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The Death Anniversary of Allama Muhammad Iqbal

The Death Anniversary of Allama Muhammad Iqbal

Allama Iqbal, the Poet of East, is one of the most prominent Pakistani figures of today, commemorated twice a year. In this article, you’ll learn about Dr. Muhammad Iqbal’s Death Anniversary and a little bit about the man himself.

Let’s get started.

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1. What is the Allama Muhammad Iqbal Death Anniversary?

Each year on the date of Dr. Muhammad Iqbal’s death, Muslims mourn the loss of a great poet, commemorate his influential work, and celebrate his life.

Doctor Allama Muhammad Iqbal was a prominent literary voice in the Muslim world, most well-known for his advocacy of Muslim rights and for spurring the start of the تحریک پاکستان (Tehreek e Pakistan), or “Pakistan Movement.” He has come to be known as the اعر مشرق (Shaer e mashriq), meaning “Poet of East,” as well as the national poet of Pakistan.

About Muhammad Iqbal

Poet of East

Muhammad Iqbal was born in Sialkot in 1877, and died in 1938 in Lahore. For Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal, poetry and other literary works served as a medium for expressing his views on various pressing topics of the time, such as the state of the Muslim religion. A couple of his most popular works include The Secrets of the Self and Gabriel’s Wing. He wrote mainly in Persian, Urdu, and Arabic.

Poetry was not his only talent or interest. Muhammad Iqbal also worked as a barrister, lecturer, politician, philosopher, and academic.

Role of Allama Iqbal in Pakistan Movement

Allama Muhammad Iqbal voiced his opinion on a number of topics related to the Muslim faith, as well as politics. In particular, he’s known for bringing the Pakistan Movement to life. This movement sought to free Pakistan and the Muslim world from British rule, under which Islamic beliefs suffered and were suppressed.

Muhammad Iqbal was the first to express the “Two-Nation Theory.” This theory proposed that Muslims should be separate from the rest of the world, with their own political system. In particular, he believed that because Hindus and Muslims had separate beliefs, they shouldn’t be forced to share a political system.

While Muhammad Iqbal had very anti-capitalistic views, even Western leaders found something desirable in his writings and lectures on the topic. Today, in addition to being Pakistan’s national poet, Allama Muhammad Iqbal is also highly commended in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and other countries with a large Muslim population.

2. When is His Death Anniversary?

The Flag of Islam

Each year, Pakistanis commemorate the Death Anniversary of Allama Muhammad Iqbal on April 21. This was the date in 1938 that he died of a throat-related illness.

3. How is His Death Anniversary Observed?

A Silhouette of a Person Waving the Pakistani Flag

To commemorate the death of Muhammad Iqbal, Pakistani newspapers, radio stations, and other organizations often have special feature pieces or programs. While there aren’t many regular celebrations or observances for the Death Anniversary of Allama Muhammad Iqbal, he is considered a major figure in Pakistan and around the world. His death anniversary is simply a time to stop and commemorate his life and works, as well as the future he imagined for the Muslim people.

4. November 9

On November 9, Pakistan observes The Birthday of Muhammad Iqbal. This was a public holiday in Pakistan until 2015, when the government revoked it. However, even with the holiday’s official status revoked, many Pakistanis like to commemorate their قومی شاعر (Qoumi Shair), or “national poet,” on this day.

5. Must-Know Vocabulary for this Holiday

Sialkot in Pakistan

Ready to review some of the vocabulary words from this article? Here’s a list of the most important words and phrases for Allama Muhammad Iqbal’s Death Anniversary!

  • اسلام (Islam) — “Islam”
  • فارسی (Faarsi) — “Persian”
  • عربی (Aarabi) — “Arabic”
  • لاہور (Lahore) — “Lahore”
  • مسلم لیگ (Muslim League) — “Muslim League”
  • بیرسٹر (Barrister) — “Barrister”
  • قومی شاعر (Qoumi Shair) — “National poet”
  • تحریک پاکستان (Tehreek e Pakistan) — “Pakistan Movement”
  • فلسفی (Falsafi) — “Philosopher”
  • سیالکوٹ (Sialkot) — “Sialkot”
  • شاعر مشرق (Shaer e mashriq) — “Poet of East”

To hear the pronunciation of each vocabulary word or phrase, and to read them alongside relevant images, be sure to check out our Urdu Death Anniversary of Allama Muhammad Iqbal vocabulary list.

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed learning about one of the most important people in modern-day Pakistan, and that you were able to take away some valuable information from this article.

Do you have a favorite poet or piece of literature? We would love to hear from you!

If you’re interested in learning more about Pakistani culture, we recommend that you check out the following pages on

Whatever your reasons for wanting to learn more about Pakistani culture or the Urdu language, know that is the best way to expand your knowledge and improve your skills. With tons of fun lessons for learners at every level, there’s something for everyone!

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All About Kashmir Day in Pakistan

Kashmir Day in Pakistan

Kashmir Unity Day, or simply Kashmir Day, is a very significant چهٹی (Chutti), or holiday, in Pakistan and other Urdu-speaking regions. On this day, people gather together in honor and encouragement of those who are caught in the Kashmir conflict.

In this article from, you’ll learn about Kashmir Day and the basics of the Pakistan-India dispute over the Kashmir territory. Further, we’ll show you some important vocabulary for Kashmir Day in Urdu-speaking countries!

Are you ready to explore this essential component of Pakistani culture? Let’s get started.

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1. What is Kashmir Day?

In order to understand the significance of Kashmir Day in Pakistan, it’s important to take a look at the conflict behind it.

The Kashmir conflict is a long-standing dispute between India and Pakistan—and to some extent, China—over the Jammu and Kashmir territory. India claims that this region is a vital part of the country’s culture. Pakistan claims that the Maharaja at the time was a brutal ruler, that India violated the Standstill Agreement that was in place at the time of the Instrument of Accession, and that Kashmir wished to leave India. This conflict has led to many wars and much unrest on both sides over the years.

Kashmir Day was established to show solidarity with the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir and to honor the sacrifices of the مجاہد (Mujahid), or freedom fighters, throughout the Kashmir conflict. This holiday was officially observed for the first time in 2004, with a few unofficial observations starting in 1990.

2. Kashmir Day Date

February 5 on the Calendar

Each year, Pakistani Muslims commemorate Kashmir Day on February 5.

3. How is Kashmir Day Observed?

A Kashmir Day Procession

People from different walks of society gather at important public buildings and light candles to honor the efforts of the people of Kashmir. However, with our fast-paced life today, people don’t come out in great numbers for the Kashmir Day celebration anymore. But some people do still turn out to show یکجہتی (Yakjehti), or solidarity, with Kashmiris and to pressure the Indian government to resolve the Kashmir issue as soon as possible.

In addition to the traditional gathering of people, there are often many festivities in Pakistan on this day. From Kashmir Day speeches to student debates, a common thread woven through this holiday is that of inspiring an end to the conflict.

Kashmir Day performances or parades are common, and there are many opportunities to explore Kashmir’s culture on this day.

4. A Resolution from the UN

The UN has passed a resolution that gives the people of Kashmir the right to take part in a referendum that will decide whether Kashmiris want to be with Pakistan or India. But Indian governments have not carried out the referendum, and they don’t accept the decision of the UN. The killings, political instability, and damage to women and children keep worsening with time in this part of the world.

5. Must-Know Vocabulary for Kashmir Day

Silhouette of Raising Hands Toward Sky and Flying Birds

Ready to go over some of the vocabulary words we saw in this article? Here’s some important Kashmir Day Urdu vocabulary you should know!

  • بھارت (Bharat) — India
  • جلوس (jaloos) — procession
  • آذادی (Azadi) — freedom
  • چهٹی (Chutti) — holiday
  • یکجہتی (Yakjehti) — solidarity
  • رائے شماری (Rai shumari) — plebiscite
  • تقسیم ہند (Taqseem e hind) — partition
  • مسلم (Muslim) — Muslim
  • مجاہد (Mujahid) — freedom fighters
  • قبضہ (Qabza) — occupy
  • ظلم (Zulm) — atrocity

To hear the pronunciation of each word, and to read them alongside relevant images, be sure to check out our Urdu Kashmir Day vocabulary list!

Final Thoughts

As you can see, Kashmir Day in Pakistan is an incredibly important holiday, and one that’s very close to the hearts of people living in Kashmir, who long for آذادی (Azadi), or freedom, after a long and trying conflict.

If you would like to learn more about Pakistan’s culture, has many useful resources for you to enjoy:

Whatever your reasons for developing an interest in Pakistani culture or wanting to learn the Urdu language, know that has all the resources you need. With tons of fun and practical lessons for beginners, intermediate learners, and more advanced students, there’s something for everyone!

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The Prophet’s Birthday: Eid Milad un Nabi

Eid Milad un Nabi

Each year, a number of Muslims living in Pakistan and around the world celebrate the Prophet’s birthday. While not one of Islam’s two official holidays (which are Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Adha), Muslims usually take advantage of this holiday to show their love and devotion toward the Prophet (Peace be upon Him).

In this article, you’ll learn all about Eid Milad un Nabi (also called Eid Miladun Nabi), most especially the modern traditions and perceptions surrounding it.

At, we hope to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both fun and informative! Let’s get started.

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1. What is Eid Milad un Nabi in Islam?

The birthday of the prophet (Peace be upon Him) is a public holiday with government approbation in most Muslim countries, including Pakistan, and countries that have a significant Muslim population. The day honors the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him).

But did you know that not all Muslims celebrate this holiday? We’ll go into that more later in this article.

2. Eid Milad un Nabi Date


The Birthday of Nabi (Peace be upon Him) is celebrated on the twelfth day of the third month of the Islamic calendar, which is Rabi al-Awwal. The date of Eid Milad un Nabi varies from year to year on the Gregorian calendar. For your convenience, here’s a list of this holiday’s date for the next ten years.

  • 2019: November 10
  • 2020: October 29
  • 2021: October 20
  • 2022: October 9
  • 2023: September 28
  • 2024: September 17
  • 2025: September 6
  • 2026: August 27
  • 2027: August 16
  • 2028: August 4

3. How is the Birth of Muhammad Celebrated?

Man Giving Sermon

1- Common Traditions

Celebrations for Eid Milad un Nabi in Pakistan are some of the world’s largest, aimed at extolling the prophet (Peace be upon Him).

All public buildings in Pakistan fly Pakistan’s national flag, and in the capital city of Islamabad, a 31-gun salute is done at dawn. The provincial capitals perform a 21-gun salute at the same time. Many Muslims also decorate with festive lights.

Further, instead of showing secular movies on the eleventh and twelfth of the month, movie theaters show religious films.

2- The Minar e Pakistan Celebration

Minar e Pakistan in Lahore hosts the world’s largest gathering for the Birthday of Nabi at Minar-e-Pakistan on the night of the eleventh, into the twelfth. Hundreds of people attend the gathering, of which some Muslims become cheerfully fervent as they honor the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him).

They sing and chant hymns and praise songs, and read poems in honor of the prophet’s (Peace be upon Him) birth. Further, certain texts about the prophet’s life are typically read and recited.

3- The Eid Milad un Nabi Holiday in Other Countries

In other countries which observe the Birthday of Nabi (Peace be upon Him), the celebrations can vary widely. For example, Indonesia seems to place more importance on this holy day than on Eid ul-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.

4. Why Don’t All Muslims Celebrate?

Do you know why not all Muslims celebrate this holiday? Read the Urdu text below to find out, and check your reading skills against the English text directly below it.

مذہب کو ماننے والے سبھی مسلمان میلاد النبی کے جشن کی حمایت نہیں کرتے ہیں، وہ اسے غیر مستند اور غیر معتبر مانتے ہیں کیونکہ قرآن میں اس کا کوئی ذکر نہیں ہے۔ چند اسلامی فرقے ان وجوہات کی بنا پر اپنے ممبران کو عید میلاد النبی منانے سے منع بھی کرتے ہیں۔ نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے مسلمانوں کو خبردار کیا ہے کہ مقدس کتاب میں کوئی اضافہ نہ کریں جیسا کہ دیگر مذاہب نے کیا ہے۔ تاہم، وہ لوگ جو میلاد النبی کو چھٹی کا دن نہیں مانتے وہ بھی اپنی محبت کا اظہار کرنے کے لئے نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی ولادت کا جشن منانے کے بجائے آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی یاد میں کچھ وقت صرف کرتے ہیں

Not all espousing Muslims support the celebration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, seeing it as apocryphal at best because it isn’t mentioned in the Quran. A handful of Islamic denominations even forbid their members to observe the Birthday of Nabi for these reasons. The Prophet (Peace be upon Him) warned Muslims not to add to the holy writings as other religions have done. However, those who don’t necessarily see the Birthday of Nabi as a holiday still spend the day focused on the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) for the purpose of demonstrating their love rather than marking his birthday.

5. Essential Vocabulary for Eid Milad un Nabi

Sweets for Holiday

Here’s some Urdu vocabulary for you to memorize before Eid Milad un Nabi!

  • اسلام (Islam) — Islam
  • سالگرہ (saalgirah) — birthday
  • مسجد (masjid) — mosque
  • سجاوٹ (sajaawatt) — decoration
  • چهٹی (Chutti) — holiday
  • نماز (Namaz) — prayer
  • پیغمبر (Peghambar) — prophet
  • عقیدت مند (Aqeedat mand) — devotee
  • مٹھائی (Mithai) — sweets
  • مذہبی واعظ (Mazhabi waaz) — religious sermon
  • برکتیں (Barkatein) — blessing

You can hear each of these vocabulary words pronounced, and read them alongside relevant images, by visiting our Eid Milad un Nabi vocabulary list!

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are varying perceptions and opinions about the Eid Milad un Nabi holiday in Pakistan. Does your country have a special holiday to celebrate a prominent historical figure, religious or secular? Let us know in the comments!

Learning about a country’s culture may be one of the most fascinating and enriching aspects of trying to master its language. If you would like more cultural information on Pakistan, you may find the following pages on useful:

Learning Urdu doesn’t have to be overwhelming or stuffy. At, we make every effort to make your learning experience fun, fluid, and effective!

If you’re serious about mastering the language, what are you waiting for? Create your free lifetime account today and learn Urdu like never before!

Happy Urdu learning!

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The Ashura Holiday: Meaning & Traditions

The Ashura Holiday

Did you know that the Ashura religious holiday, one of the most significant Muslim holidays, actually holds slightly different meanings to the various Muslim groups? In this article, we’ll go over some of the most common beliefs and traditions associated with Ashura, from Ashura holiday meaning to the vocabulary for Ashura processions, from the perspective of multiple groups, so that you can get a multi-faceted glance at Pakistan culture and Muslim religions. In turn, this will make your language studies much more effective and fascinating!

At, we hope to make every aspect of your learning journey both fun and informative! So let’s get started.

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1. What is the Ashura Holiday in Pakistan?

When it comes to Ashura (both the Ashura holiday in India and in Pakistan), mourning is the main focus among Muslim groups. The holiday is the culmination of the Remembrance or Mourning of Muharram and is multifaceted in nature depending on which denomination of Islam a person espouses. Different Islamic sects observe the Day of Ashura in different ways, with each having their own reasons to honor the day and their own set of events they are commemorating on the holiday.

Shiite Muslims observe the Day of Ashura as a day of mourning for Husayn ibn Al, martyred during the Battle of Karbala. A group of his closest associates and family members were exterminated with him. Since those killings, Shi’a Muslims have looked upon the Day of Ashura as a day for lamentations and sorrow.

Pakistan and some other Middle Eastern countries have made the Commemoration of Husayn ibn Ali a national holiday which most religious and ethnic groups in those countries partake in.

Sunni Muslims, on the other hand, observe the Day of Ashura as a day of victory to mark the day when the Israelites were liberated from the Egyptian pharaoh.

2. When is Ashura?

Muharram Image

Each year, Muslims celebrate Ashura on the tenth day of the Islamic month Muharram. For your convenience, here’s a list of this holiday’s date on the Gregorian calendar for the next ten years.

  • 2019: September 10
  • 2020: August 29
  • 2021: August 19
  • 2022: August 8
  • 2023: July 28
  • 2024: July 16
  • 2025: July 5
  • 2026: June 25
  • 2027: June 15
  • 2028: June 3

3. Reading Practice: Ashura Holiday Traditions

A Procession

To find out how different Muslim groups commemorate Ashura, and more about the Ashura holiday Pakistan pbserves, read the Urdu text below. You can find the English translation directly below it.

روایتی طور پر یوم عاشورہ کے لئے شیعہ مسلمانوں کی رسومات میں شامل ہیں خود اذیتی ، جس میں اکثر اپنے گناہوں کے لئے خود کو سزا دینا شامل ہوتا ہے کیونکہ اصل توجہ ماتم پر ہوتی ہے، اگرچہ حال ہی میں بہت سے مذہبی اہلکاروں نے ان اعمال کی مذمت کی، اور انہیں غیر اسلامی قرار دیا ہے۔

کچھ سنی مسلم یوم عاشورہ کو روزہ رکھتے ہیں اور کربلا تقریبات کو بھی مانتے ہیں اگرچہ سنیوں کے لئے تہوار کے طور یہ اصل توجہ کا مرکز نہیں ہوتی ہیں۔

شیعوں کے لئے یوم عاشورہ شاید سنیوں کے مقابلے میں کہیں زیادہ اہم ہے۔

Traditionally, the ritual ceremonies of Shiite Muslims for the Day of Ashura were masochistic in nature, often involving self-flagellation because of the focus on mourning, although more recently, many religious officials decried those practices, declaring them un-Islamic.

Some Sunni Muslims fast on Ashura and also recognize the Karbala events even though they are not the focus of the holiday for Sunnis.

For Shiites, the Day of Ashura is arguably more important than it is for Sunnis.

4. Who was Husayn ibn A?

Why is Husayn ibn A such an important Muslim figure?

Husayn ibn A was the grandson of Prophet Muhammad. Husayn ibn A is also known for being the third Shia Imam, and is highly revered for refusing to give his loyalty to the Umayyad leader Yazid—an outward display of his negative opinions toward the Umayyad rule.

5. Essential Ashura Vocabulary

Caliph Image

Here’s some vocabulary you should know for Ashura!

  • اسلام (Islam) — Islam
  • پانی (paani) — water
  • شہید (shaheed) — martyr
  • محرم (muharram) — Muharram
  • جلوس (jaloos) — procession
  • ماتم (maatam) — mourn
  • خلیفہ (khaleefa) — caliph
  • حسین (Hussain) — Hussain
  • کربلا (Karbala) — Karbala
  • پیاس (Peyas) — thirst
  • شیعہ (Shia) — Shia
  • روزہ رکھنا (roza rakhna) — fast

To hear each of these vocabulary words pronounced, visit our Ashura vocabulary list. Here, you’ll find each word accompanied by an audio file of its pronunciation, and a relevant image.

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What are your thoughts on this significant Muslim holiday? We’d love to hear from you!

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Don’t forget to offer your Muslim friends an Ashura holiday greeting or nice Ashura holiday wishes!

We wish you all the best in your language-learning endeavors! 🙂

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An Overview of Common Urdu Internet Slang Phrases


So, your Urdu language skills are really shaping up. You can hold basic conversations in the workplace and at the restaurant, you’ve made a few casual friends, and your confidence level is at an all-time high…until you find yourself struggling to keep up during informal conversations or in the virtual communication sphere. 

If this sounds like you, it’s time to beef up your lexicon with Urdu internet slang phrases and other terms used in casual conversations. 

Learning Urdu slang will enable you to develop and maintain strong relationships with native Urdu speakers in Pakistan and also provide you with the opportunity to remain relevant and current. It will also help you eradicate any redundancy in your daily conversations.

In this article, you’ll learn about Urdu internet slang and its utility in everyday life. We’ll also cover some Urdu text slang to help you engage in more effective communication over the phone or DM. Best of all, you’ll find plenty of examples for how to use these words, abbreviations, and phrases. 
Want to learn even more phrases to make your speech sound natural? Then check out our list of Essential Idioms That Will Make You Sound Like a Native Speaker!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. Appreciative Urdu Slang
  2. Urdu Slang to Use in Despair
  3. Urdu Slang for Describing People
  4. Argumentative Urdu Slang
  5. English Slang Words and Their Best Possible Urdu Equivalents
  6. Conclusion

1. Appreciative Urdu Slang

Urdu Computer Words

In Pakistani society, praising others for their actions or successes is the norm. People want to be appreciated, so it’s imperative to have a good understanding of Urdu slang that can be used to show appreciation to natives. 

Feel free to pick and choose from the following list next time you want to express your appreciation! 

بہت اعلٰی (bohat aala) – very excellent

This phrase is a great way to show approval or commendation regarding someone’s actions, though it can also be used to describe people, places, or things. 

کمال (kamaal) – great

The word کمال (kamaal) is most often used to show appreciation for someone’s appearance. So if you feel like someone’s looks and apparel are worth appreciating, feel free to use this word to let them know! 

زبردست (zabardast) – fantastic

Use the word زبردست (zabardat) when you need an efficient way to emphasize your approval or appreciation of something. 

واہ بھئی واہ (wah bhai wah) – awesome

Pakistani people generally use واہ بھئی واہ (wah bhai wah) when listening to a song or a piece of poetry that they like very much. For this reason, you’ll hear this phrase often during musical or poetic gatherings. This Urdu slang phrase sounds extremely natural when used in the proper context and under appropriate circumstances, so try using it yourself to surprise—and impress—native speakers. 

تالیاں (taliyaan) – clapping

If you want to applaud someone through a text message or over an online messenger, you can use this Pakistani Urdu slang term. It means “clapping.”

مبارکاں (mubarkan) – congrats

While in Pakistan, don’t forget to congratulate others on their successes—this will certainly make you popular among the natives! This slang term carries an element of great intimacy, so using it with native speakers will help you gain acceptance and closeness with them. 

Example Sentence: 

مبارکاں! ہم میچ جیت گئے۔

Mubarkan! Hum match jeet gaye.

Congrats! We won the match.

A Group of Women Applauding Each Other

2. Urdu Slang to Use in Despair

Disappointment is a part of life we must all deal with from time to time. Expressing our thoughts and feelings to others is essential in maintaining healthy relationships, so you should make an effort to learn a few common Urdu slang terms for use in desperate situations. 

اوہ خدایا (oh khudaya) – oh God

If you find yourself in a horrible situation, you can always use this phrase to express your disappointment.

اب یہ نہیں (ab yeh nahin) – not this now

This phrase is used to express that you don’t want to confront a new problem that you see approaching. 

افسوس صد افسوس (afsos sad afsos) – very sad

If you feel sad for someone, you can use افسوس صد افسوس (afsos sad afsos) to show your disappointment. It’s the near equivalent of the English interjection “alas.”

شرمناک (sharamnaak) – shameful

Be mindful when using this phrase! It’s used as a way to tell someone to be ashamed of themself, so use it sparingly. 

گھٹیا (ghattia) – low

This is a harsh word, so always think before using this Urdu slang term.

بے شرمی کی انتہا (besharmi ki intiha) – height of shamelessness

This is the harshest word of disapproval on our list, so always think twice before using it! 

Example sentence:

یہ بے شرمی کی انتہا ہے۔

Yeh besharmi ki intiha hai.

It is the height of shamelessness.

Urdu Computer Sentences

3. Urdu Slang for Describing People

Now, let’s go over a list of descriptive Urdu slang words and phrases that can be used to describe the people around you and let them know what you think about them. 

کہانی باز (kahani baaz) – storyteller

This is a somewhat derogatory slang term that describes a person who is not straightforward and keeps on beating around the bush.

اداکار (adakaar) – actor

This term is used to describe a person who keeps on changing his role and character in real life. If you use this word to describe someone, you mean to portray him as a dramatic personality.

چیتا (cheetah) – leopard

Although this word represents a ferocious animal, it’s a word of love and approval in Urdu. Pakistani youth normally use it to describe their friends to show their love and affection.

بیہودہ (behoodah) – shameless

You should always think twice before using this term, as it depicts a shameless person. 

شیر (sher) – tiger

This popular Urdu slang term is used to show appreciation for the courage of a friend (or another person).

Example sentence:

میں اس کی بات کو سنجیدگی سے نہیں لیتا، وہ ایک کہانی باز ہے۔

Mei uss ki baat ko sanjeedgi say nahin leta, woh aik kahani baaz hai.

I don’t take him seriously, he is a storyteller.

A Tiger Sitting on a Rock

4. Argumentative Urdu Slang

Arguments can happen anywhere, anytime. If you find yourself trapped in this kind of situation, you can use any of the following Urdu slang phrases to validate your stance or deescalate the situation. 

بکواسیات (bakwasiyaat) – cock and bull story

This is one of the most offensive terms on our list, so be mindful about using it. You could use this slang term when you do not accept someone’s version of an incident.

مغز چاٹنا (maghaz chatna) – bother someone

A practical application of this term is to use it in the phrase: میرا مغز مت چاٹو (mera maghaz mat chato), which means “to ask someone to stop arguing.”

فساد پھیلانا (fasaad phailana) – to destroy a situation

If you’re frustrated with a person’s behavior and actions, you may write:

 فساد مت پھیلاؤ۔ 

Fasaad mat phailao.

Stop making a fuss.

When you use this slang term, it’s obvious that you’ll be asking the other person to stop making a fuss.

مت مارنا (mat maarna) – to blow one’s mind

When someone has blown your mind, you may say:

 تم نے میری مت مار دی ہے۔ 

Tum nay meri mat maar di hai.

You have blown me out of my mind.

میلہ لوٹنا (mela lootna) – to take the lead

If you find yourself impressed with the other person’s argument, you can appreciate him with this compliment: 

تم نے میلہ لوٹ لیا ہے۔ 

Tum nay mela loot liya hai.

You have taken the lead today.

By saying so, you accept that he is the hero of the day.

An angry bald man pointing his finger toward his opponent during a heated argument

5. English Slang Words and Their Best Possible Urdu Equivalents

To wrap things up, let’s look at some widely popular English internet and text slang along with their Urdu equivalents. 

او میرے خدایا (oh meray khudaya) – OMG

ہا ہا ہا (hahaha) – LOL

بعد میں بات ہوتی ہے (baad mein baat hoti hai) – TTL

تھوڑی دیر میں آتا/آتی ہوں (thori dair mein aata/aati hun) – BRB

کوئی بات نہیں (koi baat nahin) – no problem

خیال رکھنا (khayal rakhna) – TC

جڑے رہئے گا (juray rahiye ga) – keep in touch

سلام (salaam) – hello

Urdu texting slang

6. Conclusion

This article has equipped you with several essential internet Urdu slang phrases. Studying them will help you communicate more effectively and naturally with native speakers, and maybe even improve your social life while in Pakistan! 

Have you already texted a native speaker using a few of these Urdu slang words? Or do you still have questions on the topic you’d like answered before trying them yourself? We look forward to hearing from you, and are glad to help however we can. 

If you enjoyed this article and would like to continue learning with, make sure to create your free lifetime account today. We are a rich repository of Urdu learning resources, including an Urdu-English dictionary, free vocabulary lists, and lessons on Urdu grammar and pronunciation. In addition, you’ll find a wealth of resources dedicated to teaching you the culture and society of Pakistan. 

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

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The Top 10 Movies to Learn Urdu


The cliché of learning through entertainment always sounds pleasant to the ears, but its overuse has marred the truthfulness and effectiveness of the technique. That said, learning a language through movies keeps this method intact and relevant. This particular approach is not only entertaining, but it can also motivate you to continue working toward your language learning goals. 

Urdu movies depict the colorful Pakistani culture through the rich linguistic kaleidoscope of the Urdu language. Watching these films will allow you to hear how the language is used in a variety of real-life situations and contexts, keeping you amused all the while. 

In this article, you’ll get a snapshot of the ten best Urdu movies of all time to help boost your language studies. Let’s go!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. انارکلی (AnarKali)
  2. امراؤ جان ادا (Umrao Jaan Ada)
  3. ارمان (Armaan)
  4. آئینہ (Aina)
  5. کوئل (Koyal)
  6. گھونگھٹ (Ghoonghat)
  7. سنگ (Sangam)
  8. خدا کے لئے (Khuda Kay Liye)
  9. بول (Bol)
  10. نامعلوم افراد (Na Maloom Afraad)
  11. Conclusion

1. انارکلی (AnarKali) 

We’ll start our list with a few classical hits of Pakistani cinema, among which is the film انارکلی (AnarKali). Released in 1958 and starring the legendary Noor Jehan (often dubbed the Malika-e-Tarannum, or Queen of Melody), this film occupies a distinguished position as an all-time favorite. Its plot is predicated on an historical legend of the Mughal era, while its language is pure Urdu spoken in the corridors of the palaces of the Mughal emperors. 

The film is also very famous for its fabulous music. Some of its songs have become household favorites in their respective genres. Sada hun apnay pyar ki is a prime example, sung with great dexterity by Noor Jehan.

    → Music plays a large role in Pakistani films. To pick up some relevant vocabulary, check out our Music Vocab Builder!

2. امراؤ جان ادا (Umrao Jaan Ada)

Released in 1972, this movie is based on the magnum opus of famous Urdu novelist Mirza Hadi Ruswa. It’s another beautifully directed classic, starring famous Pakistani actor and actress pairing Shahid Kapoor and Rani Mukerji. The language of the movie covers the courtesan culture of Lucknow and reveals multiple aspects of the Urdu language to viewers. The iconic music director Nisar Bazmi beautifully composed its epoch-making music.

Umrao Jaan Ada is the story of a girl born to a noble but sold as a courtesan, eventually adapting herself to that culture. She falls in love with a Nawab, and after going through various ups and downs in life, ends up bringing her life toward normalcy.

3. ارمان (Armaan)

Armaan (“Desire” in English) was released in 1966 and became the first-ever ‘Platinum Jubilee’ picture of Pakistani Urdu cinema. Waheed Murad and Zeba are paired as the hero and heroine of the film, and its music is considered a true masterpiece. Although it was filmed in black and white, it still retains its popularity and relevance today. For example, Sohail Rana’s unforgettable compositions Koko koreena and Akelay na jana are still some of the most frequently played and listened to songs in Pakistan.

This is considered one of the top romantic Urdu movies, following the story of an unwed mother and a wealthy, irresponsible young man who fall in love. From beginning to end, the film is teeming with drama as well as playful antics—you’ll be in for a truly unique movie-watching experience!

Movie Types

4. آئینہ (Aina)

This Urdu love movie was released in 1977 and features Nadeem and Shabnam in leading roles. The film illustrates the romance culture of Pakistan with finesse and is well-known for its melodious score. Roothay ho tum tum ko kaisay manaon piya and Mujhay dil say na bhulana are two evergreen songs composed by Robin Gosh that have achieved cult status in Pakistan. In addition to its captivating plot and magnificent score, language learners can look forward to its rich use of Urdu vocabulary! 

Aina is a love story of a leisure-loving girl named Rita and a promising poor young man named Iqbal. The two fall in love, marry, face struggles, and are eventually separated via trickery from Rita’s father. In the end, they reunite along with their son Shahzeb. 

5. کوئل (Koyal)

This film was released in 1959 and is particularly famous for its classical music score, composed by the great Khwajah Khurshid Anwar. His renditions of classical raagas have immortalized the movie, while the lyrics promise to introduce a new vernacular to aspiring Urdu learners. Noor Jehan not only played the role of the heroine in the movie, but also lent her beautiful voice to the songs in the film. The song titled Mehaki fazayain gati hawain is worth mentioning here.

6. گھونگھٹ (Ghoonghat) 

This movie, released in 1997, played a vital role in the revival of the Urdu cinema as well as in the career of Pakistani film stalwart Shan Shahid. Directed by Syed Noor, the film gives viewers a glimpse into the complexities of Pakistani culture and society. It also brought actor Arbaz Khan into the limelight and buttressed the dwindling film industry of the time through its strong script and highly artistic performances. Last but not least, its score is fantastic. The song Dekha jo chehra tera is never out of vogue among music lovers!

Top Verbs

7. سنگم (Sangam) 

Another beautiful love story, Sangam stands out among romantic Urdu movies for its strong dialogue and rich musical score. The film attracted a large audience and won many accolades for its cast members: Syed Noor received the national award for Best Film Director, while Shan and Resham received national awards for Best Actor and Actress. This success was much deserved, considering how thirsty Pakistani audiences were for a quality film at the time and the impeccable performances throughout the movie. 

Sangam is the story of a patient suffering from strange diseases that prohibit him from breathing in the open air. His love for a pop-singer brings him back the hope to live, and his life and inclinations change dramatically.

8. خدا کے لئے (Khuda Kay Liye) 

Shoaib Mansoor is an Urdu film director with a knack for questioning social and political taboos. He has raised the issue of religious fundamentalism, in particular, with a great deal of authority. The language of his film Khuda Kay Liye is unique as it acquaints its audience with people belonging to multiple ethnicities and Urdu dialects. It was released in 2007 in Pakistan and 2008 in India.

The film was welcomed at different national and international forums due to its compact plot, artistically crafted script, and flawless acting. Naseer Uddin Shah—a veteran Indian actor—gave a cameo appearance in the film, and Fawad Khan made his first appearance on the big screen. Shan Shahid once again showed his class in the movie and received huge appreciation from film critics and audiences around the world. The film won the Silver Pyramid Award at the Cairo International Film Festival.

Khuda Kay Liye is the story of two brothers, Mansoor and Sarmad, who suffer different types of catastrophes due to their Muslim backgrounds. Mansoor falls victim to post-9/11 interrogations in America whereas Sarmad suffers from pangs of psychological sufferings due to his misunderstanding of Islamic beliefs. Mary, who is forcefully married to Sarmad, also pays heavily due to his father’s hypocritical tendencies; this leaves her with no options but to teach the children there.

9. بول (Bol) 

Bol is another sociocultural drama by Shoaib Mansoor, exposing certain dark angles of Pakistani society through the eyes of a woman and presenting feminist idealogies. The natural linguistic flavor enables viewers to have a closer look at the middle-class culture and the problems therein. Mansoor raises a voice for the rights of the transgender and female population in the patriarchal society of Pakistan.

Atif Aslam and Mahira Khan debuted their film careers through this movie. The public and critics alike appreciated their chemistry a lot. The film questioned burning topics related to religious bigotry, the right to motherhood, child planning, and the right to marriage in a commendable manner. The film won numerous national and international awards, the most notable of which are the London Asian Film Festival and Lux Style Award.

Bol depicts the agony of a family led by a religious fundamentalist named Hakim who bears six daughters and an intersex child. He murders his intersex child and agrees to marry the oldest daughter of Saqa, who runs a brothel house, in dire need of money. Hakim is finally killed by Zainab, who rescues the daughter of Meena (Meena being Saqa’s daughter). Zainab is sentenced to death, and her remaining sisters run a café in her name and raise Meena’s daughter with love. 

10. نامعلوم افراد (Na Maloom Afraad) 

We’ve included this Urdu movie because it paved the way toward a new era in the world of Pakistani cinema. Na Maloom Afraad (2014) is a comic thriller that, today, filmmakers study and follow in the footsteps of in order to achieve success on the big screen. Javed Sheikh—a very seasoned Pakistani film actor—played a vital role in the movie and also contributed a lot to make it a box office hit with his beautiful performance.

Much of the film takes place in Karachi, which will afford language learners the opportunity to hear this unique Urdu dialect in context. 

11. Conclusion

In this article, you learned about the best films to learn Urdu. Watching these movies, when done in conjunction with your normal Urdu studies, can help you achieve fluency faster and make you more aware of how the language is used in different situations. If you find yourself craving some additional Urdu-language content after watching these films, UrduPod101 has some great suggestions for you. Check out these blog posts for a few ideas:

Make sure to let us know in the comments which of these movies you’re most excited to watch, and why! 

If you enjoyed this article and would like to continue learning with us, make sure to create your free lifetime account on today. We are a rich repository of Urdu language learning resources that every learner can benefit from, such as an Urdu-English dictionary, free vocabulary lists, and an Urdu pronunciation guide

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

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Top 10 Urdu TV Shows and Drama Series


In addition to revolutionizing the world of entertainment, the “magic box”—also known as the TV—has also channelized a new set of resources for language-learners. Who would doubt the world-wide viewership of different TV shows? From reality shows, to music videos and game shows, the world of television has something to offer everyone. Similarly, Pakistanis find themselves entranced with the many TV serials and talk shows on channels such as GEO TV Urdu and Dunya TV Urdu.

Keeping this in view, you can explore the realm of Urdu TV channels, along with some other online resources, to fulfill your language-learning needs.

This article will guide you on how to benefit from different Urdu TV channels, and other resources, to achieve excellence in the Urdu language. By the end, you should come away with a new perception of what it means to learn Urdu—no longer by constantly burning the midnight oil, but through supplemental Pakistani TV series to include the fun element!

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Table of Contents

  1. Why Watch Urdu TV Shows?
  2. Accessing the Most-Watched Urdu TV Shows and Drama Serials
  3. Top 10 Most Viewed TV Shows and Dramas
  4. Conclusion

1. Why Watch Urdu TV Shows?

1 – Improving Your Urdu Listening Skills

As you learn a new language, you probably prefer listening to native speakers carefully before adding to a conversation. Therefore, listening takes precedence over the other integrated language skills in terms of its practical real-world application.

As an Urdu-learner, if you’re really interested in improving your listening skills, watching Urdu TV series can bring you the best results. This is because you’ll spend much of your time listening and watching, without the hassle of recording a response.

Start watching Urdu TV shows and other programs to tune your ears to the Urdu language.

2 – Catching the Native Urdu Accent

Naturally, speaking a language in a native or near-native accent gives you confidence and compels locals to invest their confidence in you.

When used together with other methods, watching Pakistani serials can familiarize you with how the locals speak. While you might never achieve a perfect accent—having not grown up in Pakistan—hearing the language spoken often enough can help you improve upon your accent over time.

3 – Improving Your Urdu Comprehension and Sounding Natural

An added advantage of learning the Urdu language through TV shows and dramas is that it gives you something to watch while you listen.

Looking at the scene, characters, and settings of an Urdu drama will enable you to understand the cultural values and other embedded specificities of the Pakistani culture. It will also empower you to select and use the appropriate phrases and sentences in real life, based on the context.

2. Accessing the Most-Watched Urdu TV Shows and Drama Serials

Thanks to the rapid growth of technology, accessing your favorite Urdu TV shows or dramas is no longer a problem. With a single button-press of your remote control or a touch of your laptop pad, you can reach your heart-favorite Pakistani dramas or shows from any corner of the world. Some popular ways of accessing them are:

  • Satellite
  • Live streaming
  • YouTube
  • CDs
  • DVDs

3. Top 10 Most Viewed TV Shows and Dramas

During the first decade of the twenty-first century, Pakistan received a new wave of technological advancement. That time-span allowed the media industry to boom, and consequently, a vast variety of Urdu channels flourished. Geo TV Urdu, Samaa TV Urdu, Geo TV Urdu News, and Dunya TV Urdu are some examples of that development.

Below, we’ll introduce you to some of the best Urdu TV shows which are top-rated and highly popular. We’ll also show you some other Urdu TV programs, broadcasted on different Urdu channels.

1- For Infotainment Followers

If you’re an Urdu learner in search of both information and entertainment, you’ll never want to miss these two Urdu TV shows.


Khabarzar is an Urdu comedy show hosted by the famous Urdu journalist and anchor person Aftab Iqbal. It’s broadcasted on the AAP News Channel from Thursday to Sunday at 23:05 PM PST. Farhange Asifia is one of its most popular segments.

This Pakistani TV show introduces viewers to different Urdu words. It includes the etymology, pronunciation, and use of multiple words. The host invites many well-renowned national celebrities and discusses various socio-political matters.

Hasbe Haal

Hasbe Haal is a politico-comedy show that airs on Dunya TV at 23:05 PM PST from Thursday to Sunday.

Sohail Ahmad, a famous Urdu comedian, is the lead cast member of the show, which is hosted by Junaid Saleem. To specify, this Urdu TV show is a satire comedy as it offers interesting satirical commentary on national and international current affairs.

An interesting fact about the show is that Aftab Iqbal—the host of Khabarzaar—started it in 2009 as its host. However, he left the show after a couple of years to start another program of a similar genre.

2- For News-Lovers

Here, brings useful information for Urdu learners with an interest in news and current affairs.

Capital Talk

Hosted by senior anchor person Hamid Mir, Capital Talk is a frontline program of GEO TV in which different expert analysts are invited to comment on a given topic.

Since its launch in 2002, it’s been one of the top-rated Pakistani Urdu TV talk shows, and it’s also listed among one of the earliest Urdu news talk shows in Pakistani media. The program has been banned many a time due to its uncontrolled criticism of several governments. Mr. Hamid Mir is credited with interviewing a long list of high-profile political and official personnel in this program.

It’s broadcasted from Monday to Thursday on GEO News at 20:05 PM PST.

3- For Drama Viewers

Pakistani Urdu dramas are unparalleled in the whole Asian region. For this reason, learning the Urdu language by watching Pakistani dramas will be an enjoyable experience. Below, you’ll find some details about a couple of hit Urdu dramas that are airing in Pakistan at the time of this writing.

Mere Pass Tum Ho

Mere Pass Tum Ho is a love story highlighting the eternal love triangle. The main cast includes Humayun Saeed, Adnan Siddiqui, and Ayeza Khan, and it’s written by the well-acclaimed Pakistani Urdu playwright Khalil-ul-Rehman Qamar. The director of this Urdu drama—Nadeem Baig—is another big name involved in its production.

The plot undergoes several twists to emphasize the themes of love, marriage, betrayal, and revenge. Its first episode was aired on August 17, 2019, on ARY Digital.


Bulbulay is a very popular sit-com Urdu drama serial in Pakistan, revolving around an unconventional Pakistani family. Telecasted daily on the ARY Digital Channel at 19:00 PM PST, this show is directed by Ali Imran and produced by Nabeel (who’s also the lead actor). Other main actors include Mehmood Aslam, Ayesha Umer, and Hina Dilpazeer.

The crisp dialogues blend with comic settings and situations to impart a true comic hue and bring laughter to its viewers.

4- Game Show Lounge

Below are some interesting facts and figures about some widely watched reality game shows of Pakistan.

Bazm-E-Tariq Aziz

Originally started as Neelam Ghar in 1975, Bazm-E-Tariq Aziz is a reality game show based on the quiz format. It’s been running since its start with very few interruptions. The show was renamed as Tariq Aziz Show in 1997 and then as Bazm-E-Tariq Aziz in 2006. Tariq Aziz is the show’s host.

The program has various segments to evoke the interest of viewers. For Urdu learners, it’s an ideal reality game show as Tariq Aziz is a very learned person with an impeccable Urdu accent. He’s also a poet and conducts the competition of Bait Bazi, in which contestants compete with each other on their knowledge/memory of poetry (such as Urdu poetic couplets).

Jeeto Pakistan

Jeeto Pakistan is considered to be the most popular reality game show in Pakistan. Hosted by Fahad Mustafa, it was first telecasted in 2014 and has been equally popular among various age groups and social strata since then.

The show consists of multiple segments offering contestants various challenges and tasks in order to win prizes ranging from household items to gold and cash. Due to its sumptuous prizes, it attracts a huge chunk of participants and viewers in Pakistan.

5- For Music Maniacs

Music is thought to be the food of the soul in nearly all cultures. Let’s peep into the storehouse of Urdu musical programs!

Pakistani Idol

Pakistani Idol is a part of the international franchise of Idol, introduced by Simon Fuller. It’s a competition of live Urdu singing, which makes it a reality singing competition. This show is aired on GEO TV with the title of Pakistani Idol: Jo Hai Dil Ki Awaz. It can be translated as Pakistani Idol: The Voice of Heart. Mohib Mirza is the program’s host, and the judges include famous Urdu singers like Hadiqa Kiyani, Ali Azmat, and Bushra Ansari.

Coke Studio

Started in 2008, Coke Studio is a Pakistani musical program. It’s a combination of various genres of music: classical, traditional, folk, Sufi, ghazal, bhangra, pop, rock, etc.

Coke Studio is frequently aired on different TV channels in Pakistan. Some of the major channels include ARY Digital, GEO TV, Dawn News, Dunya TV, TV One, etc. A total of ten seasons of Coke Studio have been aired to date. Each of these seasons consists of approximately ten to twelve episodes.

All Coke Studio songs are also available on YouTube, making the program easily accessible to international audiences.

6- Popular Food Corner

Nowadays, there’s an abundance of food channels airing a variety of indigenous and continental recipes for foodies. In the following section, you’ll learn about a famous Urdu cooking program.


The show Tarka is broadcasted on Masala TV and hosted by Rida. It’s one of the most popular Urdu TV cooking shows, in which Rida brings some heart-favorite recipes for viewers. This show can be watched on Masala TV from 15:00 PM to 16:30 PM from Monday to Friday.

Chef Rida interacts with various housewives to choose delicious recipes for those with low budgets. Her fan-following is quite huge. Among her tasty recipes are Makhni Machli, Bhopali Achar Gosht, Moong Daal, Cream Cheese Faluda, etc.

7- Bonus: Some PTV Classics

No doubt that after watching these contemporary Urdu TV shows and drama series, you’ll want to know more about such programs. Here are a few further suggestions of must-watch TV shows and dramas to improve your Urdu. These are also repeatedly termed to be the classics of PTV, the mother-academy of all the actors, writers, and producers in Pakistan.

  • Waris
  • Dhoop Kinaray
  • Tanhaiyan
  • Rahain
  • Alif Noon
  • Aangan Terrha

Since it’s impossible to enumerate all PTV classics, we’ve only chosen a few of the best here.

4. Conclusion

This article has guided you on how to improve your Urdu by watching TV shows and has outlined for you some must-watch shows for every Urdu speaker. Furthermore, we’ve addressed your question of what the best TV shows to learn Urdu are by briefing you on great TV series to learn the Urdu language, Urdu vocabulary, and Urdu grammar. has brought a complete guide on the best Urdu TV shows, but if there are any good ones we missed, let us (and your fellow Urdu-learners) know in the comments!

In addition, always remember to surf through to satisfy your thirst for Urdu language learning.

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

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How to Find Jobs in Pakistan


In today’s globalized market, it’s not uncommon for professionals to move to another country in order to get their dream job. Of course, landing a job and settling down in a foreign country has always been a challenging task. If you’re competing against natives for a particular job, you’ll have to put in some extra effort to win over potential employers. 

The good news? You don’t have to figure it out alone. 

If you’re hoping to find a job in Pakistan, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, you’ll learn… 

  • …where to find work in Pakistan.
  • …which job finding websites in Pakistan to check often. 
  • …what types of jobs are available here.
  • …some tips on how to land your dream job. 

Let’s dive in.

A Person Circling Vacant Job Positions with a Red Marker
Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Business Words and Phrases in Urdu Table of Contents
  1. Where to Find Work in Pakistan
  2. Language Teaching Jobs
  3. Blue-Collar Jobs
  4. Office Jobs
  5. Health, Science, and Technology-Related Jobs
  6. Other Tips
  7. Conclusion

1. Where to Find Work in Pakistan 

Once you’ve applied for a Pakistan work visa and completed any necessary paperwork, it’s time to consider where you would like to focus your job search. 

Below, we’ll discuss several different regions and cities in Pakistan where you should consider looking for work as a foreigner.

A-  وفاقی دارالحکومت (wifaqi darul hukumat), Federal Capital – اسلام آباد (Islamabad)

As the capital of Pakistan, the city of Islamabad is where most foreigners to this country come to work. Because it’s home to most of the foreign embassies, those working as government personnel of any other country are likely to be placed here. Its ample professional opportunities aside, Islamabad is also known for the beautiful hills of Margalla that comprise much of the city’s land!

Faisal Mosque Located in Islamabad

B- صوبائی دارالحکومت (Subai darul hukumat), Provincial Capital

1- پنجاب (Punjab) – لاہور (Lahore)

Lahore is the provincial capital of Punjab. It’s the largest Pakistani province in terms of population, and it’s called the “heart of Pakistan” due to its vivaciousness and its socio-cultural/historical significance. If you can find a job here, it means you’ve entered the door to the cultural corridor of Pakistan. Due to the aforementioned reasons (along with a few others), it has a great number of business and job opportunities!

2- سندھ (Sindh) – کراچی (Karachi)

“The City of Lights” is the economic hub of Pakistan. Its role in the country’s economy can never be undermined, as it’s the largest city in Pakistan and a cosmopolitan. As a cosmopolitan, Karachi is home to people of different races and ethnicities, making it a wonderful location for foreigners looking to work in Pakistan. 

3- بلوچستان (Balochistan) – کوئٹہ (Quetta)

Quetta is the capital of the province of Balochistan. 

Although it may not be an ideal place in terms of law and order, it’s rich in mines and minerals. This makes the location a job heaven for those belonging to the mining/minerals industry. Different multinational engineering companies make annual contracts and send their employees here for the exploration of several precious metals and natural resources. If you have a degree and experience in the said field, then you must keep an eye on job openings here.

An Engineer Wearing a Red Helmet

4- خیبر پختونخواہ (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) – پشاور (Peshawar)

Peshawar is the provincial capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and its geostrategic position makes it one of the most important cities in Pakistan. If you can find a job here, you’ll find yourself equipped with the opportunity to uplift your career while exploring the natural beauty of Pakistan and enjoying the hospitality of Pakistani people.

2. Language Teaching Jobs

Are you wondering how to work in Pakistan without knowing Urdu? Becoming a language teacher is a great option you should consider. 

As more and more Pakistanis are aspiring to go abroad, the need for language teachers in the country continues to grow. As such, you’re likely to find a few good English teaching jobs in Pakistan to get your expat career started until you pick up the local language. 

There are different types of English teaching jobs in Pakistan: 

A- ELT (English Language Teaching)

If you have a diploma, certification, or degree in ELT (English Language Teaching), you’re all set to book your ticket to Pakistan.

B- TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)

Before applying for this type of job, keep in mind that there are many Pakistanis who have a TEFL degree. That said, native English speakers are often preferred and there are plenty of job opportunities out there. If you’re looking to teach English here as a native speaker, your future job prospects are bright in this field.

C- ESP (English for Specific Purposes)

Similarly, if you have mastery over teaching English for a specific purpose, Pakistani universities and other higher education institutions of Pakistan will welcome you with open arms.

A Female English Teacher with a Few English Words Written on a Blackboard in the Background

3. Blue-Collar Jobs

If you’re searching for a blue-collar job in Pakistan, don’t get too excited. Pakistan is among one of the major contributors that fulfill the demand of manpower at the international level. However, you can always try your luck in the following industrial sectors:

  • Textile Industries
  • Fan Industry
  • Ceramics and Pottery
A Smiling Person with Some Equipment in His Hands, Signifying a Blue-collar Job

4. Office Jobs

Pakistani recruiters are quite gracious to job seekers from foreign countries. If you have a foreign degree and experience, you’ll face no difficulty in finding a suitable job position for you in Pakistan. In this case, you must focus your job hunting on the following sectors:

  • Real-Estate Industry
  • Tourism Industry
  • Education
A Professional Going to an Office

Additionally, if you want to do an online search, below are a few websites where you can find a lot of information about job openings in Pakistan. Don’t forget to check them frequently! 

And don’t forget to brush up on your Urdu vocabulary for the Workplace!

5. Health, Science, and Technology-Related Jobs

Pakistan is a developing country that’s struggling to achieve excellence in the fields of health, science, and technology. Below are a few issues the country is currently facing: 

  • Lack of specialization
  • The need for IT experts
  • The demand for healthcare professionals

Therefore, if you have a specialization in any of these sectors, your chances of landing a job in a relevant field are high. 

6. Other Tips

Before securing a Pakistani visa and booking your ticket to Pakistan, we encourage you to get an appointment letter that states all terms and conditions in a crystal-clear manner. We recommend you follow the steps below and consider our useful suggestions—even if you’re already located in Pakistan.

A- Online Correspondence

Online correspondence is one of the best ways to have terms and conditions clarified. This form of communication also allows you to evaluate the pros and cons before moving forward. 

B- On-Campus Job Fairs

Nowadays, there’s a growing trend to organize on-campus job fairs in Pakistan. If you can spare some time to be a part of such a job fair, you can expect to find a good job for yourself. Students, in particular, can benefit from such opportunities.

C- Outsourced Recruitment Organizations

A great number of international organizations have begun to avail the services of outsourcing recruitment agencies, and the HR departments of many multinational Pakistani organizations have followed suit. Searching for such organizations and sending them your CV can maximize your chances of getting recruited for a job. 

D- Dropping Your CV at Relevant Offices

The conventional way of dropping your CV at relevant offices can do wonders for you in Pakistan if you have the time and opportunity to do so.

A Resume for a Job Along with a Pen and Spectacles

7. Conclusion

In this article, we opened up new vistas to help you find jobs in Pakistan. You learned about which cities are best for foreigners seeking a job here, which online resources you should check out, and how to increase your chances of landing a job. 

Are you ready to occupy the vacant seat of your dream job in Pakistan after reading this article? Or do you still have questions or concerns about something? If you want to know anything that we forgot to discuss, leave us a comment and we’ll get back to you at the earliest.

Before you go, we do have one more piece of advice for you: Learn at least a little bit of Urdu before your move! This will make you a much more appealing candidate for any job and will make your stay in Pakistan much easier in the long run. 

If you aren’t sure where to start, consider creating a free lifetime account on We provide a variety of fun and practical resources, ranging from themed vocabulary lists to pronunciation guides. Each of our lessons also includes cultural information that will help you become familiar with work life in Pakistan before you take the plunge.

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

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How to Say Happy New Year in Urdu & New Year Wishes

Learn all the Urdu New Year wishes online, in your own time, on any device! Join UrduPod101 for a special Urdu New Year celebration!

How to Say Happy New Year in Urdu

Can you relate to the year passing something like this: “January, February, March – December!”? Many people do! Quantum physics teaches us that time is relative, and few experiences illustrate this principle as perfectly as when we reach the end of a year. To most of us, it feels like the old one has passed in the blink of an eye, while the new year lies ahead like a very long journey! However, New Year is also a time to celebrate beginnings, and to say goodbye to what has passed. This is true in every culture, no matter when New Year is celebrated.

So, how do you say Happy New Year in Urdu? Let a native teach you! At UrduPod101, you will learn how to correctly greet your friends over New Year, and wish them well with these Urdu New Year wishes!

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Table of Contents

  1. How to Celebrate New Year in Pakistan
  2. Must-Know Urdu Words & Phrases for the New Year!
  3. Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions in Urdu
  4. Inspirational New Year Quotes
  5. Inspirational Language Learning Quotes
  6. How To Say Happy New Year in 31 Languages
  7. How UrduPod101 Can Help You Learn Urdu

But let’s start with some vocabulary for Urdu New Year celebrations, very handy for conversations.

1. How to Celebrate New Year in Pakistan

How to Celebrate New Year

Pakistan has many regional calendars that are slightly different from one another but generally, the Pakistani calendar follows the lunar year. The New Year celebration varies from region to region with varying rituals, but most celebrate it with spring and a good harvest since it falls around March and April. Because it follows the lunar year, the dates do not always sync with the Gregorian Calendar, which is the contemporary calendar used in most of the world.

Happy New Year!
نیا سال مبارک ہو!
Naiya saal mubarak ho!

“Happy New Year” in Urdu is Naiya saal Mubarak ho. The first word is Naiya and it means “new.” The second word is saal. It means “year.” And Mubarak ho means “greetings.” All together, we have Naiya saal Mubarak ho. This literally means “New Year’s greetings.”

2. Must-Know Urdu Words & Phrases for the New Year!

Urdu Words & Phrases for the New Year

1- Year


This is pretty self-explanatory. Most countries follow a Gregorian calendar, which has approximately 365 days in a year, while in some cultures, other year designations are also honored. Therefore, New Year’s day in Pakistan could fall on a different day than in your country. When do you celebrate New Year?

2- Midnight

آدھی رات
aadhi raat

The point in time when a day ends and a new one starts. Many New Year celebrants prefer to stay awake till midnight, and greet the new annum as it breaks with fanfare and fireworks!

3- New Year’s Day

نئے سال کا دن
nae saal ka din

In most countries, the new year is celebrated for one whole day. On the Gregorian calendar, this falls on January 1st. On this day, different cultures engage in festive activities, like parties, parades, big meals with families and many more.

You can do it!

4- Party


A party is most people’s favorite way to end the old year, and charge festively into the new one! We celebrate all we accomplished in the old year, and joyfully anticipate what lies ahead.

5- Dancing


Usually, when the clock strikes midnight and the New Year officially begins, people break out in dance! It is a jolly way to express a celebratory mood with good expectations for the year ahead. Also, perhaps, that the old year with its problems has finally passed! Dance parties are also a popular way to spend New Year’s Eve in many places.

6- Champagne


Originating in France, champagne is a bubbly, alcoholic drink that is often used to toast something or someone during celebrations.

7- Fireworks

آتش بازی
aatish baazi

These are explosives that cause spectacular effects when ignited. They are popular for announcing the start of the new year with loud noises and colorful displays! In some countries, fireworks are set off to scare away evil spirits. In others, the use of fireworks is forbidden in urban areas due to their harmful effect on pets. Most animals’ hearing is much more sensitive than humans’, so this noisy display can be very frightful and traumatising to them.

Happy Near Year!

8- Countdown

الٹی گنتی
ulti ginti

This countdown refers to New Year celebrants counting the seconds, usually backward, till midnight, when New Year starts – a great group activity that doesn’t scare animals, and involves a lot of joyful shouting when the clock strikes midnight!

9- New Year’s Holiday

نئے سال کی چھٹی
nae saal ki chutti

In many countries, New Year’s Day is a public holiday – to recuperate from the party the previous night, perhaps! Families also like to meet on this day to enjoy a meal and spend time together.

10- Confetti


In most Western countries, confetti is traditionally associated with weddings, but often it is used as a party decoration. Some prefer to throw it in the air at the strike of midnight on New Year’s Eve.

11- New Year’s Eve

نئے سال کی شام
nae saal ki shaam

This is the evening before New Year breaks at midnight! Often, friends and family meet for a party or meal the evening before, sometimes engaging in year-end rituals. How are you planning to give your New Year greetings in 2018?

12- Toast


A toast is a type of group-salutation that involves raising your glass to drink with others in honor of something or someone. A toast to the new year is definitely in order!

13- Resolution


Those goals or intentions you hope to, but seldom keep in the new year! Many people consider the start of a new year to be the opportune time for making changes or plans. Resolutions are those intentions to change, or the plans. It’s best to keep your resolutions realistic so as not to disappoint yourself!

14- Parade


New Year celebrations are a huge deal in some countries! Parades are held in the streets, often to celebratory music, with colorful costumes and lots of dancing. Parades are like marches, only less formal and way more fun. At UrduPod101, you can engage in forums with natives who can tell you what Urdu New Year celebrations are like!

3. Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions List

So, you learned the Urdu word for ‘resolution’. Fabulous! Resolutions are those goals and intentions that we hope to manifest in the year that lies ahead. The beginning of a new year serves as a good marker in time to formalise these. Some like to do it in writing, others only hold these resolutions in their hearts. Here are our Top 10 New Year’s resolutions at UrduPod101 – what are yours?

Learn these phrases and impress your Urdu friends with your vocabulary.

New Year's Resolutions

1- Read more

مزید پڑھو
mazeed Parho

Reading is a fantastic skill that everyone can benefit from. You’re a business person? Apparently, successful business men and women read up to 60 books a year. This probably excludes fiction, so better scan your library or Amazon for the top business reads if you plan to follow in the footsteps of the successful! Otherwise, why not make it your resolution to read more Urdu in the new year? You will be surprised by how much this will improve your Urdu language skills!

2- Spend more time with family

خاندان کے ساتھ زیادہ وقت گزاریں
Khandan kay saath ziada waqt guzaarain

Former US President George Bush’s wife, Barbara Bush, was quoted as having said this: “At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict, or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a friend, a child, a parent.” This is very true! Relationships are often what gives life meaning, so this is a worthy resolution for any year.

3- Lose weight

وزن کم کرنا.
Wazan kum kerna

Hands up, how many of you made this new year’s resolution last year too…?! This is a notoriously difficult goal to keep, as it takes a lot of self discipline not to eat unhealthily. Good luck with this one, and avoid unhealthy fad diets!

4- Save money

پیسے بچاؤ
paise bachao

Another common and difficult resolution! However, no one has ever been sorry when they saved towards reaching a goal. Make it your resolution to save money to upgrade your subscription to UrduPod101’s Premium PLUS option in the new year – it will be money well spent!

5- Quit smoking

تمباکو نوشی چھوڑنا.
Tambakoo noshee chorna

This is a resolution that you should definitely keep, or your body could punish you severely later! Smoking is a harmful habit with many hazardous effects on your health. Do everything in your power to make this resolution come true in the new year, as your health is your most precious asset.

6- Learn something new

کچھ نیا سیکھنا.
Kuch naya seekhna

Science has proven that learning new skills can help keep brain diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s at bay! It can even slow down the progression of the disease. So, keep your brain healthy by learning to speak a new language, studying towards a qualification, learning how to sew, or how to play chess – no matter how old you are, the possibilities are infinite!

7- Drink less

کم پیو
kum piyoo

This is another health resolution that is good to heed any time of the year. Excessive drinking is associated with many diseases, and its effect can be very detrimental to good relationships too. Alcohol is a poison and harmful for the body in large quantities!

8- Exercise regularly

باقاعدگی سے ورزش کرو
Baqaidgi say warzish karo

This resolution goes hand-in-hand with ‘Lose weight’! An inactive body is an unhealthy and often overweight one, so give this resolution priority in the new year.

9- Eat healthy

صحت افزا کھائیں۔
Sehat afzaa khayen.

If you stick with this resolution, you will lose weight and feel better in general. It is a very worthy goal to have!

10- Study Urdu with UrduPod101

اردو پاڈ ایک سو ایک ڈاٹ کام کے ساتھ اردو پڑھنا
urdu pod aik so aik daat kaam kay sath urdu parhna

Of course! You can only benefit from learning Urdu, especially with us! Learning how to speak Urdu can keep your brain healthy, it can widen your circle of friends, and improve your chances to land a dream job anywhere in the world. UrduPod101 makes it easy and enjoyable for you to stick to this resolution.

4. Inspirational New Year Quotes

Inspirational Quotes

Everyone knows that it is sometimes very hard to stick to resolutions, and not only over New Year. The reasons for this vary from person to person, but all of us need inspiration every now and then! A good way to remain motivated is to keep inspirational quotes near as reminders that it’s up to us to reach our goals.

Click here for quotes that will also work well in a card for a special Urdu new year greeting!

Make decorative notes of these in Urdu, and keep them close! Perhaps you could stick them above your bathroom mirror, or on your study’s wall. This way you not only get to read Urdu incidentally, but also remain inspired to reach your goals! Imagine feeling like giving up on a goal, but reading this quote when you go to the bathroom: “It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.” What a positive affirmation!

5. Inspirational Language Learning Quotes

Language Learning Quotes

Still undecided whether you should enroll with UrduPod101 to learn a new language? There’s no time like the present to decide! Let the following Language Learning Quotes inspire you with their wisdom.

Click here to read the most inspirational Language Learning Quotes!

As legendary President Nelson Mandela once said: “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.” So, learning how to say Happy New Year in Urdu could well be a way into someone special’s heart for you! Let this year be the one where you to learn how to say Happy New Year, and much more, in Urdu – it could open many and unexpected doors for you.

6. How To Say Happy New Year in 31 Languages

Here’s a lovely bonus for you! Why stop with Urdu – learn how to say Happy New Year in 31 other languages too! Watch this video and learn how to pronounce these New Year’s wishes like a native in under two minutes.

7. Why Enrolling with UrduPod101 Would Be the Perfect New Year’s Gift to Yourself!

If you are unsure how to celebrate the New Year, why not give yourself a huge gift, and enroll to learn Urdu! With more than 12 years of experience behind us, we know that UrduPod101 would be the perfect fit for you. There are so many reasons for this!

Learning Paths

  • Custom-tailored Learning Paths: Start learning Urdu at the level that you are. We have numerous Learning Pathways, and we tailor them just for you based on your goals and interests! What a boon!
  • Marked Progress and Fresh Learning Material Every Week: We make new lessons available every week, with an option to track your progress. Topics are culturally appropriate and useful, such as “Learning how to deliver negative answers politely to a business partner.” Our aim is to equip you with Urdu that makes sense!
  • Multiple Learning Tools: Learn in fun, easy ways with resources such 1,000+ video and audio lessons, flashcards, detailed PDF downloads, and mobile apps suitable for multiple devices!
  • Fast Track Learning Option: If you’re serious about fast-tracking your learning, Premium Plus would be the perfect way to go! Enjoy perks such as personalised lessons with ongoing guidance from your own, native-speaking teacher, and one-on-one learning on your mobile app! You will not be alone in your learning. Weekly assignments with non-stop feedback, answers and corrections will ensure speedy progress.
  • Fun and Easy: Keeping the lessons fun and easy-to-learn is our aim, so you will stay motivated by your progress!

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There’s no reason not to go big in 2018 by learning Urdu with UrduPod101. Just imagine how the world can open up for you!

How to Say ‘Merry Christmas’ in Urdu

How to Say Merry Christmas in Urdu

Do you know any ways to wish someone a ‘Merry Christmas’ in Urdu? UrduPod101 brings you easy-to-learn translations and the correct pronunciation of Urdu Christmas phrases!

Must-Know Christmas Day Vocabulary

Christmas is the annual commemorative festival of Christ’s birth in the Western Christian Church. It takes place on December 25th and is usually celebrated with much food and fanfare! However, not all cultures celebrate Christmas. In some countries, Christmas is not even a public holiday! However, many countries have adapted Christmas and its religious meaning to tally with their own beliefs, or simply in acknowledgment of the festival’s importance to other cultures. If you want to impress native Urdu speakers with culturally-appropriate Christmas phrases and vocabulary, UrduPod101 will teach you the most important ways to wish someone a ‘Merry Christmas’ in Urdu!

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Table of Contents

  1. Holiday Greetings and Wishes
  2. Must-Know Christmas Day Vocabulary
  3. Twelve Days of Christmas
  4. Top 10 Christmas Characters
  5. How UrduPod101 Can Help You

1. Holiday Greetings and Wishes for the Holiday Season

Christmas Words in Urdu

1- Merry Christmas!

کرسمس مبارک!
Christmas mubarak

Do you know how to say ‘Merry Christmas’ in Urdu? Learn here how to pronounce it perfectly! ‘Merry’ means to be joyful, to celebrate and generally be in good spirits. So, with this phrase you are wishing someone a joyful, celebratory remembrance of Christ’s birth!

2- Happy Kwanzaa!

کوانزا مبارک !
Kwanzaa Mubarak !

Surprise your African-American, or West African native friends with this phrase over the Christmas holidays! Kwanzaa is a seven-day, non-religious celebration, starting on Dec 26th each year. It has its roots in African American modern history, and many people celebrate both Kwanzaa and Christmas!

3- Have a happy New Year!

نیا سال مبارک ہو!
nea saal mubaarik ho!

In countries where Christmas is not officially celebrated, but a Gregorian calendar is observed, this would be a friendly festive-season wish over New Year.

4- Happy Hanukkah!

ہانوکا مبارک !
Hanukka mubarak!

Hanukkah is the beautiful Hebrew festival over November or December each year. It is also called the ‘Festival of Lights’ and is celebrated to commemorate the Jewish freedom of religion.

5- Have a great winter vacation!

بہترین سردیوں کی چھٹیان گزارو !
behtareen sardiyon ki chuttiyan guzaro !

This is a good phrase to keep handy if someone doesn’t observe any religious festival over the Christmas holidays! However, this will only be applicable in the Northern hemisphere, where it is winter over Christmas.

6- See you next year!

اگلے سال ملیں گے!
Aglay saal milain gay

Going away on holiday over Christmas season, or saying goodbye to someone about to leave on vacation? This would be a good way to say goodbye to your friends and family.

7- Warm wishes!

نیک تمنائیں!
naik tamanaen!

An informal, friendly phrase to write in Urdu Christmas cards, especially for secular friends who prefer to observe Christmas celebrations without the religious symbolism. It conveys the warmth of friendship and friendly wishes associated with this time of year.

8- Happy holidays!

چھٹیاں مبارک!
chuttiyan mubarak !

If you forget how to say ‘Merry Christmas!’ in Urdu, this is a safe, generic phrase to use instead.

9- Enjoy the holidays!

چھٹیاں مناؤ
Chutteyan manaoo!

After saying ‘Merry Christmas’ in Urdu, this would be a good phrase with which to wish Christmas holiday-goers well! It is also good to use for secular friends who don’t celebrate Christmas but take a holiday at this time of the year.

10- Best wishes for the New Year!

نئے سال کے لئے نیک تمنائیں!
nae saal kay liye nayek tamanaen!

This is another way of wishing someone well in the New Year if they observe a Gregorian calendar. New Year’s day would then fall on January 1st.

2. Must-Know Christmas Day Vocabulary

Must-Know Christmas Day Vocabulary

Christmas is associated with many traditions and religious symbols in multiple countries across the world. It originated centuries ago in the West with the birth of Christianity, and the celebrations are often embedded with rich cultural significance. So, by now you know how to say Merry Christmas in Urdu! Next, learn pertinent vocabulary and phrases pertaining to Christmas, as well as how to pronounce them correctly. At UrduPod101, we make sure you sound like a native speaker!

1- Christmas

کرسمس کا دن
krismas ka din

This is the Urdu word for ‘Christmas’. Most happy Christmas wishes in Urdu will include this word!

2- Snow


In most Northern-hemisphere countries, Christmas is synonymous with snow, and for Christmas, the snowman is often dressed as Santa Claus.

3- Snowflake


Snowflakes collectively make up snow. A single snowflake is small, white, light like a feather and icy cold! When put under a microscope, the snowflake reveals itself to have the most beautiful, symmetrical patterns. These patterns have become popular Christmas decorations, especially in Western countries.

4- Snowman

برفانی پتلا
Barfani putla

As you guessed – a snowman is only possible to build if it is snowing! What a fun way to spend Christmas day outside.

5- Turkey


Roast turkey is the traditional main dish on thousands of lunch tables on Christmas day, mainly in Western countries. What is your favorite Christmas dish?

6- Wreath

پھولوں کا ہار
phoolon ka haar

Another traditional Western decoration for Christmas, the wreath is an arrangement of flowers, leaves, or stems fastened in a ring. Many families like to hang a Christmas wreath outside on their houses’ front doors.

7- Reindeer

قطبی ہرن
qutbi hirn

Reindeer are the animals commonly fabled to pull Santa Claus’ sled across the sky! Western Christmas folklore tells of Father Christmas or Santa Claus doing the rounds with his sled, carrying Christmas presents for children, and dropping them into houses through the chimney. But who is Santa Claus?

8- Santa Claus

سانتا کلاز
saanta claus

Santa Claus is a legendary and jolly figure originating in the Western Christian culture. He is known by many names, but is traditionally depicted as a rotund man wearing a red costume with a pointy hat, and sporting a long, snow-white beard!

9- Elf


An elf is a supernatural creature of folklore with pointy ears, a dainty, humanoid body and a capricious nature. Elves are said to help Santa Claus distribute presents to children over Christmas!

10- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

سرخ ناک والا قطبی ہرن روڈولف
surkh naak wala qutbi hirn rodolf

‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’ is a Christmas song based on an American children’s story book with the same name. Rudolph is one of Santa’s reindeer. The song became more famous than the book, and can still be heard playing in many shopping malls over Christmas time across the globe!

11- North Pole

قطب شمالی
qutub e shumaali

The cold North Pole is where Santa Claus is reputed to live with his reindeer!

12- Sled


A sled is a non-motorised land vehicle used to travel over snow in countries where it snows a lot, and is usually pulled by animals such as horses, dogs or reindeer. This one obviously refers to Santa’s sled! Another word for sled is sleigh or sledge.

13- Present


Gift or present giving is synonymous with Christmas Eve and the greatest source of joy for children over this festive time! This tradition signifies that Christ’s birth was a gift to mankind, but not all people who hand out presents over Christmas observe the religious meaning.

14- Bell


On Christmas Day, or Christmas Eve, many religious celebrants enjoy going to church for a special sermon and Christmas rituals. The start of the sermon is often announced with bells or a bell, if the church has one. For this reason, the sound of ringing bells is often associated with Christmas Day.

15- Chimney


The chimney is the entrance Santa Claus uses to deliver children’s presents on Christmas Day, according to folklore! Wonder how the chubby man and his elves stay clean…?!

16- Fireplace


In most countries where it snows, Christmas is synonymous with a fire or burning embers in houses’ fireplaces. Families huddle around its warmth while opening Christmas presents. Also, this is where Santa Claus is reputed to pop out after his journey down the chimney!

17- Christmas Day

کرسمس کا دن
krismas ka din

This is the official day of commemorative celebration of Christ’s birth, and falls each year on December 25.

18- Decoration


Decorations are the colourful trinkets and posters that make their appearance in shops and homes during the Christmas holiday season in many countries! They give the places a celebratory atmosphere in anticipation of the big Christmas celebration. Typical Christmas decorations include colorful photographs and posters, strings of lights, figurines of Santa Claus and the nativity scene, poinsettia flowers, snowflakes and many more.

19- Stocking


According to legend, Santa Claus places children’s presents in a red stocking hanging over the fireplace. This has also become a popular decoration, signifying Christmas.

20- Holly


Holly is a shrub native to the UK, and parts of Europe, Africa and Asia. It is characterised by glossy, spiny-toothed leaves, small, whitish flowers, and red berries. Ironically, its significance for Christmas relates to Christ’s crucifixion and suffering rather than his birth. However, the leaves’ distinctive shape and image have become popular Christmas decorations.

21- Gingerbread house

جنجربریڈ کا گھر
gingerbread ka ghar

According to legend, the gingerbread house synonymous with Christmas is related to Christ’s birth place, Bethlehem. Bethlehem literally means ‘House of Bread’. Over centuries, it has become a popular treat over Christmas time in many non-religious households as well.

22- Candy cane

کینڈی کین
candy cane

According to folklore, Christmas candy canes made their appearance first in Germany in the 16th century. A choir master gave children the candy canes to suck on in church in order to keep them quiet during the Christmas sermon! Apparently, the candy is shaped like a cane in remembrance of the shepherds who were the first to visit the baby Jesus. Today, like gingerbread houses, they are still a popular sweet over the festive season!

23- Mistletoe

امر بیل
amar bail

Mistletoe is a parasitic plant that grows on certain trees. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the mistletoe has magical powers, and could protect a household from evil if hung above a door during December. The belief didn’t last but the habit did, and the mistletoe is another popular Christmas decoration!

3. Twelve Days of Christmas

Twelve Days of Christmas

Wow, you’re doing extremely well! You know how to wish someone a Merry Christmas in Urdu, and you learned pertinent vocabulary too! The Twelve Days of Christmas is not very well known in modern times, so, you’re on your way to becoming an expert in Christmas traditions and rituals. Well done!

The Twelve Days of Christmas, also known as Twelvetide, is a traditional festive period of 12 days dedicated to celebrate the nativity of Christ. Christmas Day is, for many who observe Twelvetide, the first day of this period.

‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ is also a popular Christmas song about a series of gifts given on each day of Twelvetide. According to experts, these gifts were created as a coded reference to important symbols in the Christian church. Here is a list of those gifts mentioned in the song! Do you recognise them?

4. Top 10 Christmas Characters in American Culture

Top 10 Christmas Characters

This is fantastic, you know how to explain almost everything about Christmas in Urdu! However, do you know the most popular Christmas characters in American culture? Your knowledge will not be complete without this list.

5. UrduPod101 Is One Of The Best Online Language Schools Available!

Visit UrduPod101!

We don’t just say this – we can prove it! Geared to your personal needs and goals, we have several learning paths from which to choose. From Urdu for Absolute Beginners to Advanced Urdu, lessons are designed to meet you where you are, and increase your language abilities in fun, easy and interactive lessons! Mastering a new language has never been this easy or enjoyable.

We have over a decade of experience and research behind us, and it shows! With thousands of audio and video lessons, detailed PDF lessons and notes, as well as friendly, knowledgeable hosts, UrduPod101 is simply unbeatable when it comes to learning correct Urdu. Plenty of tools and resources are available when you study with us. New lessons are added every week so material remains fresh and relevant. You also have the option to upgrade and enjoy even more personalised guidance and services. This is a sure way to fast-track your learning!

So, this Christmas, why don’t you give yourself a present and enroll in UrduPod101? Or give an enrollment as a present to a loved one. It will be a gift with benefits for a whole lifetime, not just over Christmas!