a foreign language, you should always opt to make mistakes instead of keeping quiet. While no one enjoys making mistakes, they’re an inevitable part of language-learning, and every successful learner has made them. Just remember that it’s important to learn from those mistakes so as not to repeat them! 

In this article, we’ll outline the most common mistakes Urdu-learners make and how to avoid them. 

But before we start, a quick note:

If you’re an Urdu-learner, you’ll come to know at some point that even native Pakistanis are susceptible to making mistakes in their own language. For example, many Pakistanis are unable to differentiate between غلط العام (ghalat-ul-aam), which are Urdu words that are incorrect but accepted by the academics due to their overuse, and غلط العوام (ghalat-ul-awam), which are incorrect Urdu words that are frequently used in public but are not accepted by the academics as correct.

So don’t be discouraged if you make the occasional error in Urdu—you’re not alone!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. The Incorrect Use of Gender Cases
  2. Beware of False Friends
  3. Some Common Mistakes in the Conjugation of Urdu Verbs
  4. Common Word Order Mistakes in Urdu
  5. Some Common Urdu Pronunciation Mistakes
  6. Other Urdu Mistakes
  7. Conclusion

1. The Incorrect Use of Gender Cases

Gender Symbols Signifying Masculine, Feminine, and Neutral Icons

Native speakers almost never make this mistake in Urdu, but new learners make it all the time! For example, in Pakistani society, a native Urdu-speaker will never say:

کیا آپ نے دودھ پی؟
kia aap nay doodh pi?

It’s an incorrect sentence because دودھ (doodh), meaning “milk,” is always masculine. The correct sentence is:

کیا آپ نے دودھ پیا؟
kia aap nay doodh piya?
“Did you drink milk?”

A non-native may also say:

کیا آپ نے چائے پیا؟
kia aap nay chaye piya?

This is also incorrect, for the noun چائے (chaye), meaning “tea,” is always treated as feminine in the Urdu language. The correct sentence is:

کیا آپ نے چائے پی؟
kia aap nay chaye pi?
“Did you take tea?”

We recommend that you always learn the Urdu nouns along with their gender so you can use them correctly in terms of gender agreement.

Appropriate use of تاہے/تی ہے and تاہوں/تی ہوں

Another set of common Urdu-learner mistakes involves using the inappropriate words for masculine and feminine subjects. Here’s an example of how a non-native female may speak incorrectly in this regard:

میں ٹی-وی دیکھنا پسند کرتا ہوں۔
mei TV dekhna pasand karta hu.
“I like to watch TV.”

The sentence above is incorrect when spoken by a female, but is correct when spoken by a male. The following sentence is the correct way for a female to say this sentence:

میں ٹی-وی دیکھنا پسند کرتی ہوں۔
mei TV dekhna pasand karti hu.
“I like to watch TV.”

Here, the key is to learn the appropriate usage of تا ہوں (masculine) and تی ہوں (feminine). This will help you avoid making gender agreement mistakes in Urdu.

2. Beware of False Friends

A Woman with Two Faces Who is Quite Deceptive

Common Urdu mistakes often arise from “false friends,” which you’ll find plenty of while studying the language. False friends are words which appear to be similar to each other, but communicate different meanings. This may result in confusion and complicate the communication process. 

Below is a list of words that are often mistaken for one another in Urdu:

  • محرم (moharam) – first month of the Islamic calendar / محرم (mehram) – “one who knows”
  • پیڑ (peerr) – “pain” / پیڑ (pairr) – “tree”
  • دانہ (dana) – “grain” / داناء (danaa) – “wise”
  • ریت (rait) – “sand” / ریت (reet) – “tradition”
  • پریت (preet) – “love” / پریت (prait) – “apparition”
  • کھاتہ (khata) – “account” / کھاتا (khata) – “eats” [conjugation of the Urdu verb کھانا (khana), meaning “eat”]
  • پتہ (pata) – “address” / پتا (patta) – “leaf”

3. Some Common Mistakes in the Conjugation of Urdu Verbs

Making it through the labyrinth of Urdu verb conjugation is an uphill task for any foreign learner. However, it is achievable once you understand the rules and how they work. Before we continue, you may want to read our article all about Urdu Verb Conjugation to brush up on the basics. 

Below, we’ll introduce you to some very basic Urdu mistakes that one may make while conjugating verbs.

میں یہ کرے گا
mei yeh karay ga.

وہ یہ کروں گی
woh yeh karu gi.

تم یہ کرے گی
tum yeh karay gi.

In each of these three sentences, the Urdu verb  کرنا (karna), meaning “to do,” is incorrectly conjugated. Now, let’s see how to conjugate this verb correctly:

میں یہ کروں گا۔
mei yeh karun ga.
“I will do this.”

وہ یہ کرے گی۔
woh yeh karay gi.
“She will do this.”

تم یہ کرو گے۔
tum yeh karo gay.
“You will do this.”

4. Common Word Order Mistakes in Urdu

Different Vegetables Arranged on the Floor in an Orderly Manner

Did you ever have to complete sentence diagrams in school? Well, believe it or not, those exercises probably gave you a good idea of how word order and sentence structure work in your language. Better still, you can transfer this knowledge over to Urdu! Here, we’ll introduce you to the basic concepts pertaining to proper Urdu word order.

If you want to have an even deeper understanding of Urdu word order, see our dedicated Urdu Word Order article!

A- SVO vs. SOV

One unique distinction of Urdu script is that it’s written from right to left; its syntactic word order is Subject + Object + Verb. On the other hand, the word order of English is Subject + Verb + Object. To understand the difference, have a look at this sentence:

وہ بانسری بجاتا ہے۔

V     O     S

woh bansuri bajata hai.

V     O      S

“He plays the flute.”

S     V     O

B- Placement of Adjectives and Pronouns

In Urdu, pronouns are usually placed at the beginning of the sentence. Here are some examples:

ہم فلم دیکھتے ہیں۔
hum film daikhtay hain.
“We watch a film.”

تم گانا گاتے ہو۔
tum gana gatay ho.
“You sing a song.”

As for the placement of adjectives in Urdu sentences, note that they’re always placed before the noun they describe:

وہ نیلی کار چلاتا ہے۔
woh neeli car chalata hai.
“He drives a blue car.”

وہ سرخ سیب پسند کرتا ہے۔
woh surkh saib pasand karta hai.
“He likes red apples.”

5. Some Common Urdu Pronunciation Mistakes

A Female Teacher Trying to Explain the Pronunciation of Some Words Transcribed on a White Board

Among all of the Urdu language mistakes that learners make, incorrect pronunciation is at the top of the list. That said, the best way to improve your pronunciation is to practice and learn from your mistakes as you go. If you want to dig deeper into the topic of pronunciation, feel free to read our article all about Urdu Pronunciation

Now, let’s see a few of the most common pronunciation mistakes for Urdu-learners.

ا (alif) vs. ع (ain)

Urdu-learners often confuse the sounds ا (alif) and ع (ain). 

The pronunciation of آم (aam) and عام (aam) are quite similar in English, but they tend to sound different when spoken by natives. Since, in English, there’s no sound equal to the consonant ع, it’s very common for native English-speakers to say it incorrectly. 

ت (tay) vs. ط (to’e)

On a similar note, non-natives tend to confuse the sounds of ت (tay) and ط (to’e). The latter sound is absent in English as well. Let’s see how these two sounds are most often confused.

  • تارک (tarik) – “the one who denounces”
  • طارق (tariq) – “morning star”

Due to the absence of the latter sound in English, it’s much more commonly mispronounced by English-speakers than the former sound. 

ک (kaaf) vs. ق (qaaf)

Another pair of sounds that often confuses Urdu-learners is ک (kaaf) and ق (qaaf). However, there’s a big difference in the pronunciation of these two sounds; the former is much closer to the ‘k’ sound and the latter is equivalent to the ‘q’ sound. Here’s an example of how these sounds are often confused:

  • کاش (kaash) – “would that”
  • قاش (qaash) – “piece”

6. Other Urdu Mistakes

Two Girls Sitting on a Sea-side, Experiencing an Embarrassing Situation

Finally, some of the most common embarrassing mistakes in Urdu have to do with using the wrong word! Following are some examples of mistakes you should avoid. 

A- Replacing سوکھی with سکھی

سدا سکھی رہو۔
sada sukhi raho.
“May you be happy forever.”

سدا سُوکھی رہو۔
sada sookhi raho.
“May you be thin forever.”

B- Replacing مرض with مرد 

اسے ایک مرض لگا ہوا ہے۔
Usay aik marz laga hua hai.
“She is suffering from an illness.”

اسے ایک مرد لگا ہوا ہے۔
Usay aik mard laga hua hai.
“A man is attached to her.” OR “A man is using her.” (sexual connotation)

7. Conclusion

In this article, you’ve learned about the most common mistakes in learning Urdu along with some common Urdu grammar mistakes. With this knowledge in mind, and an abundant source of vocabulary tools and other language lessons, you should be able to avoid these Urdu mistakes with few problems. 

Did we miss any particular Urdu mistakes that you wanted to know about? Let us know in the comments! 

Remember to visit—a storehouse saturated with resources about the Urdu language. We always take pleasure in extending our helping hand to you in your efforts to learn Urdu.

Until next time, very happy Urdu-learning!

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An Up-to-Date Guide on Common Questions and Answers in Urdu


“To be or not to be, that is the question.” 

Prince Hamlet’s famous question not only immortalized his theatrical character, but also eternalized the dialogic brilliance of Shakespeare in the world of English drama. This question further elevates the character of Hamlet when you consider the proposal rightly put forward by Voltaire: “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”

In this article, you’ll learn the most common questions and answers in Urdu. For asking questions and understanding the answers you receive is a vital element of communication. This knowledge will help eliminate ignorance, increase your understanding, and strengthen your bonds with others.  

A Man Stacking Cubes, with the Top Cube Having a Lightbulb Picture

With this in mind, muscle up and learn how to ask smart and simple questions in Urdu, and become far more comfortable talking with native Urdu speakers. Never underestimate the significance of asking the right question at the right place in Urdu, for it may open multiple avenues of conversation and help you achieve your goals. seeks to make your learning experience both painless and effective! So let’s go ahead and unearth the most common questions and answers in Urdu, both simple and more complex.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. Urdu Question Words
  2. Digging for Personal Information
  3. Conclusion

1. Urdu Question Words

First, let’s familiarize you with Urdu questioning words—also called interrogative words—so that you can more aptly ask questions in a variety of situations. 

  • کیا (kya) – “what”
  • کیوں (kyun) – “why”
  •  کب (kab) – “when”
  •  کہاں (kahan) – “where”
  • کیسے (kaisay) – “how”
  • کتنا/کتنی (kitna/kitni) – “how much”/”how many”

Having learned these basic question words in Urdu, it’s time to learn how to use these words in different real-life situations. We’ll introduce you to certain fundamental patterns of questions in Urdu, so that you’ll be able to improvise and tailor them according to the context. 

2. Digging for Personal Information

In Pakistani society, it’s generally best not to ask very private questions during your first conversation with someone. Therefore, we’ll start with some logical questions and answers in Urdu that you can use or expect to hear while first getting to know someone.

First Encounter

1.    How to Ask Someone’s Name in Urdu

The most general questions and answers in Urdu are those used to ask for someone’s name (or give your own). 

a)  Formal

If you’re meeting someone in an official environment, it’s recommended that you use the formal format to ask for that person’s name.

آپ کا نام کیا ہے؟
aap ka naam kya hai?
“What is your name?”

b)  Literary

If you find someone who has a deep understanding of Urdu, you can always surprise him or her by adding a literary touch to your question.

آپ کا اسم گرامی کیا ہے؟
aap ka ism-e-girami kya hai?
“What is your name?”

c)  Casual

If you’re in a more casual or informal situation, you can ask the question this way:

تمھارا نام کیا ہے؟
tumhara naam kya hai?
“What is your name?”


Now, here’s the most common answer pattern you can expect to hear in reply:

میرا نام عمران ہے
mera naam Imran hai.
“My name is Imran.”

2.    How to Ask Someone’s Age in Urdu

In this section of the article, we’ll let you know how to ask someone’s age in Urdu. You’ll find both formal and casual ways of asking the question in the Urdu language, so you can utilize them according to your needs.

a)  Formal

آپ کی عمر کیا ہے؟
aap ki umr kya hai?
“What is your age?”

آپ کتنے سال کے ہو؟
aap kitnay saal kay ho?
“How old are you?”

b)  Casual

تمھاری عمر کیا ہے؟
tumhari umr kya hai?
“What is your age?”

In response to this question, you’ll usually get the following answer. Don’t forget that you can use the same pattern to answer the question yourself. 


میری عمر پانچ سال ہے
meri umr paanch saal hai.
“I am five years old.”

3. Asking About Someone’s Family

A Family Sitting Around a dining Table and Enjoying a Feast

If you’ve gotten someone to feel comfortable talking with you, you can always take the liberty of asking about his family.

a) Formal

آپ کے کتنے بہن بھائی ہیں؟
aap kay kitnay behan bhai hain?
“How many siblings do you have?”

b)  Casual

تمھارے کتنے بہن بھائی ہیں؟
tumharay kitnay behan bhai hain?
“How many siblings do you have?”

Following is a possible answer to this question in Urdu.


میرے دو بھائی اور ایک بہن ہے
meray do bhai aur ek behan hai.
“I have two brothers and a sister.”

4. Asking Where Someone’s From

The following questions and answers in Urdu come up very often when natives speak with foreigners in Pakistan, so they’re certainly worth learning.

Different Flags from All Over the World

a) Formal

 آپ کہاں سے ہیں؟
aap kahan say hain?
“Where are you from?”

b) Casual

تم کہاں سے ہو؟
tum kahan say ho?
“Where are you from?”

The following pattern is the most common way to answer this question. Simply insert your own nationality into the given pattern.


میں جاپانی ہوں
mei japani hun.
“I am Japanese.”

Using this next question, you can inquire about someone’s country of origin specifically. This question is interchangeable with the one above.


آپ کون سے ملک سے ہیں؟
aap kon say mulk say hain?
“What country are you from?”


میں پاکستان سے ہوں
mei Pakistan say hun.
“I am from Pakistan.”

Introducing Yourself

5. Asking About Languages in Urdu

As a foreigner in Pakistan, you can rest easy in the knowledge that native Pakistanis will give you due respect and space. Enjoy your foreigner status, and bring an awe factor into your communication with your Urdu skills. This will make your communication effective and strengthen your bond with natives.

Here are some examples of how you can ask someone in Urdu about his competence in a particular language.


کیا آپ جاپانی بولتے ہیں؟
kya aap japani boltay hain?
“Do you speak Japanese?”


Here’s how you could answer if you have limited knowledge of the given language.

جی میں تھوڑی بہت جاپانی بول لیتا ہوں
ji mei thori bohat japani bol leta hun.
“Yes, I can speak a little Japanese.”


You can use this question to ask about how long someone has been studying a certain language.

آپ کتنی دیر سے جاپانی پڑھ رہے ہیں؟
aap kitni dair say japani parh rahay hain?
“For how long have you been studying Japanese?”


Here’s a brief and apt answer to the question above.

میں نے جاپانی دو سال پڑھی ہے
mei nay japani do saal parhi hai.
“I have studied Japanese for two years.”

6. Questions About Travel

As a traveler in Pakistan, you should always be ready to encounter the following questions in Urdu. People take pleasure in listening to the accounts of others’ travels, making it a good topic for spending quality time with someone.


کیا آپ ٹوکیو گئے ہیں؟
kya aap Tokyo gaye hain?
“Have you been to Tokyo?”


جی ہاں، میں ٹوکیو جا چکا ہوں۔
ji han, mei Tokyo ja chuka hun.
“Yes, I have been to Tokyo.”

7. Asking About Someone’s Profession

If you’re able to indulge a Pakistani Urdu-speaker for a reasonable amount of time, expect a question about your job or profession at some point in the conversation. Pakistanis love to share their professional details and experiences with others.


آپ کا پیشہ کیا ہے؟
aap ka paysha kya hai?
“What is your profession?”


Here’s the answer pattern you can use in reply. Just replace “doctor” with your own profession.

میں ڈاکٹر ہوں۔
mei doctor hun.
“I am a doctor.”

8. Asking About Someone’s Preferences & Well-Being

If you’ve made it to this point in your conversation, give yourself a pat on the back. You’ve clearly made way with your strong Urdu skills and made a good impression on your interlocutor. Following are the best questions and answers in the Urdu language to keep the conversation going.


آپ کو جاپان کیسا لگا؟
aap ko Japan kaisa laga?
“How do you find Japan?”


مجھے جاپان بہت اچھا لگا
mujhe Japan bohat acha laga.
“I like Japan very much.”


Cultural cuisine is another favorite topic among foreign visitors and travelers. Inquire about someone’s food preferences as follows.

کیا آپ کو پاکستانی کھانے پسند ہیں؟
kya aap ko Pakistani khanay pasand hain?
“Do you like Pakistani cuisine?”

Asian Foods or Desi Cuisine


Appreciating local cuisine is always appreciated!

جی ہاں، مجھے پاکستانی کھانے بہت پسند ہیں
ji han, mujhe Pakistani khanay bohat pasand hain.
“I like Pakistani cuisine very much.”

9. Asking About Someone’s Studies

If you and your interlocutor have gotten truly comfortable talking with each other, it may be a good time to talk about each other’s hobbies, personal interests, or studies. The question below will focus specifically on one’s studies.


آپ کیا پڑھ رہے ہیں؟
aap kya parh rahay hain?
“What are you studying?”


میں انگریزی ادب میں ماسٹرز کر رہا ہوں
mei angrezi adab mei masters kar raha hun.
“I am doing my Master’s in English literature.”

A Student Sitting Inside a Library and Concentrating on a Book

10. Asking About Someone’s Problems in Urdu

Showing concern for someone will help you win the attention and empathy of Pakistanis. People share their problems only with those who are able to show sympathy or empathy toward them.


First, here’s how you can ask about someone’s health.

آپ کی صحت کے ساتھ کیا مسئلہ ہے؟
aap ki sehat kay sath kya masla hai?
“What’s wrong with your health?”


میں بالکل ٹھیک ہوں
mei bilkul theek hun.
“I am perfectly alright.”


Here’s how you can ask about someone’s general well-being.

آپ کی زندگی کیسی گذر رہی ہے؟
aap kis zindagi kaisi guzar rahi hai?
“How is your life going on?”


میری زندگی بہت اچھی گذر رہی ہے
meri zindagi bohat achi guzar rahi hai.
“My life is going on very well.”

11. Asking for the Cost of Something

While traveling in Pakistan, you’ll find yourself needing to ask about the price of something. Here’s an easy way to do that.


اس کی قیمت کیا ہے؟
iss ki qeemat kya hai?
“How much is it?”

A Woman Buying a Book from a Store and Asking about the Price of the Book from a Salesgirl


یہ سو روپے کا ہے
yeh so rupay ka hai.
“It costs a hundred rupees.”

12. Conclusion

By now, you should know how to ask different questions in the Urdu language, and how to understand the answers you’re likely to be given. Asking questions in Urdu conversations should be much simpler for you now than it was before you read this article!

If there’s anything we didn’t cover in this article, or if you want more information on something we did cover, leave us a comment and we’ll do our best to help! 

In addition, don’t forget to surf through If you haven’t yet explored this online resource for learning Urdu, delay no further! Start benefiting from our exceptional content right away; you’ll feel the difference and see major improvement in your Urdu skills.

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

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The Latest Companion to an Urdu Language Proficiency Test


Imagine you’ve boarded a plane and fastened your seat belt. A few moments before takeoff, an announcement is made that the pilot is extremely good at the theory of flying, but is entirely bad at practical flying with zero flying hours under his belt. 

Yes, you can very well anticipate the subsequent nightmare and the agony of the passengers. And you can probably anticipate where this is going. 

To avoid such chaotic situations, and to assess one’s practical capacity for using a language, one must take a language proficiency test (in this case, an Urdu exam). The sole purpose of any language proficiency test is to evaluate how adept a person is at using the target language in daily life, in a variety of situations and contexts. 

This is, of course, true for Urdu language proficiency tests as well. In addition, passing such a test is often a prerequisite for certain academic and professional ventures. Due to the significance and gravity of the matter, is here with the help you need. 

After going through this article and reading our tips for Urdu test preparation, you’ll be ready for your upcoming exam in Urdu when the big day comes. We’ll also share with you some advice on how to pass an Urdu exam with flying colors! 

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Study Strategies in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. General Information About Urdu Proficiency Tests
  2. Introduction to the Listening Section
  3. Introduction to the Reading Section
  4. Introduction to the Writing Section
  5. Introduction to the Speaking Section
  6. Some Additional Tips on Preparing for an Urdu Proficiency Exam
  7. Conclusion

1. General Information About Urdu Proficiency Tests

Language Skills

The content and expectations of an Urdu language proficiency test may vary depending on the nature of the test you’re taking. Nevertheless, there are generally four skills that a given exam will test you on: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. 

Furthermore, before taking an official Urdu proficiency test, we recommend that you practice by taking a mock test. This will give you a much better idea of what you can expect to see on a real Urdu proficiency exam and allow you to be better-prepared. 

A- Who Should Take an Urdu Language Exam?

The reasons for taking an Urdu proficiency test may differ, though there are a few reasons that are very common:  

  • Wanting to pursue a higher education at an Urdu university
  • Seeking a job in an Urdu-speaking country
  • Applying for a visa 
  • Looking for opportunities, asylum, or residence in an Urdu-speaking country

B- Things to Consider

Before you set out to take your Urdu proficiency exam of choice, there are a few things that we think you should consider. We’ll outline each one in the following sections.

1- Keep the Sole Purpose in Mind

Before sitting for your Urdu language proficiency test, don’t forget to revisit your basic purpose for taking the test and reset your priorities. This will reignite your interest and give you more motivation to do well on the exam.

An Asian Man Doing Meditation to Focus and Concentrate

2- Become Familiar with the Structure of the Test in Advance

Becoming familiar with the structure of the test will allow you to know exactly what to expect on the day of the test. In addition, keeping up-to-date with the test’s structure will ensure that you know about any recent changes the test may have undergone, saving you quite a shock! 

As mentioned earlier, an Urdu proficiency test customarily consists of four separate sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Each one has a certain time limit and is directed at evaluating the relevant linguistic competence.  

3- Dealing with Anxiety

Exam anxiety is a common experience shared by many aspiring test-takers. Under the bouts of anxiety, one can begin to lack focus and do poorly on their test. Remember to deal with your anxiety in a healthy manner, and come well-prepared by keeping the following factors in mind. 

2. Introduction to the Listening Section

A Man Trying to Listen to Sound Waves by Keeping His Hand Beside His Ear

Since listening is key to effective communication, it generally comes first in any language test. It examines one’s capacity to receive and interpret messages while listening to spoken language. Here’s what to expect in an Urdu listening exam.

A- Duration 

The ideal duration for such a test is thirty minutes. It will generally consist of twenty-five points and contain three questions.

B- Description of the Test

In the listening section, you’ll listen to three pre-recorded files. These files may contain discussions, speeches, conversations, directions, news, commentaries, etc.

At the beginning of the test, you’ll be given one minute to go through the questions. After that, you’ll listen to the first file for two minutes. Remember that you’ll have only a single opportunity to listen to the file, and it will not be repeated under any circumstances. After you’ve heard the audio file, you’ll be given three minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheets provided to you prior to the start of the test.

Before listening to the second file, you’ll have another minute to read the questions. After that, you’ll listen to the second file for six minutes, and you’ll be given three minutes to answer the questions.

In the third stage of this listening test, you’ll hear the third audio file for four minutes. You’ll have one minute to read the questions before listening, and four minutes to answer the questions.

C- Tips to Succeed

A Multitasker Person Busy in Different Task to Manage the Time

Manage your time well. This is essential for doing well on any test. One minute may not seem like enough time to review the questions, but utilizing this time well can give you incredible insight into what you should listen for. 

Wait until the audio is over to answer. Don’t fall victim to hasty judgements; listen until the end before answering. Due to the high standards of the test, the questions are often deceptive. So pay close attention to the entire audio, and don’t jump to conclusions! 

Answer cautiously and clearly. While transferring your answers to the answer sheet, be careful and write your answers clearly. Your answers should be grammatically correct and follow the guidelines. If you’re left with some time, remember to revisit your answers and fix any mistakes you find.

D- Rehearsal Strategies

Of course, the best Urdu listening exam practice is to do a lot of listening! is a supreme website for brushing up on your Urdu listening skills. In addition, try listening to some other audio/visual Urdu resources such as Radio Pakistan, Pakistan Television, talk shows, etc.

3. Introduction to the Reading Section

A Girl Reading a Book with the Help of a Magnifying Glass to Focus

There’s a common assumption that passing a reading test is easy. But there’s a lot more to it than one may think! 

When reading Urdu for an exam like this, you’re expected to not only showcase your rich vocabulary and decoding skills, but also to see how sentences and embedded ideas relate to each other.

A- Duration

The average duration of an Urdu reading test is sixty minutes. Such a test usually comprises three exercises for a total of twenty-five points.

B- Description of the Test

In order to evaluate your Urdu reading skills, you’ll be tested with questions that are based on three written documents. The first will be an informational document (possibly an essay or similar piece) written in the Urdu language. The second and third documents may vary in their subject matter and be expository and argumentative in nature.

C- Tips to Succeed

Have a strategy. For this section of the test, it’s good to have a strategy in place. For example, you can decide to read either the questions or the text first, depending on what you’re most comfortable with. The most important thing in this regard is to execute your plan flawlessly.

Skim and scan. In addition, use the skimming and scanning techniques to identify the answers quickly. Due to time constraints, you can’t afford to waste it on small details. 

Keep your answers neat. Last but not least, it’s always important to write down the answers in an orderly manner. In the end, it’s a test with a certain format and formalities.

D- Rehearsal

To practice for the reading portion of your Urdu language exam, we recommend that you explore all of the available Urdu language reading resources at

Try to read as much Urdu as you can. These may include Urdu essays, fiction, non-fiction, political writings, the news, blog posts, etc. Whatever interests you! 

4. Introduction to the Writing Section

Some Students Sitting Inside an Examination Hall, Busy Writing

Writing is just as essential a skill as face-to-face communication, and Urdu writing exams are an integral part of any Urdu language proficiency test.  

A- Duration 

The total duration of an Urdu writing test will be sixty minutes, and it will comprise two writing tasks.

B- Description of the Test

For this portion of the test, you’ll need to write about two topics within the allotted time. You may be required to adopt a particular form of writing (narrative, descriptive, discursive, etc.) depending on the topics you write about.

Due to the time constraints, you should ideally spend half an hour on each topic. Each topic should also contain at least two-hundred words.

C- Tips to Succeed

Brainstorm. Don’t start writing right away; spend a little time brainstorming. This will help you craft your response in an organized manner and according to the question’s guidelines.

Keep your answers relevant. Your answers should be question-specific. This is a test of your Urdu writing skills, NOT of your personal opinions, likes, or dislikes.

Use good grammar and syntax. Use the appropriate Urdu writing system to answer the questions.

Revise your work. It’s always advisable to revise your writing after completing it. Take some time to proofread your writing and correct mistakes if there are any.

D- Rehearsal is the number-one place to begin your writing practice, with numerous resources for aspiring language-learners. 

Further, expand your Urdu reading and become a voracious reader. This will enrich your Urdu vocabulary, increase your knowledge of Urdu grammar, and enhance your Urdu sentence formulation skills.

Try to rehearse Urdu dictation, as this will help make your expression in Urdu error-free.

5. Introduction to the Speaking Section

A Man Pronouncing Different Letters

Speaking is the most commonly used communication skill, and thus has a place in any good Urdu proficiency test. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about a typical Urdu speaking exam.

A- Duration 

The total duration of this test is thirty minutes. During this time, you’ll have to jot down certain points to prepare for an oral presentation (worth twenty-five points).

B- Description of the Test

In this section of the Urdu language proficiency test, you’ll be given a topic and asked to give an oral presentation that’s eight to ten minutes long. So you should prepare your presentation within the first twenty minutes, and present it within the remaining ten minutes. After your presentation, there will be a question-answer session too.

C- Tips to Succeed

Know your topic. Put all of your effort into comprehending the topic well; this is the first step in preparing and giving an effective presentation.

Have a clear position and argument. Take a clear line in support of or against the topic. Your position should be substantiated with solid arguments.

Use bullet points. Try to write down your presentation in bullet-list format. The time constraint won’t allow you to write it down in a proper speech format.

Include examples. Add apt illustrations, examples, and anecdotes when and where required. But remember that they should not sound far-fetched or out of context.

D- Rehearsal

You guessed it: should be your first resource for improving your Urdu speaking skills.

You should also try to have frequent conversations with native speakers (or good non-native speakers). This will motivate you and make you feel much more confident in your speaking abilities. 

In case you can’t find any good Urdu speakers, start recording your own speech and try to identify and fix your mistakes.

6. Some Additional Tips on Preparing for an Urdu Proficiency Exam

A Man Keeping His Finger on His Wristwatch Emphasizing the Significance of Being on Time

In addition to the tips we’ve given you throughout the article, there are a few more that apply to just about any test you can take: 

  • Always reach the test center well before the time of the test. This allows you to become familiar with the atmosphere and conditions well in advance.
  • Try to manage and utilize your time proportionately. This can have a huge impact on your test score! 
  • Take care of your physical and mental health before the test. Sleep tight, have a proper diet, and try to maintain a positive mindset.

7. Conclusion

You’ve made it to the end of our complete guide to the Urdu language proficiency test. We hope you’re now well-equipped with the tips and tricks you need to ace your upcoming exam! 

Did we miss any information regarding Urdu language proficiency tests? If so, don’t hesitate to reach out in the comments; we’ll do our best to answer any questions you have. 

To keep yourself abreast of all the developments in the field of Urdu language learning, become a frequent visitor of A huge resource for all of your Urdu language-learning needs is just a click away.

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

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Urdu Keyboard: How to Install and Type in Urdu


You asked, so we provided—easy-to-follow instructions on how to set up your electronic devices to write in Urdu! We’ll also give you a few excellent tips on how to use this keyboard, as well as some online and app alternatives if you prefer not to set up a Urdu keyboard.

Log in to Download Your Free Urdu Alphabet Worksheet Table of Contents
  1. Why it’s Important to Learn to Type in Urdu
  2. Setting up Your Computer and Mobile Devices for Urdu
  3. How to Activate an Onscreen Keyboard on Your Computer
  4. How to Change the Language Settings to Urdu on Your Computer
  5. Activating the Urdu Keyboard on Your Mobile Phone and Tablet
  6. Urdu Keyboard Typing Tips
  7. How to Practice Typing Urdu

1. Why it’s Important to Learn to Type in Urdu

A keyboard

Learning a new language is made so much easier when you’re able to read and write/type it. This way, you will:

  • Get the most out of any dictionary and Urdu language apps on your devices
  • Expand your ability to find Urdu websites and use the various search engines
  • Be able to communicate much better online with your Urdu teachers and friends, and look super cool in the process! 

2. Setting up Your Computer and Mobile Devices for Urdu

A phone charging on a dock

It takes only a few steps to set up any of your devices to read and type in Urdu. It’s super-easy on your mobile phone and tablet, and a simple process on your computer.

On your computer, you’ll first activate the onscreen keyboard to work with. You’ll only be using your mouse or touchpad/pointer for this keyboard. Then, you’ll need to change the language setting to Urdu, so all text will appear in Urdu. You could also opt to use online keyboards instead. Read on for the links!

On your mobile devices, it’s even easier—you only have to change the keyboard. We also provide a few alternatives in the form of online keyboards and downloadable apps.

3. How to Activate an Onscreen Keyboard on Your Computer

1- Mac

1. Go to System Preferences > Keyboard.

2. Check the option “Show Keyboard & Character Viewers in Menu Bar.”

3. You’ll see a new icon on the right side of the main bar; click on it and select “Show Keyboard Viewer.”

A screenshot of the keyboard viewer screen

2- Windows

1. Go to Start > Settings > Easy Access > Keyboard.

2. Turn on the option for “Onscreen Keyboard.”

3- Online Keyboards

If you don’t want to activate your computer’s onscreen keyboard, you also have the option to use online keyboards. Here are some good options:

4- Add-ons of Extensions for Browsers

Instead of an online keyboard, you could also choose to download a Google extension to your browser for a language input tool. The Google Input Tools extension allows users to use input tools in Chrome web pages, for example.

4. How to Change the Language Settings to Urdu on Your Computer

Man looking at his computer

Now that you’re all set to work with an onscreen keyboard on your computer, it’s time to download the Urdu language pack for your operating system of choice:

  • Windows 8 (and higher)
  • Windows 7
  • Mac (OS X and higher)

1- Windows 8 (and higher)

  1. Go to “Settings” > “Change PC Settings” > “Time & Language” > “Region & Language.”
  2. Click on “Add a Language” and select “Urdu.” This will add it to your list of languages. It will appear as اردو with the note “language pack available.”
  3. Click on اردو > “Options” > “Download.” It’ll take a few minutes to download and install the language pack.
  4. As a keyboard layout, you’ll only need the one marked as “Urdu – اردو.” You can ignore other keyboard layouts.

2- Windows 7

1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Clock, Language, and Region.

2. On the “Region and Language” option, click on “Change Keyboards or Other Input Methods.”

3. On the “Keyboards and Languages” tab, click on “Change Keyboards” > “Add” > “Urdu.”

4. Expand the option of “Urdu” and then expand the option “Keyboard.” Select the keyboard layout marked as “Urdu.” You can ignore other keyboard layouts. Click “OK” and then “Apply.”

3- Mac (OS X and higher)

If you can’t see the language listed, please make sure to select the right option from System Preferences > Language and Region

1. From the Apple Menu (top left corner of the screen) go to System Preferences > Keyboard.

2. Click the Input Sources tab and a list of available keyboards and input methods will appear.

3. Click on the plus button, select “Urdu,” and add the “Urdu” keyboard.

Adding a system language

5. Activating the Urdu Keyboard on Your Mobile Phone and Tablet

Texting and searching in Urdu will greatly help you master the language! Adding a Urdu keyboard on your mobile phone and/or tablet is super-easy.

You could also opt to download an app instead of adding a keyboard. Read on for our suggestions.

Below are the instructions for both iOS and Android mobile phones and tablets.

1- iOS

1. Go to Settings > General > Keyboard.

2. Tap “Keyboards” and then “Add New Keyboard.”

3. Select “Urdu” from the list.

4. When typing, you can switch between languages by tapping and holding on the icon to reveal the keyboard language menu.

2- Android

1. Go to Settings > General Management > Language and Input > On-screen Keyboard (or “Virtual Keyboard” on some devices) > Samsung Keyboard.

2. Tap “Language and Types” or “ + Select Input Languages” depending on the device and then “MANAGE INPUT LANGUAGES” if available.

3. Select اردو from the list.

4. When typing, you can switch between languages by swiping the space bar.

3- Applications for Mobile Phones

If you don’t want to add a keyboard on your mobile phone or tablet, this is a good app to consider:

6. Urdu Keyboard Typing Tips

Typing in Urdu can be very challenging at first! Therefore, we added here a few useful tips to make it easier to use your Urdu keyboard.

A man typing on a computer

1- Computer

How you type Urdu depends on the Urdu keyboard you’re using. If the Urdu keyboard displays all the characters, it’s easiest to use. 

However, if all the characters are not displayed at once, then you can always use the Shift button to use the characters that aren’t being displayed. 

2- Mobile Phones

If you’re using the QWERTY keyboard, then it’s identical to any other computer keyboard. Writing Urdu on this keyboard is relatively easy as compared to the shortened version of the keyboard.

7. How to Practice Typing Urdu

As you probably know by now, learning Urdu is all about practice, practice, and more practice! Strengthen your Urdu typing skills by writing comments on any of our lesson pages, and our teacher will answer. If you’re a UrduPod101 Premium PLUS member, you can directly text our teacher via the My Teacher app—use your Urdu keyboard to do this!

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Secret Revealed: The Best Way to Learn a Language on Your Own

Learning A Language on Your Own

Can You Really Learn Urdu Alone?

Learning a language on your own or without traditional classroom instruction may seem quite daunting at first. What if you run into questions? How do you stay motivated and on track to achieving goals?

Don’t worry, not only is it possible to learn Urdu or any language without traditional classroom instruction: UrduPod101 has created the world’s most advanced and extensive online language learning system. Not only is UrduPod101 specifically designed to help you with learning a language on your own, it’s actually faster, more convenient, and less expensive than traditional classroom options!

Let’s look at some of the benefits of learning Urdu or any language alone.

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Also, don’t forget to download your free cheat sheet – How to Improve Your Language Skills too!

3 Reasons to Learn a Language Alone

Learning Alone

1. Learn at Your Own Pace and On Your Schedule

In today’s fast-paced world, there just isn’t time for traditional classroom instruction. Between getting to class and studying on some professor or teacher’s schedule, traditional classroom learning is simply impossible to fit in. But when you learn Urdu alone, you can study in bed if you like and whenever suits your schedule best, making it far easier to actually reach your goal of learning and mastering the language.

2. Learning a Language on Your Own Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Speaking in front of a class, pop quizzes, and tests are just a few of the stressors you will encounter when you learn a language in a traditional classroom setting. Specifically, these are external stressors that often derail most people’s dream of learning a new language. But when you learn Urdu alone, there are no external stressors. Without the external stress and anxiety, it becomes much easier and more exciting to study Urdu and reach your very own goals—all on your own!

3. Learning Urdu Alone Helps Improve Cognitive Function and Overall Success

Learning a language on your own is indeed more challenging in some ways than being taught in a traditional classroom setting. In fact, while classroom instruction requires more rote memorization and following instructions, studying a language on your own requires more problem-solving and higher cognitive function to self-teach lessons and hit goals. So while it’s more challenging and requires higher levels of cognition, teaching yourself a language pays dividends throughout life by better preparing you for social/work opportunities that arise.

How to Learn a Language on Your Own with UrduPod101

Learning with UrduPod101

1. Access to the World’s Largest Collection of Urdu Audio & Video Lessons

The best way to learn a language on your own is to study from native speaking instructors. Ideally, you want audio and/or video lessons that teach vocabulary, grammar, and provide actual Urdu conversations and dialogue to help you with pronunciation. UrduPod101 has hundreds of hours of HD audio and video lessons created by real Urdu instructors and every lesson is presented by professional Urdu actors for perfect pronunciation. Plus, all lessons can be accessed 24/7 via any mobile device with Internet access. And, if you download the PDF versions of each lesson, you can even study without Internet access once the lesson is stored on your device!

2. “Learning Paths” with Urdu Courses Based Upon Your Exact Needs & Goals

Although UrduPod101 has more than thousands of video and audio lessons, you need not review each and every one to learn the language. In fact, UrduPod101 has developed a feature called “Learning Paths”. You simply tell us your goals and we will identify the best courses and study plan to help you reach them in the shortest time possible. So even though you are technically learning a language on your own, our team is always here to help and make sure you reach your goals FAST!

3. Advanced Learning Tools Reduce Learning Time and Boost Retention

When you have the right tools and Urdu learning resources, it’s actually easy to teach yourself a language! In the past 10+ years, UrduPod101 has developed, tested, and refined more than 20 advanced learning tools to boost retention and reduce learning time, including:

  • Spaced Repetition Flashcards
  • Line-by-Line Dialogue Breakdown
  • Review Quizzes
  • Voice Recording Tools to Help Perfect Pronunciation
  • Teacher Feedback and Comments for Each Lesson
  • Urdu Dictionary with Pronunciation
  • Free PDF Cheat Sheets
  • And Much More!

Armed with our growing collection of advanced learning tools, it’s truly a breeze to learn Urdu alone and reach your goals!


Learning a language on your own is not only possible, it’s actually easier and more beneficial for you than traditional classroom instruction. In fact, when you learn Urdu on your own you can study at your own pace, eliminate stress, and actually increase cognitive function.

UrduPod101 is the world’s most advanced online language learning system and a great resource to help you teach yourself a new language. With the world’s largest collection of HD audio and video lessons, more than 20 advanced learning tools, and customized “Learning Paths”, UrduPod101 makes learning a new language easier, more convenient, and less expensive than traditional classroom instruction.

And the best part is: With UrduPod101, you can study in bed, your car, or wherever you have a few spare minutes of time. Create your Free Lifetime Account now and get a FREE ebook to help “kickstart” your dream of learning a language on your own below!

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Language Learning Tips: How to Avoid Awkward Silences

Avoid Awkward Silences

Yes, even beginners can quickly learn conversational Urdu well enough to carry on real conversations with native speakers. Of course, beginners won’t be able to carry a conversation the same way they could in their native language. But, just knowing a few tips like which questions to ask to keep a conversation going are all you need to speak and interact with real native speakers! But before we get to specific suggestions, let’s first take a closer look at how having real Urdu conversations is so vital to your mastery of the language.

Learning to Carry a Conversation is Vital to Mastery of Any Language

Communicating with other people is the very point of language and conversation is almost second nature in our native tongue. For beginners or anyone learning a new language, conversations aren’t easy at all and even simple Urdu greetings can be intimidating and awkward.

However, there are 3 vital reasons why you should learn conversational Urdu as quickly as possible:

  • Avoid Awkward Silences: Nothing kills a conversation faster than long periods of awkward silence, so you need practice and specific strategies to avoid them.
  • Improve the Flow of Conversation to Make a Better Impression: When you know what to say to keep a conversation going, communication becomes much easier and you make a better impression on your listener.
  • Master the Language Faster: Nothing will help you learn to speak Urdu faster and truly master the language than having real conversations with native speakers. Conversations quickly expose you to slang, cultural expressions, and vocabulary that force you to absorb and assimilate information faster than any educational setting—and that’s a great thing!

But how can you possibly have real conversations with real Urdu people if you are just starting out?

3 Conversation Strategies for Beginners


1. Ask Questions to Keep a Conversation Going

For beginners and even more advanced speakers, the key is to learn to ask questions to keep a conversation going. Of course, they can’t be just random questions or else you may confuse the listener. But, by memorizing a few key questions and the appropriate time to use them, you can easily carry a conversation with minimal vocabulary or experience. And remember, the more Urdu conversations you have, the quicker you will learn and master the language!

2. Learn Core Vocabulary Terms as Quickly as Possible

You don’t need to memorize 10,000’s of words to learn conversational Urdu. In fact, with just a couple hundred Urdu words you could have a very basic Urdu conversation. And by learning maybe 1,000-2,000 words, you could carry a conversation with a native speaker about current events, ordering in restaurants, and even getting directions.

3. Study Videos or Audio Lessons that You Can Play and Replay Again and Again

If you want to know how to carry a conversation in Urdu, then you need exposure to native speakers—and the more the better. Ideally, studying video or audio lessons is ideal because they provide contextualized learning in your native language and you can play them again and again until mastery.

UrduPod101 Makes it Easier and More Convenient Than Ever to Learn Conversational Urdu

Learning Urdu

For more than 10 years, UrduPod101 has been helping students learn to speak Urdu by creating the world’s most advanced online language learning system. Here are just a few of the specific features that will help you learn conversational Urdu fast using our proven system:

  • The Largest Collection of HD Video & Audio Lessons from Real Urdu Instructors: UrduPod101 instructors have created hundreds of video and audio lessons that you can play again and again. And the best part is: They don’t just teach you Urdu vocabulary and grammar, they are designed to help you learn to speak Urdu and teach you practical everyday topics like shopping, ordering, etc!
  • Pronunciation Tools: Use this feature to record and compare yourself with native speakers to quickly improve your pronunciation and fluency!
  • 2000 Common Urdu Words: Also known as our Core List, these 2,000 words are all you need to learn to speak fluently and carry a conversation with a native speaker!

In all, more than 20 advanced learning tools help you quickly build vocabulary and learn how to carry a conversation with native speakers—starting with your very first lesson.


Although it may seem intimidating for a beginner, the truth is that it is very easy to learn conversational Urdu. By learning a few core vocabulary terms and which questions to ask to keep a conversation going, just a little practice and exposure to real Urdu conversations or lessons is all it really takes. UrduPod101 has created the world’s largest online collection of video and audio lessons by real instructors plus loads of advanced tools to help you learn to speak Urdu and carry a conversation quickly.

Act now and we’ll also include a list of the most commonly used questions to keep a conversation going so you can literally get started immediately!